Saturday, January 20, 2007

stupid people

Here I am at work again. We got two games tonight, @ 5 and 7. I leave at 6. . .I don't think I'll stay for the second game. I don't really care to see us lose that much and I could be playing FF7 or something. Besides, by that point I will be starving since I didn't bring a lunch and then if I walk home I will not be walking back out. And I did get pizza delivered yesterday so there's really not much chance I'm going to do it again today.

I am writing more on the KJV issue. Its the only intellectual stimulation I get. I'm doing a lot of copy/pasting from other peoples stuff too though. I need to remember to cite them when I'm done.

I think I'm going to try to play pool and bastekball at least once a week. Get me some physical excercise. I can't wait till lunch tomorrow, again. Sunday dinner is always something to look forward to.

I could say, "next week starts the rest of my life." But really I could say today does.

I keep reading walkthroughs. I found a system for auto-lvling in FF7. Was quite surprised by it. I haven't decided if I'm going to be buying the turbo controller I need.

Well, for a few of you, the rest of this may seem somewhat redundant. But its on my mind and I thought my blog would be a good place to put it again.

I recently read an article, and though the article was good, what struck me afterward was the response of the readers that it used "archaic" words and too many "adjectives". Christianity has become dumb. We sit back and say, let us not argue, but let us be united. A question fittingly asked in response was to question whether fundamentalism has become part of the 15 second culture. Are we so attuned to the world that we cannot sit for a moment to think about that which bears upon our soul? The ecumenicalism all around us has driven fundamentalism to a point of acceptance. If we view ourselves in terms of the liberals we will always be grand, but rather we must view ourselves in terms of Scripture.

I look at the scholars of today, and I laugh when they try to tell me what the Greek says. Not because they don't know Greek. I'm sure they do. But because there was a day when the young men of America would graduate from Harvard at 16, and be speaking 4 foreign languages as fluently as English by 23. There was a day when a scholar assigned to work on the translation of Scripture could simultaneously write Greek in one hand and Hebrew in the other. Fundamentalism gets its scholars in the classroom who do not yet hold a doctorate, and they want to tell the students what the Greek says, but not just tell them, they want to do so in a way that they disagree with 70+ scholars who knew the language 100 times better. Fundamentalism's young people gladly soak it in. They think to themselves, this is a scholar, and he is teaching me, now I know what a scholar knows. BAH!!!! Learn your history; realize that getting anything is hard work, and that the men in front of you are not inspired!

In conclusion, search the Scriptures. Those who know the Scriptures will not consent to compromise. They will not yearn for fellowship with unbelievers. They will not be content with some man telling them what God wants. They will not be content with their current life/theological standing. They will continue to strive. They will study to shew themselves approved unto God. Those words seem to have been lost us. Study, not to get smart, not to impress others, not to get a degree, not to get a job, but to be approved unto God.

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