Thursday, February 8, 2007


Siniaticus was not found in a wastebasket: Who cares? I mean seriously, the only time a solid TR guy is going to say that is to rub it in that you are wrong and he is right. It is not pertinent to anything.

Erasmus was a catholic. So what? We do not claim perfection/inspiration for him, nor do we need to defend him. The reason it is worth time to examine the character of heretics Westcot and Hort is because the church is now functioning under theories propounded by them. They were the ones who took the theories of the enlightenment set forth to work on normal literature, and brought these man-centered methods towards the Holy Scriptures. And so, we ought (Good KJB word) to examine the character of the men that have brought about the departure of the church from the historical position held by the great men of the reformation.

As you can see, I have stuff on my mind. The last two days have been a doosy (sp?). Yesterday, I asked a question, and my prof said "no, just let me teach. I've spent a lot of time studying this. Let me teach, ok? Have enough respect to just let me say what I have to say. I'm not stopping questions here, but just let me teach." -- yeah. . .interesting, since I didn't get an answer, and then he continued on with the lesson, so yeah, kinda like he was not allowing questions. hmm.

Today, he started class saying these two days were the days he hated of class, because it just rips him up inside because of the disagreement. And then he was in tears. . .seriously. If we could only know how his stomach is just torn up when he has to teach these two days. . ./sigh

So, we get into it today. Two other guys (eventually) identify themselves as TR, and one as MT, while the majority probably don't know, or are CT. He did not allow discussion like my OTI prof did, however he would allow me to correct what he said if he set forth my position in error. So, I was able by correction to get most my points across and dispel a lot of the crap that KJB guys who know nothing spout. (Yeah, I was probably one of em.) Its just the way of things. People have already forgotten why we are at war with Iraq, so after 100 years, its not surprising that the majority of guys who hold to the TR don't even know why and resort to saying "Your MSS was in a wastebasket." (Don't ever say their MSS was in the waste basket. . .if you want to rub it in, use the fact that their "version" is copyrighted. ;))

On the other hand, the last two days have been some of the worst here. I have hated to sit in that classroom and listen to that stuff being taught. Its killer. I mean, I was told like a dozen times in 3 hours that inspiration/inerrancy was only in the orginals. . ."technically". Hes got it in bold letters in the notes, "only originals", and then he would say "but not technically, we can still say we have the word of God". CRAP!!! Crap I say!! Made me mad, and tired, and quite frankly it wasn't healthy for me. I almost skipped class today. ;)

But through it all, I was able to talk to some people about some things that I would never have been able to. There is a guy who went to school here who asked some questions in class that other "KJV" guys would use to argue which really isn't a solid argument, and I was able to clarify which then lead him to more questions and we got deeper into the discussion. However, since the prof didn't want to handle the question as it was my side, he allowed me, and then we tabled it till lunch which when we went to lunch we had probably about half the class sitting at the table and 5 right next to me, with the others listening as close as they could. It was a fair discussion and some good points came out, and he went away thinking, and I assume others did as well.

The other guys I mentioned last time who doesn't know much at all, is trying to see my point of view. We talked for a bit and he sees the necessity in saying we have God's Word, but he is still having a hard time with revelation, etc. This is kinda deep at this point when in reality he just go the answer to the question "we don't all interpret the Bible how we want". He is anxious to learn though, and I'm hoping that I have wisdom and knowledge in our discussions.

And, last night, I had a long talk with my roommate who doesn't usually talk to me about stuff. From my perspective, I would guess, he thinks I'm unspiritual, and not a good person. I would guess. Just because I play video games, and just stupid little stuff, and because I disagree, and am analytical. But we ended up talking about the point of seminary, the idea of theology not being something that can be graded, and had a good discussion, and I think he better understands me. Maybe he doesn't though too.

So, the last couple days have been full. OH!! Guess what? I also won my pool match. I won the first round, he won the second and then on the third he sunk the 8 ball. Haha. =D So, now the next person I need to play is my boss. He used to play as a kid every Saturday, for hours. How much he has played recently, I'm not sure, but I heard after the first game he gets warmed-up and is really good, which means I definitely need to win the first one if possible.

I am NOT paying anyone to break his arms. Stop suggesting it. Seriously. Its just a game.

I have to write a 10-12 page paper tonight. I'm not sure why I put 10-12, since I will stop when I get 10. Further, this prof says Times New Roman or Courier. Now, for those of you who have had options like this before, you know that it only takes about 7 pages TNR to make 10 Courier, give or take a bit. So, you always start with TNR and then at about 7 pages you convert, and have a sigh of relief. Then you do some adding, subtracting, polishing, and its 11 pages, and you still have time to wait 5 hours, read it again and edit again before its due. Wonderful Strat.

We lost to Northland; disappointing after all the hype. We are wrestling them tonight here. Not as much hype, but we might be crowded. . .really? because of wrestling? pshh, LOL.

Well, I checked all my favorite blogs, and checked the forums, and then SI, and then my internet class, and well. . .tbh, I got little left, so I'll pause here, @ 5:39, and come back when I get more.

7:13 Spent the last 1.5 hours reading on SI. . ./sigh, so addicting. But it made me realize why I need to read the guys I don't want to. Its helpful to be able to quote Westcot and Hort when you say they don't believe the original MSS were inspired. Btw, its 12 degrees here.

Internet is moving soooo sloooooowwwwwllllyy. 7:30 I fear that Calvin/WTS could be a scholastic shock to me. I have not ever had to deal with the acedemic level on which they operate, and going after the ease of CMU, and the continued lax setting of MBBC may be incredibly difficult. On the other hand, I may actually be required to think in the classroom, and rather than say "why does my prof have to teach sunday school" I would just be thinking "Wow, he's a heretic." Something to think about for sure.

Ok, I'm closing out my IE "tabs" and starting my reading. I am closing the blog, and SI, and the forum, and my internet course. I will eat candy and drink Vault for the next 8 hours. Good night and good morning.

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