Monday, February 5, 2007

panic time

So, now it is time to panic. Class all day. 20lbs to lose. Paper due friday. Two extra chapters to read in Greek tonight. Quiz in the morning. Pool game Wed afternoon.

Its soooooooooooo hard to lose weight. I have a cousin, same height as me who can bench over 300lbs. . .he doesn't weigh much more than me. That's sad.

My brother is "in the groove", but I have yet to receive the next episode in his series. . .so what is he doing you ask? idk.

Softball practice starts tonight. My boss is the coach.

I have been thinking of trying to write a book this summer. But of course the fact that I know someone who has actually written a book, discourages me, because I know that writing a book in two months is virtually inpossible. And my book requires research, rather than fiction. Bah!

In answer to a comment, yes it was someone we know who used the phrase "nailing jello to a tree".

I'm glad the colts won too. The game was "ok" at the beginning and then kinda got boring once the bears couldn't play. The commercials were disappointing. There were a few funny ones, but nothing worth millions.

It is -10 or so here. Its too cold to walk to and from work. . .but I do anyway. up-hill both ways, in 2 feet of snow, of course.

If you guys haven't read the last part of the Meaning of Song of Solomon thread, you should really do it. . .its shocking. Here, for you lazy people --

In a paper we had to read and comment on, the term "Modemist" was used. In my roommates response he quoted it as modernist. Now granted, an 'm' does look similar to an "rn" but there is a difference. And the difference between the meanings of the two is greater than that in their appearence (I think?). Anyway.

Why does Gore still get spotlight? That's my question.

I should be doing my much work that is the cause of my panic time.

We play Northland tomorrow. Some big rivalry. We are going to be packed.

The Head football coach is the assistant softball coach. One other football coach is the head college girls basketball coach. Another football coach is the assistance college girls basketball coach. Another football coach is the head of the high school girls basketball, and the offensive/defensive caoches for the high school guys football also are the head/assistant caoches of the high school guys basketball team. And I'm not sure who's doing baseball yet. So, in the end, with 50 million sports, we only have 6 adults. Ok, its not that bad, but bleh.

Some guy posted a question to me. . .like I couldn't read it as controversial, but rather as just asking for the answer from me. Too bad his question wasn't coherent. I asked him to explain and blamed myself, so hopefully he isn't put off.

Grab my wrist. Other wrist. MY other wrist.

I started wading through "Discussing Theology in a Transcendentless Culture". I read the first 3 pages and am out of time for such things tonight. I am going to have a terrible time getting this paper done by Friday. I looked at the thread a long time ago (2005, when it was still active) but didn't get much of it. Its making more sense now, which is cool. I wonder how much I really tried then. . .

Got to post this, so I can get to work. Have a good week. Eat lots of junk food and candy for me. ;)

1 comment:

Varda said...

You wanted us to read the post about how wives should dance for their husbands? . . . . Ummmmmmmmmmmm, 'kay. . . . lol