Friday, February 2, 2007


OH, its great. Check out this thread sometime for a good read. I skip over a lot of "her" stuff b'c she quotes Scripture, and Strong's Greek, and doesn't know what she's talking about. Its like she's one of those people who skips church to stay home and read the Bible or a book she bought on the Bible. Anyway, here's the link:

But the best part is on page 2 I think, and I quote:

"Please don’t spend too much time formulating a response to my succinct post. I pretty well discount out of hand the argument of anyone who argues discontinuity in the historic unfolding of the Father’s redemptive plan through the bloody death of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ."

There are some really good posts on page 5 and 6 too, but that line where he admits to discounting it was great.

In other news, I now have two gold Chocobos, but they both happen to be female so there is no chance to see what happens when they mate. I have been thinking of releasing my Green/Blue and breeding some more gold Chocobos, but meh. I beat Emerald Weapon.(Took like ten summons on KotR. I give my brother props for beating him without it. I think I coulda, but the time it woulda taken woulda been like a lot lot longer.) I maxed Cloud's Str. (again) I maxed Cloud's Vit.(There is a better place for Str and another for Vit; saves a lot more time than the ship.) I am planning on winning today or tomorrow and then looking at saves I can delete. I have my best save and the save right before Aeris dies.

Some guy posted that ALL sin was paid for on the cross so that's not why we go to Hell. Then I responded, and tried to be brief and some other guy(a student who will be graduating this year and is taking some grad classes) tells me that I should be more in depth in grad school, and that I shouldn't just use token Scriptures. I mean. . . .bleh. So now I got to repsond to him. Tell him, he should try SI, and then come back. I won't say that, but I'm gonna say my post was perfect, or something.

Have I told you all I'm an elitist, and everyone else is ignorant, stupid, and wrong? Well, there it is.

"We must understand that many Calvinists and Arminians will share heaven together. If you don't believe me; understand that God is sovereign and He can save anyone, even those who aren't as Calvinistic as you would like. " -- I mean, what kinda statement is that to make?? Really, he is like offended or something. heh. I mean, "oops".

Oh, btw, Baha app'd again. LOL! sorry, couldn't help it.

What I want to say to the above quote: "If this were any other public forum I would present this with an official “lol”. ;)" Can't really. . .but it deserves it. =D

"I don’t know how to respond. You don’t know A: whether I understand who will be in heaven, B: my position on it, C: whether I understand God’s sovereignty (yet you think I’m the strong Calvinist?), D: that God can save anyone. Please do not assume regarding my position/beliefs/stance/knowledge. If I say it, then quote me all you want; if I don’t say it, you can’t really know. Or, you weren’t assuming, you were just being sarcastic, so just to let you know, that doesn’t work real well in text. Or I welcome tags." -- I probably can't use that either, but its nagging at me, so I'll post it here instead.

I am really stuck. I will fit in somehow that he needs to quote me or stop assuming. I got it! I'm gonna use the Whitefield/Wesley story from another SI thread, and then tell him not to assume he knows my heart. (more or less)

Well, now I'm bored, lol. I was able to spend the first 3.5 hours busy, and without sitting here wondering "What now? auguauguhauhuhg" That's ALWAYS a good thing.

Gonna go check on the high school team playing. . .I think its the high school team. . who knows? brb

We are losing by like ~6. Anyway.

I wrote my page response and now I'm bored. I could do some reading but that's not too much fun and I already did about 100 pages of reading in the last two days that I normally woulda waited to do.

Going to go try to get my info in order for Monday's class. Next week will be a doozy. Cya tomorrow.

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