Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Our girls just won. Our guys are predicted to lose by about 50. meh.

I have been feeling great lately. I'm sure its because of my new schedule. I have probably said it a lot lately, but I haven't felt this good in a while.

Greek vocab test tomorrow. Then a huge test Wednesday. Most of tomorrow will be spent studying for it. Friday should be an easy day though.

I wonder what's the best way to work towards being able to do 500-1000 push-ups? Like a 20 minute spirt where you do your max, take a break and repeat . . . and maybe do that 3 times a day? I'll have to look into it.

Not much more to say. I don't work again at McD for two weeks. Wow, that's a long time. I think everyone should have to work 50 hours or more at some point in their life. And then when they start working 35 again, they will realize how much spare time they actually do have.

I said something the other day. It made me realize I'm turning into my dad. Wasn't bad or good, but it just happened. Word for word what he would have said.

I can see why blogs slow down now. I'm out of things to say. Surely life is more exciting than that!

I had a 15 minute talk with one of my prof's about my future education, er. . .hmm. (It's not really education except degree of advancement) But he said that the Th. M. is almost the same amount of work as the Ph.D. but almost every school requires it for the Ph. D. WHY?! Further, I don't enjoy studying anything like some people do. I mean some people love history/chemistry/computers/people other people just find a job and do it to pay the bills. Ah well.

I could use some food. I have to try to make the groceries I bought last thru Feb. I think I can except for a gallon of milk. We shall see though.

I want to go watch the game but my boss told me I needed to wait for the visiting team to finish showering so they could get the domino's heat bags out of their bus and leave them here. /sigh

I'm gonna go over my Vocab again.

Monday, January 29, 2007


I have suddenly lost almost all my drive to play games right now. I guess I played too much this past month that now it just seems "bleh".

For the record, it took me five hours Saturday night to breed a Gold chocobo. It is fast, and has stamina, and can pretty much beat any other chocobo in any race. But so can my black one and green one.

I can't beat Emerald/Ruby yet. No big deal there; I will be able to soon enough. If I can make myself keep playing.

I am thinking of trying to read through the Bible in February. I have never made it through in a month, and my new schedule gives me free time that I should be using more effectively.

I have lots of class-room reading as well. But that gets boring, but if I cna keep up on it I will be able to spend some time reading what I want to.

So, if I just want a Ph.D. I should go to BJU, but if I'm looking to write books, or be an authority I need to go somewhere else because people just don't recognize BJU as much. Which of course, means that extra 4 years of schooling. Argh? Yeah, I think so.

Last night my roommate basically told me that I shouldn't be a pastor but that I would make a good lawyer. It was an odd conversation.

We had a missionary to the Muslims in England at church yesterday. He was very informative during Sunday School about some of the things they have done. How they are taking over the world and we are basically the only ones left. And considering how long the left has been wanting to give in, we might not be holding out much longer. Pulling out of Iraq means vitory to them, pure and simple.

The point of course was that they need to be saved too; strategically speaking however, it would be a good idea to plan to win. Imo.

I have to work tonight. Its odd that I only have to work one day a week now (@ McD). Its nice, but different. I haven't gotten my credit card bill for the past two months. I wonder. . .

Doh! I forgot to call someone.

Need to study Greek a lot tonight. So much work I need to get done this week. Its tiring trying to think about it all.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

la dee da dee da dum

Only 2.5 hours before I can go home. We had a surprisingly busy morning, with soccor, and then volleyball, but its slow now.

I did get my reading done last night if you wondered. I also did some reading today, though not very much. Then I played stupid games, and then read FF7 plot ideas for like an hour or two. I really wish I coulda played the game this time not knowing about Aeris. I coulda used something with shock value.

I need to remember to bring a book to church tomorrow. I always forget and have nothing to read during choir practice.

Its funny, reading plot summaries since most were written before advent children. They say all these things that we know now aren't accurate. I'm going to need to watch that again after I win the game. That movie is so cool.

I went into the gym to shoot some baskets and realized why I don't normally. I can't.

I should be working on the dot-drill. It improves dexterity.

I did more reading on chocobo breeding. It can get really expensive, but its sounding like something I may actually do, since the game is kinda slowed down.

I have a paper due in two weeks. This means that I need to get it written this week, since next week is a module, and I will be uber busy.

I entered a pool tournament. I will probably lose my first game, but at least I entered right? I used to be "ok", but its been so long.

I need to lose weight.

Only 2 hours and 23 minutes left to go. /sigh

That's it!! I'm gonna go play Yahoo pool. . .if the school PC can handle it. : /

Friday, January 26, 2007

another day

So, here it is, Friday night.

I have now gotten Cloud's triple weapon, and begun the long trek that is morphing Power/Speed/Luck/Guard/Magic sources. I may stop to breed chocobos at some point unless that becomes less than entertaining (like after the first chic). Vincent is awsome. His last morph is sweet; his weapon is great; he has coolness all around.

I need to finish reading some pages tonight for my assignment.

Someone started another topic towards me about the fairness issue. I mean really; I was done with it. (I'm also trying to use more semi-colons; have you noticed yet?)

Not too much more to say. Barbers charge about $12-13 minimum for a haircut around here. I don't want to pay that. Not sure if I can cut my own, but after looking at it again, I decided it doesn't need to be cut yet anyway.

Intermurals were kinda entertaining. The team that was supposedly the best with all the cocky guys has someone who can reach rim. He missed. 5 times. LOL. Everyone was laughing. They killed the other team, but he would have the ball and there wouldn't be anyone from the opposing team on that half of the court and he would take his time, and *SLAM* missed again. heh, it was great. I don't like those guys too much. They ignore the rules and talk back to me.

I wish I could say things have progressed, in other things, but really nothing exciting has happened since yesterday, and even yesterday there wasn't too much going on.

Sloppy Joe sounds good, but I don't have the stuff to make it. I have been eating a LOT of PB. On toast in the morning and on a sandwich before bed. Need to buy some more tuna on Monday. . .and milk.

My desire to buy a sword is fading, though its still there.

Wise as a serpent; harmless as a dove.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and I will not want to read my book, but I will have nothing else to do. So I will sit and surf . . . and I will probably tell you all about it tomorrow.

Ok, peace.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


So I intended on posting a server, and character name of my guy on runescape, but *gasp* lo and behold, the computers here don't even run the correct java version to enable me to create a character. Thus endeth another attempt to avert boredom.

I am kinda at a stand-still in FF7. I am on disc 3. I am lvl 53. I can't go fight in the sunken ship, they destroy me. I need to find a good place for AP, and another place for EPX, and another place with both. Further I need CLoud's triple weapon. I already cleared out the Golden Saucer, soon after defeating Ultimate Weapon.

I got an e-mail from this girl. It was just an e-mail, but. . .

No one is posting in my internet class.

I took a five hour nap today. . .Why? I'm not sure. I had thought I was getting plenty of sleep. Perhaps 6 hours a night. Nah, that's not enough. I guess.

We have intermural basketball tonight. Means lots of people in the gym, lots and lots.

My entire upper body is sore. I worked my back yesterday, and my chest the day before. . .which probably adds to the fact that I needed the sleep.

The karate group comes in every Tue/Thur. Lately they have been bringing their weapons. The ones with blades aren't really even blades but the staves, and nun-chucks are about as deadly as they can get. Its cool to watch them walk in with them. I should bring my nun-chucks out here sometime.

Better go see what's going on up front. Hope the guy in charge is there so I don't have to deal with this stuff.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

same old

You know, I need an internet game. I have 5 hours of internet time at work every night. If the internet wasn't restricted, and I had my PC, I would wish I had WoW right now. As it is, that would be a pointless wish, and its kinda discouraging to be thinking that anyway, but thats what I'm thinking. I might look into that runescape game.

I should spend the next hour studying 250 greek vocab cards. I don't feel like it though.

I forgot to comb my hair.

I need a hair cut.


Some guy posted something stupid, and some other guy asked a stupid question. You people don't care, but I'm gonna tell you everytime it happens anyway.

Lots of guys in the gym tonight. It will be a chore to kick them out.

I'm bored, bored, bored. Seems I posted that before. I guess I will workout, and then go home and try to beat ultimate weapon. Wonder if I can beat him at my current level. Er, I'm supposed to go into Junon for a huge materia first. And then probably back to the sub. Anyway.

Going to go walk around, maybe go ride a bike.

Monday, January 22, 2007

aw man

So, I was trying to sell my cousins WoW account. Didn't go to well.

Cloud is really messed up. And all because of a girl. Its a good thing I decided to play it, because I didn't remember any of this stuff. Oh! and how can you stab someone with a buster sword? I mean, he just sticks it right through Seph. And then throw him off the edge. . .and now hes just a weakling.

I'm finding the battle game rather difficult to get up to 50,000 points. I might need some more HP or something.

The Aeris scene is even more amazing if you think about it in light of FF6. You come off 6 and there is a comparison of Aeris to Terra. Both are odd/special. Terra runs off on her own stupidly a lot too. And then suddenly, BAM!!! Then you are all mixed up. . .then Cloud disappears, and then Tifa decides to watch him . . . it gets you wondering just how many other characters are going to die, or quit. . .I think the game had a lot more punch when it was new, because of what you did/didn't expect. :D I'm thoroughly enjoying it; I was playing till 3am last night again.

My roommate already lost 15 lbs. on his diet. Granted hes overweight, but thats a lot, and it makes me want to eat a bit more healthy. Not too much mind you, because I'm not giving up Chinese, but a bit more.

I'm going to try to start working out tomorrow again. I am back on a regular schedule so I can lift after work every night. Hopefully I can stick with it. I think I can.

My roommate posted something dumb on our internet course. I wasn't going to respond until after I talked to him and if he wasn't reasonable. But he was, and then he said, "So post what you were going to." So, I fixed it a bit and then posted. He came back with a 2 sentence "I was wrong." response. It was the only thing he could do really.

I feel like the prof should be doing what I am doing. I mean, I am the one analyzing everyone's stuff and telling them where they are off. The prof doesn't say hardly anything. Granted I have a lot more time than him, and he wants interaction, but eventaully everyone is going to be sick of seeing my name, and they aren't going to respond. Not because they agree, but because they are sick of me saying they are all wrong, and they will just try the ignore factor. I need to balance myself to keep them reading at least until after the KJB factor. After that I don't think I will care as much.

I need to find out how to get to the underwater reactor. I'm stuck atm. Hmmmm. I just realized that I don't think I willl be able to buy any more materia from the place that Cloud was staying. . .Rats!!! I needed like 4 more HP Plus; meh, maybe not.

I found the default IP for the web filter, but it didn't work, therefore they changed it or it's accesibility is user based. I doubt the latter very much, but its probable.

The good thing about the FF7 world is that is never gets destroyed with a light of judgment, or time compression. This means you can go back to all those towns when you had no money and buy the materia you wanted to get extra of, just in case.

I'm kinda dreading playing 9, but its that or 10, and I've seen waaay more of ten, and I'm sick of blitzball so, I think 9 it is. Of course I got a bit left in 7. But its good to plan ahead.

One of these days, I am going to ask a question in my Prison Epistles class that he is going to just turn down. But I will have to ask, because he is always commenting on the translations.

OR I could play 5! That sounds like a winner.

Cute girl just walked around the corner. . .and then out the door.

Colts or Bears? I personally don't care, but because we have lots of bears fans out here, I hope they lose. What does that say about me though? People around me want the Bears to win, so I want them to lose. . .hmmm. Maybe something worth pursuing.

Better go do some Greek or something. The "or something" is most likely. Have a wonderful night while I slave away at McD.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

stupid people

Here I am at work again. We got two games tonight, @ 5 and 7. I leave at 6. . .I don't think I'll stay for the second game. I don't really care to see us lose that much and I could be playing FF7 or something. Besides, by that point I will be starving since I didn't bring a lunch and then if I walk home I will not be walking back out. And I did get pizza delivered yesterday so there's really not much chance I'm going to do it again today.

I am writing more on the KJV issue. Its the only intellectual stimulation I get. I'm doing a lot of copy/pasting from other peoples stuff too though. I need to remember to cite them when I'm done.

I think I'm going to try to play pool and bastekball at least once a week. Get me some physical excercise. I can't wait till lunch tomorrow, again. Sunday dinner is always something to look forward to.

I could say, "next week starts the rest of my life." But really I could say today does.

I keep reading walkthroughs. I found a system for auto-lvling in FF7. Was quite surprised by it. I haven't decided if I'm going to be buying the turbo controller I need.

Well, for a few of you, the rest of this may seem somewhat redundant. But its on my mind and I thought my blog would be a good place to put it again.

I recently read an article, and though the article was good, what struck me afterward was the response of the readers that it used "archaic" words and too many "adjectives". Christianity has become dumb. We sit back and say, let us not argue, but let us be united. A question fittingly asked in response was to question whether fundamentalism has become part of the 15 second culture. Are we so attuned to the world that we cannot sit for a moment to think about that which bears upon our soul? The ecumenicalism all around us has driven fundamentalism to a point of acceptance. If we view ourselves in terms of the liberals we will always be grand, but rather we must view ourselves in terms of Scripture.

I look at the scholars of today, and I laugh when they try to tell me what the Greek says. Not because they don't know Greek. I'm sure they do. But because there was a day when the young men of America would graduate from Harvard at 16, and be speaking 4 foreign languages as fluently as English by 23. There was a day when a scholar assigned to work on the translation of Scripture could simultaneously write Greek in one hand and Hebrew in the other. Fundamentalism gets its scholars in the classroom who do not yet hold a doctorate, and they want to tell the students what the Greek says, but not just tell them, they want to do so in a way that they disagree with 70+ scholars who knew the language 100 times better. Fundamentalism's young people gladly soak it in. They think to themselves, this is a scholar, and he is teaching me, now I know what a scholar knows. BAH!!!! Learn your history; realize that getting anything is hard work, and that the men in front of you are not inspired!

In conclusion, search the Scriptures. Those who know the Scriptures will not consent to compromise. They will not yearn for fellowship with unbelievers. They will not be content with some man telling them what God wants. They will not be content with their current life/theological standing. They will continue to strive. They will study to shew themselves approved unto God. Those words seem to have been lost us. Study, not to get smart, not to impress others, not to get a degree, not to get a job, but to be approved unto God.

Friday, January 19, 2007

feeling good

So, I wish I had made it to my blog this morning. I was feeling so . . . free. I'm excited about next week. I'm ready to excel. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm not going to get anywhere by wishing I was there.

People say I shouldn't be in charge because I want to be in charge. I say "hogwash". That is a poor reason in and of itself. Sure, many movies depict the guy who wants anything but to lead turning into a great leader, but that just adds to the plot. You also take people like King Saul who didn't want to be leader and look where it got him. And what of Ceasar, and Nebuchadnezzar?

But the crux of the whole matter is that God sets up and takes down leaders. So it doesn't really do me any good to worry about it. What I need to spend my time doing is preparing myself for whatever lies ahead.

I'm almost to the temple of the ancients. You all know what happens there. I really want to get omnislash but I might as well wait a little bit more, since I don't have his lvl 3 limits yet. I am having a hard time getting GP to spend. The best way is really the basketball game but its a pain to learn. And the guy selling them never shows up for me to buy.

We have about 80 kids sleeping in our smaller gym tonight. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Its a wrestling tournament, but why they have to sleep in the gmy idk.

About the basketball coach. I watched the game the other night, and realized that even if he is a terrible coach, he has got very little to work with. The guys don't spend the time practicing that they should. They get open and they miss 50% of their shots. They can't catch the ball. What can they do? Idk. Half the time they don't play. They can play ok Def, but their best offensive player just doesn't play def, and you have to get the guys that are 5'10 in their if you want to see some Def. In the end, there are still obvious problems with the coach but he really doesn't have much to work with either.

I wonder how hard it is to coach a sport. It must certainly get harder the higher lvl one coaches. It doesn't seem to hard, but then again you must depend on your players. If your players practice with the team and then don't touch a ball again, where are they going to be? What do you do if your best offensive player thinks he is just all that? You can't really bench him. . .can you? I think I would enjoy being an assistant coach. I can watch the game and see where the problems are (generally). It helps to have someone basketball savy around. When I was home I went to my cousins game with another cousin. He commented the whole time. I got back here, and I watch these guys make the same mistakes that the middle school team was making.

One day, over the rai. . .ehm, never mind.

I need something to stimpulate my brain. I'm still working on the TR issue but I need some form of debate. I'm thinking of stopping by sharperiron but I know that most likely I will get swamped and then be expected to reply to some educated moron. Actually, the main reason I don't really post much there is that I find nothing that appeals to me, or I am too ignorant of the topic. /sigh, which means I should be doing my reading.

I am debating the word "fair" with someone in my internet course. He equates fairness and justice, and cited the dictionary. I equate fairness with equality and cited the dictionary and examples. I ended my part by being happy to agree to disagree, but he commented again, and it appears partially reversed his view. So I should probably say "Yeah, that sounds about right."

I hate it when anyone in some setting like this says "good discussion guys." I think I need to try to avoid saying anything like that in the future. It makes it seem, or does at least to me, that he is the one who needs to tell us its a good discussion. I knew it was a good discussion, when I first questioned the word fair, and then when I again questioned his usage of it. Blah. Of course, maybe he was just saying it to say he enjoyed it, or a round about way of saying "no hard feelings", etc. meh, maybe.

I'm just waiting for someone to say something stupid. My one roommate did, but he really avoids any confrontation and so I don't know if he will even respond. Maybe there is no point because I said what needed to be said so he would have to argue something he doesn't believe or just say "oops, I messed up."

I'm hungry. But I don't think it would be wise for me to have pizza delivered right now. I could though. . .hmmmmm.

Its Friday. Feels like Saturday. I'm glad its not.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

less QQ?!?!!?

Hmm, I read over it again, and I didn't think I was complaining that much. Well, maybe a little. So maybe no QQ this time.

I played FF7 till almost 5am last night. It was hard to stop. I accidently got Yuffie (yeah, and I'm sure glad I walked into that forest.), and then Vincent. I started counting enemies that Cloud personally killed to try to get to 80. I'm at like 68 I think.

McD said they would cut my hours back to one day a week. So that's cool.

I'm enjoying my commenting on my internet course.

We have another guys game in an hour.

I think I may start playing pool with my roommate on a regular basis. I've always liked pool.

We got a small signal for wireless internet at the house now. My roommate is still working on getting it fixed right. I may have to get my computer up and running if I can access the internet.

Some guy already hit lvl 70 in WoW. He started out with 5 people helping him, and ended with 35 people helping him. Sounds like they had a good plan, and it worked well. There is a good friendship there. My guild (including me) never would have had 35 members turn out to grind one guy to 70 in 28 hours. There are only a few people I woulda ever cared to work that hard for, but its hard to imagine 35 people all caring for the one individual that much. Says something, but idk what.

I'm anxious to get into the KJV issue, but I know once I do, its going to get messy. In a classroom setting the prof will just keep talking and rarely are others going to input, but on the internet, the prof will wait 3-5 days to respond, and so I will have to deal with a dozen rabbit trails, from random posters. I still studying so hopefully I'm prepared enough to handle the smaller issues quickly.

I have been thinking about running for President again. . .that inevitably leads to thinking military career, and/or lawyer, and or some other public office. It can't ever become a reality because only in a crazy world would I get 50.1% of the vote. Ah, but I can dream.

Better get some homework done because when the game starts I'll probably end up watching it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday night

Our girls team lost tonight by like 11. We were close most the game and then lost it in the last 5 minutes.

The guys are getting destroyed. About 48 to 12. Figures. Seems like maybe the coach would start to think about stepping down when they have several seasons like this and more than a few of the better guys don't even try out for the team b/c he coaches. Sure there may be an attitude problem but not necessarily, and our team stinks atm.

I really have nothing to write about. 5 day, 4 night study for $1800. I need to get the info on it, and then quickly signup for the days off. Or rather. . .I could put my two weeks in if its going to work. I would just have to spend it wisely.

I decided to comment on the comments of the other people in the class. This would be so much fun if I didn't have to get graded on it in the end.

I will probably play lots of games tomorrow night. . .and when I say games I mean FF7, and tomorrow night is when I should be studying. Oh well. I'm bored.

Bored bored bored. I feel like its been forever since I've talked to anyone, but really its just been over a week. Not ever ten days yet, since I was home. Wow.

If I wasn't a christian I would most definitely have been a criminal. I'm reading this book on social engineering. . .its full of examples, but even though they are interesting, its not like I couldn't have thought of them. The pull to them I guess is that they are RL stories.

Gonna go watch some more of our guys play. . .I got a quiz in the morning, and I don't really care.

I actually should go lift. It would probably help this tired feeling I have. I feel like I don't want to start when I got other stuff on my mind; mostly because it takes a lot of effort for me to work out more than once a week/month.

Monday, January 15, 2007

beginning a another week

I won FF8 Sat. Started FF7 Sat night. Played it till 4am last night. Slept till 4pm today.

Our washer stops working after the wash cycle. So it doesn't empty out all the water or rinse. I hope my clothes aren't all ruined. I had most of them in that load.

I have about 5,000 pages of reading this semester. That's about 350-400 a week, and since I'm already on the second week I'm 400 pages behind. That isn't counting any homework. So I figure I need to spend 30 minutes a day on Greek, 1-3 hours reading and then do my papers/etc the week they are due. /sigh The stress returns.

Our girls basketball team is going to win their game in like 30 seconds if they haven't already. They were just plain better than this other team. I only saw a few minutes of it. It didn't appeal to me today.

I'm thinking of apping at the computer center on campus. If I can get a part time job their I could quit McD. Hmm.

I think I'm going to try fixing my PC on my own. I just need to order a Mobo that will work.

I'm getting a sore throat. I don't understand why. I am getting sleep; drinking plenty of water. It is freezing outside though. . .and I have to walk a ways to classes. Maybe that's why.

I better start some reading. . .or check my internet course. Haven't done that yet today.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Yes, its snowing outside. And has been for a few hours now. Further, my cousin wants me to get an old couch out of her house, and then deliver it to some junk store on the other side of town. . .Getting it, fine. I don't want to be driving an old van 20 miles one-way in this weather though. Maybe I'll just take the couch. hmmm.

559 mil. But unfortunately the high score save doesn't know how to pass 10 mil. I know you are all dying to know how I got 559 mil. . .but I'm not going to tell you.

I got home last night and my room-mate was playing halo -- campaign style. This meant I didn't get to play at all, and ended up going to bed.

I am wanting to win FF8 today.

Church tomorrow and the roads are going to be bad. Well, maybe they won't. How does church and bad roads go together u ask? Well, I drive 25 miles. I am looking forward to Sunday dinner -- Pondo or chinese. . .haven't decided but I'm guessing Chinese.

I'm hungry, again.

I just got asked to leave a note for the next guy that he needs to put the hoops down. I don't feel like putting them down, but why should I leave a note and not do it myself? Maybe I'll put half of them down or something. Idk.

I can feel my internet course getting out of hand. We had 5 questions and 26 people in the class (supposedly), so how in the world are 26 people all going to answer the same 5 questions without copying someone else. Already they are just reworded posts of the people before them. Also, I'm in my internet mode when I look at the stuff and its just like posting on any forum where they talk theology. They say some things that are obvious and easy and then someone throws in something dumb. I'm going to have to be careful. In class, I can't just interupt/correct any tiny dumb thing, but when we are asked to comment on it, its hard to not comment.

I better go check the hoops.

My new phrase is "Rome wasn't built in a day." Why? Because I decided it was. I'm going to use it in most situations even if it doesn't apply, and when people give me that "huh?" look, I'll just say "exactly!"

I find that when I start looking at FBI/CIA jobs I always end up looking at some form of the military special forces. No1 wants to hire an average Tom (b/c my cousin Joe doesn't like the normal reference) but they all want to hire someone previously in special forces. Who wouldn't? Which leads to my dilemma, no1 wants to hire a computer guy who knows little about computers, and even more nobodies want to hire a bible guy.

I can't figure out the idea that will make me lots of money. . .I know its there, but I can't figure it out.

Got to go check the hoops.

Friday, January 12, 2007


About two months ago I got a new high score in Jardinains. It was 9 mil +. That was about double the previous high score iirc. So I played again today. . .high score -> 39 mil. So yeah.

Guys playing basketball, girls playing volleyball, tredmills/stairmasters/bikes all full. No1 has any homework this week. So they all come bother me.

1 hour left.

I'm really hungry, and I don't have much food at home. But I don't want to spend the money on a pizza either.

I should have thought to bring my GBA from home.

200+ hours?

So, I maxed Squall's Str. and then found a walkthrough by someone addicted to FF8. According to this walkthrough in order to max your characters it may take upwards of 200 hours. 200!!! I am currently under 45, and playing another 150 without any story just doesn't work with my system. So, I am going to win the game this weekend. Then I can start 7. The only thing I am still considering is maxing my SeeD rank to 'A'. I'm only 5 levels away, but the only way for me to get it at this point would be to kill 500 enemies. . .so, worth it? nah.

FF7 -- I know very very little about it. I guess I will be reading some walkthroughs for a bit.

I took my first look at this slideshow I was given over Christmas break. About 90 pages of TR/KJB goodness. Full of good quotes, and useful info, I am going to have to go through it again to find the quotes I need and make a more compact format so I will have it more readily available.

Am I looking forward to this weekend? I guess. No school/work. That's always nice. But my roommate will probably be playing games on his xbox, and so I won't get to play FF. I really should spend most my time at work tomorrow reading for my classes. (You will probably have to listen to me complain about reading for another 4 months)

On a side note: the company that bought my WoW account just had several of the accounts which they had resold banned. I wonder if Earendil is now on GM Island too. I shouldn't really be thinking about WoW. . .it just makes me mad that the guild is going to fall apart. Oh well, none of my concern any more.

I wonder if I can keep my McD job and still try to have a life. If I try to operate for 4 months on 6 hours of sleep will it work? But even then. . .I don't have a time when I can get 6 solid hours; its more like two sections of 3-4. I think it would be better if I didn't work Mondy night.

I forgot to bring food to work. . .rats. Well, candy; I don't bring food.

Gonna go play stupid games or read walkthroughs. . .haven't decided yet.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


So, my internet course is going to prove very annoying I think. My prof asks all these questions and we are to respond, when if it was a classroom setting I could sit and think "these are dumb questions" but now I need to respond to some to show my participation. Maybe I'll get enough participation points when he starts talking about the KJV issue.

I have so much reading to do. I am aware of 2300+ pages atm and I haven't even gotten to two of my classes yet. I shouldn't be leveling Squall's str. but I am.

I got this Yoda doll for Christmas. I thought it only said like 5 things. Turns out it has three settings: off/tryme/play. I turned it on play and it moves it arms/eyebrows/mouth, and talked for 5-10 minutes straight giving the Cliff notes version to "Revenge of the Sith" Then it asked if I wanted to hear what happened in "A New Hope". I turned it off. I am assuming that it may go through the last 4 movies.

The hamster in the office with me is making lots of noise. He chews on the bars of his cage.

I need to figure out how to obtain Spd. ups in FF8.

I'm wondering if it would be worth it to drive for 45 minutes (one way) to give plasma. In the end thats 3 hours in the car a week for $50 a week. Hard to think I'm actually going to be making the money I need if I have to drive so far. My car doesn't get good milage either. meh, maybe its worth it.

Sooo much stupid reading.

I got a greek quiz tomorrow. 50 vocab words. I need to study those tonight too. hmmm.

I don't really want to start FF7 b/c I got spoiled not having any random encounters in 8.

Maybe if McD would cut me down to two days a week. Doubtful, but might be worth asking. Or I could start sleeping only 6 hours a day. That might work too. The plasma thing sounded great but I'm getting hesitant now. . .why? idk.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

so. . .

Yeah, I caved. Here is my own blog. Don't know what if anything I'll end up saying, but meh, here it is anyway.

Its so hard to not think of things in the normal everyday waste of time routine. I find so little enjoyment in anything.

I'm don't know half the stuff I should about computers because I never cared. And its happening again. I could be learning tons and tons of stuff and I am finding myself out in WI, getting A's and getting an MA and not learning crap. I have more enjoyment sitting in McD for an hour arguing the economic system of the Milennium.

So, what is it I enjoy doing, and where can I get a job doing it?! It isn't that I find what I'm doing particularly bad, but I just would rather spaze out, read a stupid fantasy, or play a video game because *this* just doesn't appeal to me.

I'm lazy yeah, but really, if I knew what I wanted it would be easier for me to work for it. Not knowing what I want is really annoying. People laugh when I say I want to be a boss, but I really do. I mean, I enjoy leading, fixing things, makeing them work better. /sigh So often in order to get anywhere, you have to listen to stupid people and do what they want or they will never promote you to the place where you can tell them they are stupid.

Q: How can you ever get a position in charge without dealing with stupid people on the way up??
A: Meet someone in your church who needs you to be in charge and hires you in like that.