Saturday, February 24, 2007


My internet prof posted the questions. He straight out asked "Is the KJV inspired?" "Is the KJV *the* Word of God in the English language?" He is looking for discussion. I'm more worried at this point of presenting my material succinctly, and concisely, whereas in previous classes I was worried I wouldn't even get to make a point. I need to have it all prepared and post at once so I don't have to deal with a bunch of other nonsense between my points. This is clearly a highlite to my day.

Oh, I finished the 27 page review last night. . .That's pretty much all I did for those 5.5 hours. It was enjoyable.

I want pizza. Badly. 1:53.

YES!! My cousin is writing me back on the several questions I barraged him with in the past 24 hours. HAHAHAHHAAAH! ahem. 1:59pm.

So, this is going to take a bit more work than I was thinking. I am realizing I should have more citations. . .I hated them at first but no wants to know my opinion. They are forced however to listen to the opinions of those great men who they read everyday. So, I need to do some reading and grab some easy references. I don't think it will be too hard, but I will need to spend some time in the library in order to get what I need. Which means my post probably won't be up until Tuesday at the earliest, most likely Wednesday. No hurry really. People won't be rushing to answer them and I won't have to respond so much as just post. anyway, pizza sounds good still. 3:56. I need more money.

So many books I need to buy. Hill/Turretin/Calvin/Whitaker. Hmm, Something to save for Christmas lists. 4:14.

YES! (again) My roommate just called and said he might be renting some movies to watch with his family tonight, but I will be able to watch them tomorrow afternoon most likely. So I will get to see the movies I wanted to this weekend and still get to save my money. . . If only I had pizza for free too. ;)

I have a saved document which pretty much runs through the entire argument in good order but its 9 pages long. I can't be posting a 9 page post, but when I don't I will end up posting a dozen times to get all the questions answered and to get it all in. Ah, me.

I'm going to go try the eliptical machine (I think that's what it is) bbl. 5:01.

Wow, that's tough. Its harder on my legs than a treadmill. . .or my legs are still sore from Thursday. I didn't think they were that bad, but wow.

Going to go shoot some hoops. . .and get laughed at probly. such is life.

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