Sunday, February 25, 2007

fundamentalism: alive and thriving. . .for the devil

so here I am. 10:15 pm. Starting my answers to some questions. Shouldn't be too hard. But let me first state that all those of you who keep your own blogs and check mine should do something about updating yours.

Truly, the goat thing was funny, but I was there when it was invented. ;P

The nose down, lying boss thing is too short to have any re-read value.

The daily devotional /reading of a version that isn't the Bible is old too.

Of course being Sunday I wouldn't expect glamor or anything, but you know, its been more than just Sunday since you updated, and what am I supposed to read when I get access to a PC? In short, post more often ;)

Now on to more chocolate or blueberry minimuffins. mmmmmmm.

DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! Some less-than-truly-knowledgable individuals posted on *my* questions. Now it wasn't as bad as it coulda been, but if the rest of the class has so much free time this could be a problem. I need to get my post up, so I don't have to respond to 20 posts saying "You are wrong because of xxxxxxxx" If I preempt they will confront me and it will be one discussion rather than a whole bunch all with the same point.

We got some with a "no, it is not inspired" and a "no it is not the Word of God." shocking! not.

I wish I didn't have to sleep all day Tuesday. I'm going to make myself get up early!! I determine now! Bleah, I'm just blabbing. Hope church went well for you all today. My pastor got up and said "That word shouldn't be there." There is hope yet that we won't believe any of the Bible. . ."fundamental" pastors just have to stay the course.

How can you say THAT?!?!?!?!?! "That word shouldn't be there"??? I don't care if you are a council of 1,000 men who are all fluent in 6 languages, and have worked on a translation for 20 years in seperate groups and had it all checked and rechecked 10,000 times. It is GOD'S WORD!! It is trancendent! PERIOD! You are man! Think about it, and try telling God he is a liar. Try telling God you are worthy to look at the TRUTH and say that "word shouldn't be there."

/sigh Yes, that was an aggravating service. I was sooo glad to be back in church too, rather than chapel. Chapel was ok, but its good to be in the Lord's house. But without a Book. . .I weep for the church.

Are you a fundamentalist, or do you believe the fundamentals? There is a difference you know. I have yet to do all my research but I am pretty sure the movement started without a book, and the Christians that jumped on board b/c of the good it accomplished left this generation in sad shape.

I wonder about the Baptist heritage too. . .I can't help it at this point. I'm not saying I'm not Baptist, or not Fundamentalist. But verily I see no reason to be fundamentalist today, nor Baptist. We need revival. We don't need another movement, we need Christians fervently beseeching God to bring revival and then believing it will happen.

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God" -- We cannot win the lost when our churches are the devil's workshop. I am focusing on the negative I know. Of course we need to remember that God always has a remnant, but the state of things should cause us to cry out to God for help.

Remember compromise is bad; but as that should be the first thought. the second should be to realize what is important. Is it really important to be 100% sure on eschatology? pfft, are you kidding? of course not. Is it important to see the difference between Israel and the church? Yes. Is it important to be a solid dispensationalist? meh. Is it important to have The Very Holy Perfect Inerrant Inspired Word of God in our possesion? Yes, yes, yes.

Let me restate clearly that I am not discounting the many fundamentalist or baptists who have lived and died for the truth. There is a history of the Spirit moving, and it is clearly evident, however our concentration should not be to a label. I love the reformed guys, and read them more than I do baptist guys. Just who I have read and thus grown to love. But I am not reformed either.

Well, this has taken a much more serious turn then I expected. I was seriously about to log off when I went to eat minimuffins. But then the words came. ;P

Now I need more food. . .wait, no I don't. I am thinking I need to make some kinda rule about my day off. Is it possible to reverse a whole weeks diet in one day? maybe. :0

I shall go now. (shall? would any of you have noticed?) I looked at everything and saw I have 5 papers, 2-3 tests, and 3 reading reports due in April. So, that will be a busy month, and since I will be gone for the first weekend I firgure I better get some of it done this month when I have nothing do. So I should be busy the next few weeks. should



michael said...

Seriously, every post is like a novel. I still have to read the latest... see you up there.

David said...

short story maybe. . .not novel...wait! Think if I keep it up I can get a book deal? ;)