Friday, February 9, 2007


I have now been up for about 35 hours. Long time.

I did finish my paper on time. I think it will be an 'A', but I did learn I really don't want to do this again.

My NTI class is over. Can I hear a "YAHOOOOO"?

Some interesting points to notice: The problems with form/redaction/source (F/R/S) criticism is the exact same as that with the critical method. (modern textual criticism) Some say, no no no they aren't. Let us examine the evidence given by a CT guy (my prof). F/R/S all are derived from the theories of the enlightenment whos theme is "man is the measure". All represent an errant view of inspiration. Further, all think that they are searching for the truth. These depart from the tradition of the church. (regarding the acceptance of the Gospel accounts)

Supposedly W/H were searching for the truth, supposedly those who followed in their footsteps are searching for the truth. The theories of W/H were brought over from the enlightenment mindset of discovering the "historic Jesus". These methods are being used today (UBS/NA). This mindset and method promote a faulty view of inspiration. The critical method departs from the tradition of the church regarding the Word of God. (As preserved in the TR)

When W/H began their heresy (it was heresy, reference the preface to their greek edition when they admit of error in the originals), it intruded into the church. Now, 100 years later the church has departed from our historic position and has adapted the low view of Scripture. In another hundred years Satan will have been successfull in removing from us the solid foundation that is the canon. And from no text to a text, we will return to no text, as we will no longer accept the Canon for which the martyrs spilled their blood. Those in my class thought it shocking for me to admit that in 100 years we would be here, and still claiming funadmentalism. You heard it hear first folks. We are going down hill, and the question I never really thought about till recently "is the fundamentalist movement dead?" It is Satan's new fertile ground.

I have to write a paper on something for this class. I am unsure what that would be. I just wrote my prof. I am thinking of writing on the future of fundamentalism and the abandonment of the canon. (regarding F/R/S criticism) Either way I think I'm going to write it and post it on SI.

6:25pm. Tired.

8:29. Wow. I am reading more SI. I don't want to hear anyone claim boredom if they have not read through the thread on "discussing theology in a transcendentless culture." you say, but Dave its a 20 page thread, with single posts spanning 10 single space pages. Yes, yes, that is true. But you will also gain a fuller understanding of your position no matter what it is.

I need to get some of my research/other work done asap. I want to write a paper that would blow the socks off of my prof.

I need to write a 10 page on my personal theology/bibliology. . .piece of cake, I will get that done tomorrow hopefully. . .maybe not ;) Start at the very beginning -> WCF. Grab a concordence, split it into paragraphs and then you have pages. bwhahahaah.

My one roommate asked me what my blog was, so I told him without thinking. Not like I have anything here I need to edit real quick, but . . .I'm soooooo tired. 8:51. In two more hours I will be home and sleeping.

9:53 peace!! YAY!! =D


michael s. said...

"I don't want to hear anyone claim boredom if they have not read through the thread on "discussing theology in a transcendentless culture." "

- who cares? I'm bored.

David said...

you should. . .

michael said...

you sent me my cards yet? seriously...

David said...

yeah, you should get them this week

VanSneak said...

you say, but Dave its a 20 page thread, with single posts spanning 10 single space pages. Yes, yes, that is true.

-this made me laugh. it's funny cause it's true.