Monday, January 22, 2007

aw man

So, I was trying to sell my cousins WoW account. Didn't go to well.

Cloud is really messed up. And all because of a girl. Its a good thing I decided to play it, because I didn't remember any of this stuff. Oh! and how can you stab someone with a buster sword? I mean, he just sticks it right through Seph. And then throw him off the edge. . .and now hes just a weakling.

I'm finding the battle game rather difficult to get up to 50,000 points. I might need some more HP or something.

The Aeris scene is even more amazing if you think about it in light of FF6. You come off 6 and there is a comparison of Aeris to Terra. Both are odd/special. Terra runs off on her own stupidly a lot too. And then suddenly, BAM!!! Then you are all mixed up. . .then Cloud disappears, and then Tifa decides to watch him . . . it gets you wondering just how many other characters are going to die, or quit. . .I think the game had a lot more punch when it was new, because of what you did/didn't expect. :D I'm thoroughly enjoying it; I was playing till 3am last night again.

My roommate already lost 15 lbs. on his diet. Granted hes overweight, but thats a lot, and it makes me want to eat a bit more healthy. Not too much mind you, because I'm not giving up Chinese, but a bit more.

I'm going to try to start working out tomorrow again. I am back on a regular schedule so I can lift after work every night. Hopefully I can stick with it. I think I can.

My roommate posted something dumb on our internet course. I wasn't going to respond until after I talked to him and if he wasn't reasonable. But he was, and then he said, "So post what you were going to." So, I fixed it a bit and then posted. He came back with a 2 sentence "I was wrong." response. It was the only thing he could do really.

I feel like the prof should be doing what I am doing. I mean, I am the one analyzing everyone's stuff and telling them where they are off. The prof doesn't say hardly anything. Granted I have a lot more time than him, and he wants interaction, but eventaully everyone is going to be sick of seeing my name, and they aren't going to respond. Not because they agree, but because they are sick of me saying they are all wrong, and they will just try the ignore factor. I need to balance myself to keep them reading at least until after the KJB factor. After that I don't think I will care as much.

I need to find out how to get to the underwater reactor. I'm stuck atm. Hmmmm. I just realized that I don't think I willl be able to buy any more materia from the place that Cloud was staying. . .Rats!!! I needed like 4 more HP Plus; meh, maybe not.

I found the default IP for the web filter, but it didn't work, therefore they changed it or it's accesibility is user based. I doubt the latter very much, but its probable.

The good thing about the FF7 world is that is never gets destroyed with a light of judgment, or time compression. This means you can go back to all those towns when you had no money and buy the materia you wanted to get extra of, just in case.

I'm kinda dreading playing 9, but its that or 10, and I've seen waaay more of ten, and I'm sick of blitzball so, I think 9 it is. Of course I got a bit left in 7. But its good to plan ahead.

One of these days, I am going to ask a question in my Prison Epistles class that he is going to just turn down. But I will have to ask, because he is always commenting on the translations.

OR I could play 5! That sounds like a winner.

Cute girl just walked around the corner. . .and then out the door.

Colts or Bears? I personally don't care, but because we have lots of bears fans out here, I hope they lose. What does that say about me though? People around me want the Bears to win, so I want them to lose. . .hmmm. Maybe something worth pursuing.

Better go do some Greek or something. The "or something" is most likely. Have a wonderful night while I slave away at McD.


michael said...

for the arena game, you need regen and cloud's ultimate weapon. Cast regen early, always try to pick the handicap that gets rid of materia, and you can slow the slot down by pressing a button, I can't remember which one.

Varda said...

You pause and unpause the game, I believe. But what do I know?

When the cute girl walks around the corner, you say something witty and nice to her that stops her in her tracks. lol ;)

VanSneak said...

I'd have to say Blizzard has satellites and can actually look down into your home and see what you are doing on your computer any time of any day. They're like the Santa Claus of MMORPGs. See you when you're sleeping, know when you're awake...scary. Blizzard=Evil Empire