Saturday, February 17, 2007


I am aware that the illusionist and the prestige are different. My roommates brother told me that the prestige had come out Thursday. I have not seen either of them yet. I plan on watching the illusionist this weekend, and then that Jet Li movie sometime too. Maybe both of em this weekend, although they are both new releases and thus $2.59 or something.

Doosie? Doozy? doosy? doozie? which spelling of the word have I NOT used in all my posting? Hmm? hmm? ;)

My one roommate made some chocolate pudding, PB, cheescake stuff. Wow, its good. I had a sliver last night. Today, I will eat 2000 calories; mostly PB/Eggs/Tuna, but I will definitely get some desert.

I can't make my chest sore. My Tri's kill me the next day, but my chest doesn't hurt. I hate that. I have read some different workouts and am going to try something a bit more random.

For some random reason I decided to work my legs this week. . .I never work my legs, ever. I was sore.

11:23. If I ate at 9:45, then I should wait at least 22 more minutes before I eat something else. I brought food today, bwhahahahahahaa. @ cans of tuna, 6 slices of bread, a jar of PB, 6 eggs. Yeah, I brought enough food to last me 4 days. heh.

I'm an elitist, and everyone else is ignorant, stupid, and wrong. Just a reminder. Actually, I think I will edit my profile so people don't get confused with who I might be.

So, some say, "how could you tell your mom your blog?" Well, this is what she wants to know. She calls and I don't talk about this stuff, and so since I write it all down anyway, why not? Anyway, there the answer. Although my roommate is thinking of making a new blog b/c his mom knows his old one. So, perhaps I will regret it in like a year, lol.

It is nice to know that what you believe is the same thing that is believed by the saints throughout the majority of the history of the church. It doesn't by any means mean it is truth/fact, but it is encouraging to look at some of the apostolic fathers, and then the heros of the reformation and the awakening(s) and know that by the working of the Holy Spirit you believe the same thing they believed by the working of the Spirit.

We hit Ephesians 1 in Prinson epistles. My prof hammered the Arminian side of the argument beause that's all you can really do when you come to Ephesians 1. I just sat back and smiled. The new assistant pastor at the church is in that class and was anxious to move on. After class, he asked me my view. . .I didn't really hedge myself at all, and said I was in complete agreement blah blah blah. . .He gave a short goodbye and walked out the door. Too bad. The Scripture was there, the arguments were solid, the rebuttal was good. . .I don't know what was going through his mind. I woulda liked to see him objeect if he did. He said "I don't know your views on that subject" I said if I had disagreed he would have known after that lesson, because I woulda said so. Most people aren't like that. If they disagree, they just say "can't we move on now?" BAH!!!!!!!!!!

That baffles me. How can you believe something that effects the eternal destiny of the soul and then not stand up for it? How can you believe that it is better to agree to disagree than to stand up for what is right? What if you are right? Then you are letting your brother go astray. What if you are wrong? Than you lack the wisdom and humility to be taught, and exhorted to good works by your brethren? The Spirit works through the Word and the saints!!! So, stop hiding behind "unity" when the unity is fake. Seriously. Hiding disagreements so you can appear to be unified is not true unity, its feigned. 11:38.

1 chapter down, 9 more to go. 12:22.

8 left. 1:05. Chocolate sounds good, but in all my food I didn't bring any. I will eat some when I get home.

Hmmm. I tried this new chest workout I found. . .My shoulders are killing me, my Bi's are tight. . . my chest is pumped but not sore. I was thinking I need to be working my inner pecs. Granted, I know nothing and could be all wrong, but doing wide bench gets me nothing, and doing close gets my Tri's hurting. . . Perhaps I need to work my upper pecs? Idk. . . Its frustrating. 2:14.

I'm frustrated with my job. One of the guys came in without his ID card. . .then I said he had to go. He called Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson asked if I could make an exception. . .My problem is that now Mr. Thompson has to worry about things he didn't previously have to worry about.

I'm working for MBBC and not Mr. T. I never worked for my boss. . .that was one of my problems (?). I worked for the company. I followed rules my bosses didn't want me to, but couldn't do anything about because it was the rule. However, I didn't have any respect for my bosses. I couldn't respect their decisions so I did what the rules said because that was easier, than a changing mind. However, I respect Mr. T. So now what? Do I avoid the rules if he prefers I do? But that's how this all started. . .I wasn't enforcing the rule. This is an interesting dilemma for me. I don't ever recall being in this position before.

The position where it isn't just assumed (by me) I know more/best. "Before" being in my work experience. 3:27

So, I'm e-mailing my dad/pastor/uncle with questions. So hopefully I'll get some answers to some queries I've had recently. Unfortunately, I can't remember some questions. I was sure there were two more, and I just can't get them. Phooey!!! 5:33.

I'm going to close this out so I can finish my letters can get ready to leave. Have a good day at church tomorrow. And I'll see you all Monday.

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