Friday, February 23, 2007

trying again

So it happened again last night. Long post deleted. I really need to make sure I am copy/pasting before I hit enter. . .because then its too late.

It has been warm lately. Now it is very cold. We are supposed to get a blizzard Sat/Sun. anywhere from 4 to 16 inches. That's a big range, but doesn't sound good either way.

I got a 27 page paper from my cousin he wants me to look over. I'm on page 4. He isn't going to like my editing, but hey, he sent it to me.

I spent a long time on the phone yeterday. First time my phone died on me that I can remember. It was great. I talked to my brother, my uncle, and my cousin. My cousin and I talked for over an hour. . .computer stuff first and then nutrition and lifting. It was cool.

Lord willing I will be home in 3 weeks and in Florida in 5. Amen to that.

I am eating oatmeal. I heard white bread is bad for you, so my carbs come from oatmeal. But since I need to divide it into 8 meals a day, I make 2 helpings and then stick it in the fridge. Thankfully 8 helping is only about a big bite every hour or so. Otherwise. . .gross. Yesterday I ate it in two servings. . .I had to add brown sugar and lots of cinnamon. But the tinies bit of brown sugar has over 100 calories and so it kinda defeats the purpose.

I lost 5lbs btw. Go me! Its probably the same 5lbs I always lose right away and then gain back. . .So hopefully I can lose another 5-10 and then when I gain my 5 back I'll be ahead. . .go me! ;)

I can't wait for spring break. DOH! I forgot to bring my greek homework to work. You say, but dave, its Friday. It is, but we have extra credit which involves writing out 3 pages of stuff for 16 days straight. Yes, that sounds like a hand cramp, but its an easy 3% of the total grade. And no matter your grade, you should ALWAYS get the extra credit. You never know when you will get the flu and miss 7 quizzes. I'll have to do it when I get home tonight.

This weekend will be boring. I am not spending money on movies anymore so I will just sit and do homework I guess. . .boring boring boring. Maybe. I could always play FF5 but if I'm not spending lots of time on it I feel I shouldn't even get started.

Need to go do more editting, bbl. 6:24.

One thing that is not sooo gross is combining tuna with cold oatmeal. The texture of the oatmeal becomes like cold pasta noodles and so if you can eliminate the taste with the tuna then its not unbearable. . .of course it took me all day to try it. stupid! stupid! stupid! I am on page 12. 8:40.

My friend called me to tell me he is making $10 an hour. What was funny was that for the first time a week ago he showed how much he cares hes making more than me. I told him I app'd for a job making over $9.00 and he was upset because he thought his raise was only to $8.50. He was really glad he was making $10. lol, I had never even thought about it in comparison.

Some kid from arizona just said "i could stay here for the rest of my life" because of all the snow we are getting. He had never seen so much snow in his life. . .it was 90 in Arizona when they left. . .He must be one of the mentally handicapped visitors. ;P

Gtg. cya laterz. 9:47pm

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