Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Our girls just won. Our guys are predicted to lose by about 50. meh.

I have been feeling great lately. I'm sure its because of my new schedule. I have probably said it a lot lately, but I haven't felt this good in a while.

Greek vocab test tomorrow. Then a huge test Wednesday. Most of tomorrow will be spent studying for it. Friday should be an easy day though.

I wonder what's the best way to work towards being able to do 500-1000 push-ups? Like a 20 minute spirt where you do your max, take a break and repeat . . . and maybe do that 3 times a day? I'll have to look into it.

Not much more to say. I don't work again at McD for two weeks. Wow, that's a long time. I think everyone should have to work 50 hours or more at some point in their life. And then when they start working 35 again, they will realize how much spare time they actually do have.

I said something the other day. It made me realize I'm turning into my dad. Wasn't bad or good, but it just happened. Word for word what he would have said.

I can see why blogs slow down now. I'm out of things to say. Surely life is more exciting than that!

I had a 15 minute talk with one of my prof's about my future education, er. . .hmm. (It's not really education except degree of advancement) But he said that the Th. M. is almost the same amount of work as the Ph.D. but almost every school requires it for the Ph. D. WHY?! Further, I don't enjoy studying anything like some people do. I mean some people love history/chemistry/computers/people other people just find a job and do it to pay the bills. Ah well.

I could use some food. I have to try to make the groceries I bought last thru Feb. I think I can except for a gallon of milk. We shall see though.

I want to go watch the game but my boss told me I needed to wait for the visiting team to finish showering so they could get the domino's heat bags out of their bus and leave them here. /sigh

I'm gonna go over my Vocab again.

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