Friday, January 19, 2007

feeling good

So, I wish I had made it to my blog this morning. I was feeling so . . . free. I'm excited about next week. I'm ready to excel. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm not going to get anywhere by wishing I was there.

People say I shouldn't be in charge because I want to be in charge. I say "hogwash". That is a poor reason in and of itself. Sure, many movies depict the guy who wants anything but to lead turning into a great leader, but that just adds to the plot. You also take people like King Saul who didn't want to be leader and look where it got him. And what of Ceasar, and Nebuchadnezzar?

But the crux of the whole matter is that God sets up and takes down leaders. So it doesn't really do me any good to worry about it. What I need to spend my time doing is preparing myself for whatever lies ahead.

I'm almost to the temple of the ancients. You all know what happens there. I really want to get omnislash but I might as well wait a little bit more, since I don't have his lvl 3 limits yet. I am having a hard time getting GP to spend. The best way is really the basketball game but its a pain to learn. And the guy selling them never shows up for me to buy.

We have about 80 kids sleeping in our smaller gym tonight. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Its a wrestling tournament, but why they have to sleep in the gmy idk.

About the basketball coach. I watched the game the other night, and realized that even if he is a terrible coach, he has got very little to work with. The guys don't spend the time practicing that they should. They get open and they miss 50% of their shots. They can't catch the ball. What can they do? Idk. Half the time they don't play. They can play ok Def, but their best offensive player just doesn't play def, and you have to get the guys that are 5'10 in their if you want to see some Def. In the end, there are still obvious problems with the coach but he really doesn't have much to work with either.

I wonder how hard it is to coach a sport. It must certainly get harder the higher lvl one coaches. It doesn't seem to hard, but then again you must depend on your players. If your players practice with the team and then don't touch a ball again, where are they going to be? What do you do if your best offensive player thinks he is just all that? You can't really bench him. . .can you? I think I would enjoy being an assistant coach. I can watch the game and see where the problems are (generally). It helps to have someone basketball savy around. When I was home I went to my cousins game with another cousin. He commented the whole time. I got back here, and I watch these guys make the same mistakes that the middle school team was making.

One day, over the rai. . .ehm, never mind.

I need something to stimpulate my brain. I'm still working on the TR issue but I need some form of debate. I'm thinking of stopping by sharperiron but I know that most likely I will get swamped and then be expected to reply to some educated moron. Actually, the main reason I don't really post much there is that I find nothing that appeals to me, or I am too ignorant of the topic. /sigh, which means I should be doing my reading.

I am debating the word "fair" with someone in my internet course. He equates fairness and justice, and cited the dictionary. I equate fairness with equality and cited the dictionary and examples. I ended my part by being happy to agree to disagree, but he commented again, and it appears partially reversed his view. So I should probably say "Yeah, that sounds about right."

I hate it when anyone in some setting like this says "good discussion guys." I think I need to try to avoid saying anything like that in the future. It makes it seem, or does at least to me, that he is the one who needs to tell us its a good discussion. I knew it was a good discussion, when I first questioned the word fair, and then when I again questioned his usage of it. Blah. Of course, maybe he was just saying it to say he enjoyed it, or a round about way of saying "no hard feelings", etc. meh, maybe.

I'm just waiting for someone to say something stupid. My one roommate did, but he really avoids any confrontation and so I don't know if he will even respond. Maybe there is no point because I said what needed to be said so he would have to argue something he doesn't believe or just say "oops, I messed up."

I'm hungry. But I don't think it would be wise for me to have pizza delivered right now. I could though. . .hmmmmm.

Its Friday. Feels like Saturday. I'm glad its not.

1 comment:

michael said...

"I knew it was a good discussion, when I first questioned the word fair, and then when I again questioned his usage of it. "

that made me laugh. =D