Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Yeah, I need one. Its been since . . . before thanksgiving. That's a long time.

I lost my second round of pool. I just forgot my most consistent problem. I look at the Cue ball, and not the target. So I lost. Granted Mr. Thompson was pretty good, but I played horrible.

We have a couple games tonight. I have some greek homework to do. Nothing much to read, online. I did remember I have a Sunday School lesson from someone that I could read. 5:30.

Got into an interesting discussion over pool earlier today. One guy doesn't think that Lydia was a normal NT believer but rather that she was an Acts/transitional believer and that her heart being opened is not the norm. . .bleh.

We were supposed to lose. . .by at least 30. We are up by 4, and have been for almost the whole game. Quite exciting. 7:56.

We lost by 9. . .we were down by 2 with 50 seconds but we had to keep fouling to stop the clock. It was a great game. The best I have seen this semester. 9:02.

Now I'm just confused. My boss does not really want me checking IDs, but rather just making sure the Academy kids aren't in here. That gets really difficult. It would be much easier to just say, "You need to have your card on you." Especially the guys who throw a tantrum when I tell them they need it. /sigh First time I've been frustrated from the job. 9:18.

I'm quite disturbed atm. I better go. Nothing new to say, and my mind is racing like crazy now. I can't keepp checking IDs because I can't make them go get them. AUGH! Alright . . . bye.

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