Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I feel betrayed. It was never that a particular arrangement was made. Or an agreement arrived at. But it was something conversed about in detail. Something that was just so. A conclusion arrived at, not solely, but in company. Suddenly, it is no more. I don't really feel mad, or anything, just. . .sad, I guess. Why? Is it such a big deal? Idk, and not really.

We have our big game tonight. Bleh, I got no homework done yesterday (not enough to count) and so I should be studying the entire time today. As you can see, I am on my blog instead of studying.


I just wrote a page response to someone who agrees the canon is closed but thinks that God can still reveal things today, like through visions/dreams etc.

One of the guys who virtually knows nothing (like not even Sunday School stuff) in my grad classes went to chapel with me (we are forced to go on module weeks). And we talked a bit. He finds it interesting that I am always asking questions and so engaged. Hopefully, he can pick some stuff up.

Answered another question on special revelation. This class makes me think.

6:30. Crap!!!

7:06 -- I have copied several pages of useful material from SI. Yes, its cheap, and easy, but its really good stuff.

So, the Athletic Office ordered some new fan shirts I guess you'd call em. And they ordered about 360 or so, and then they sold em for $5, and decided whoever bought one could shoot a half-court shot for $100. . .they sold em all. So, yeah, think about that a minute. The gym is more packed then I have ever seen it. There is barely any sitting room if any. And everyone is wearing Yellow shirts, since that is our school color, yellow and blue. . .yes, we are copying MI. Halftime will be a mess.

I just read through a post on the LXX and Andrew Willet's comments on it. . .I unfortunately did not get it, like hardly at all. Rats!

Some girl just threw a one handed shot from half court and made it; that was for the entry to possibly win a $14,000 car. So, now we have two people competeing for that next week. yay.


9:45 Read 3 more pages on SI. Wow. I'm in trouble.



VanSneak said...

feel betrayed. It was never that a particular arrangement was made. Or an agreement arrived at. But it was something conversed about in detail. Something that was just so. A conclusion arrived at, not solely, but in company. Suddenly, it is no more. I don't really feel mad, or anything, just. . .sad, I guess. Why? Is it such a big deal? Idk, and not really.

-Is this is about me I feel like dirt.

-If not, I still feel bad.


michael s. said...

woe is me! for verily, ere I turned my face, the knife twas drawn and hastily buried in my back. Betrayer, quoth I, but there is nothing... nothing...

drama: not just for the ladies.