Saturday, January 13, 2007


Yes, its snowing outside. And has been for a few hours now. Further, my cousin wants me to get an old couch out of her house, and then deliver it to some junk store on the other side of town. . .Getting it, fine. I don't want to be driving an old van 20 miles one-way in this weather though. Maybe I'll just take the couch. hmmm.

559 mil. But unfortunately the high score save doesn't know how to pass 10 mil. I know you are all dying to know how I got 559 mil. . .but I'm not going to tell you.

I got home last night and my room-mate was playing halo -- campaign style. This meant I didn't get to play at all, and ended up going to bed.

I am wanting to win FF8 today.

Church tomorrow and the roads are going to be bad. Well, maybe they won't. How does church and bad roads go together u ask? Well, I drive 25 miles. I am looking forward to Sunday dinner -- Pondo or chinese. . .haven't decided but I'm guessing Chinese.

I'm hungry, again.

I just got asked to leave a note for the next guy that he needs to put the hoops down. I don't feel like putting them down, but why should I leave a note and not do it myself? Maybe I'll put half of them down or something. Idk.

I can feel my internet course getting out of hand. We had 5 questions and 26 people in the class (supposedly), so how in the world are 26 people all going to answer the same 5 questions without copying someone else. Already they are just reworded posts of the people before them. Also, I'm in my internet mode when I look at the stuff and its just like posting on any forum where they talk theology. They say some things that are obvious and easy and then someone throws in something dumb. I'm going to have to be careful. In class, I can't just interupt/correct any tiny dumb thing, but when we are asked to comment on it, its hard to not comment.

I better go check the hoops.

My new phrase is "Rome wasn't built in a day." Why? Because I decided it was. I'm going to use it in most situations even if it doesn't apply, and when people give me that "huh?" look, I'll just say "exactly!"

I find that when I start looking at FBI/CIA jobs I always end up looking at some form of the military special forces. No1 wants to hire an average Tom (b/c my cousin Joe doesn't like the normal reference) but they all want to hire someone previously in special forces. Who wouldn't? Which leads to my dilemma, no1 wants to hire a computer guy who knows little about computers, and even more nobodies want to hire a bible guy.

I can't figure out the idea that will make me lots of money. . .I know its there, but I can't figure it out.

Got to go check the hoops.

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