Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday night

Our girls team lost tonight by like 11. We were close most the game and then lost it in the last 5 minutes.

The guys are getting destroyed. About 48 to 12. Figures. Seems like maybe the coach would start to think about stepping down when they have several seasons like this and more than a few of the better guys don't even try out for the team b/c he coaches. Sure there may be an attitude problem but not necessarily, and our team stinks atm.

I really have nothing to write about. 5 day, 4 night study for $1800. I need to get the info on it, and then quickly signup for the days off. Or rather. . .I could put my two weeks in if its going to work. I would just have to spend it wisely.

I decided to comment on the comments of the other people in the class. This would be so much fun if I didn't have to get graded on it in the end.

I will probably play lots of games tomorrow night. . .and when I say games I mean FF7, and tomorrow night is when I should be studying. Oh well. I'm bored.

Bored bored bored. I feel like its been forever since I've talked to anyone, but really its just been over a week. Not ever ten days yet, since I was home. Wow.

If I wasn't a christian I would most definitely have been a criminal. I'm reading this book on social engineering. . .its full of examples, but even though they are interesting, its not like I couldn't have thought of them. The pull to them I guess is that they are RL stories.

Gonna go watch some more of our guys play. . .I got a quiz in the morning, and I don't really care.

I actually should go lift. It would probably help this tired feeling I have. I feel like I don't want to start when I got other stuff on my mind; mostly because it takes a lot of effort for me to work out more than once a week/month.

1 comment:

VanSneak said...

Sounds like you almost caught the dinosaur...

Just think, in a couple of months you'll be on Spring Break.

Less QQ IMO =p