Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I really don't have much to say atm. 7:13.

I got up later than I planned. I have a meeting tomorrow with the head of the GA program thing. Yeah.

Still nothing going on. Last intramural games tonight. They were ok.

That's about it. I had some canned sliced potatoes so I cooked those and then mashed them and am now eating them cold instead of oatmeal today. I need something that is meant to be cold.

I could have a law degree in 4 years. Compare that to the 9+ for a PhD. I'll do it for you: it's a little less than half. psshh.

Everytime I say "I need more money." I need to say "Trust in the Lord." Yeah. 9:35.

ok, ttyl. bye.

Monday, February 26, 2007

uh huh

Here we are. I have work tonight. I am eating oatmeal and tuna again. . .I wish someone had said "Dave, potatoes are a good source of Carbs." Before I went and bought oatmeal. ewyuck! So I will try making some potatoes when my oatmeal is gone. I would go buy them now, but I don't want to waste that $1.20 . . .seriously, I've left more in a tip because I didn't want to wait to break my bill. Its odd how some things bother us and other don't. Well, I can't go shopping until Wed. anyway.

My roommate had Invincible or w/e it was last night, so I watched it at 3:30am. It was ok. If I wanted to watch some nobody run through Philly I woulda rather seen Rocky though.

My cousin told me I should be going over seas to study since I don't have a wife or kids. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It doesn't mean I'm rich, but I guess if you figure you're going to be paying on your bills the rest of your life than it doens't matter how big they are right?

I got invited to a birthday party. Sounds like fun. It a double party so there might be a good deal of people there. I'd prefer smaller groups, but I'm going either way. (If I can get the time off)

/gasp! There were 55 people invited. meh, I know maybe, mmm, 10-15 of em. It should be interesting.

Ok, to be more honest, I only know 9, and a couple barely, and another one I don't get along with.

I have to answer one more question before 9:30. My problem? I don't know which one. The one I wanted to answer is really odd, and I'm not sure how. The one I do decide to answer however means I cannot write on a similar topic for my paper later. what to do what to do. 6:44.

I almost threw-up my oatmeal. That makes any more even harder. It isn't like I haven't had it before. I was surprised it was so hard to get down that time. bleh!

AGUH! I am writing complete lies. I hate it.

My cousin said that to get into a ThM program you generally need about 100 graduate level credits. I will have 34. hahahahaha. So, I need a 2nd masters before I can get a ThM (which is a masters too) and then I can get a PhD. 1 year to finish here + 2 years for the other 70 hours I need, + 2-4 years for the ThM + the 4 years for the PhD -> 11 years at worst. -> 34. Then I only have one year to campaign for President. That's pushing it.

"Spielberg, by the way, tells me that production on “Indiana Jones 4” begins June 18th." -- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,254767,00.html Like a 1/3rd down page.

/sigh. Its a long ways in the future, and I like to plan too much. However, I could be dead tomorrow, so why worry bout it now, right?

I made it through that oatmeal. . .but I can't do this oatmeal after today. I'm buying potatoes, and will probably have to settle for baked until I can find time to make mashed.

How do you bake/make potatoes? Think I need tin foil and a microwave.

I am free again. It is such a feeling of ecstasy to have the project that is due done. My scenario papers are now done. It was a weird asignment. 3 scenarios dealing with the topics of class, but it was like "you are teaching a Sunday School class and. . ." It ended up meaning much less technical details but much more application, which was good. Because I didn't want to write all the techy stuff that I didn't care about and the application I could agree. Some of the answers were plain falsities. . .but that's what he wanted. Not lies, see, because I wasn't attempting to deceive anyone.

I am thinking about a palm pilot. . .I keep hearing how you can get free games for it. . .I need to stop. I have too much other stuff I want atm.

Ok, I gtg. bleh, McD. I will probably eat a bit there. That's always the hard thing.

once more with feeling

Yeah, I felt I needed to spruce things up a bit and I thought I should comment now that I did it. The pic of me is accurate as of last week, and yes that is real fire. I added some of my favorite links, and completed more of my profile. Maybe some of it works or doesn't idk, but there it is for now.

I had more to say, but its gone. Have a good night then.

Oh? Why am I still up? Well, I work all night Monday and have no class Monday so the later I stay up on Sunday when I have nothing going on the easier my life is on Monday night when I am working and Tuesday morning when I have class. See? Always trying to make things easier on myself.

That reminds me, I blame my procrastination on my efficiency. If I start a paper today, knowing I can't finish it today, then the next time I work on it I will have to spend time catching up and finding my place. If this "next time" happens after a few days the time spent catching up is too great to waste. (Yeah, I'm talking about wasting time after running a guild for a year. . .don't judge.) Thus, I do all my projects in one sitting so I don't have to "waste" that time. ;)

My boss asked if I wanted to drive the girls basketball team to Florida (one of two busses). It wasn't really a serious offer, and I couldn't *really* consider it, but if I had not had class he might have been serious and then I would have considered it. A free week in florida at a girls basketball tournament. . .too bad I had class. It was only Greek though, and I didn't think aobut it at the time, but I coulda skipped if I had realized it was only Greek! Phooey. lol.

There is no way to "test-out" of 2nd year greek, because the stuff they are testing in 2nd year is the stuff you will forget when you actually start translating. It's like all the stuff you don't remember about English, you just do it naturally now. Well, that stinks.

Of course after seeing my driving record they wouldn't have let me behind the wheel anyway, heh.

Ok, you guys should be sleeping.

I hate arguing the formalization of the canon. Its just an argument that doesn't stick with me for some reason. I have most of it in my head now, but it seems I've heard it many times and then lost it. Odd how some things do that and others stick immediately. I think my attic is cluttered. (Sherlock Holmes reference, go read more.)

The secretary ended up driving the bus. She left her rodent in the office with a little sticky note to someone else to feed him. That note happens to be hanging over the trash and so if it just happened to come unstickied, and then say the trash was emptied or some papers were thrown on top. . .what would happen to the rat? => (I'll let you know in a week.)

ok, I'm logging off. . .really this time. g'night.

EDIT: The post below is new as of tonight as well, which you probably would just skip over if I didn't tell you these things. lucky you.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

fundamentalism: alive and thriving. . .for the devil

so here I am. 10:15 pm. Starting my answers to some questions. Shouldn't be too hard. But let me first state that all those of you who keep your own blogs and check mine should do something about updating yours.

Truly, the goat thing was funny, but I was there when it was invented. ;P

The nose down, lying boss thing is too short to have any re-read value.

The daily devotional /reading of a version that isn't the Bible is old too.

Of course being Sunday I wouldn't expect glamor or anything, but you know, its been more than just Sunday since you updated, and what am I supposed to read when I get access to a PC? In short, post more often ;)

Now on to more chocolate or blueberry minimuffins. mmmmmmm.

DOH! DOH! DOH! DOH! Some less-than-truly-knowledgable individuals posted on *my* questions. Now it wasn't as bad as it coulda been, but if the rest of the class has so much free time this could be a problem. I need to get my post up, so I don't have to respond to 20 posts saying "You are wrong because of xxxxxxxx" If I preempt they will confront me and it will be one discussion rather than a whole bunch all with the same point.

We got some with a "no, it is not inspired" and a "no it is not the Word of God." shocking! not.

I wish I didn't have to sleep all day Tuesday. I'm going to make myself get up early!! I determine now! Bleah, I'm just blabbing. Hope church went well for you all today. My pastor got up and said "That word shouldn't be there." There is hope yet that we won't believe any of the Bible. . ."fundamental" pastors just have to stay the course.

How can you say THAT?!?!?!?!?! "That word shouldn't be there"??? I don't care if you are a council of 1,000 men who are all fluent in 6 languages, and have worked on a translation for 20 years in seperate groups and had it all checked and rechecked 10,000 times. It is GOD'S WORD!! It is trancendent! PERIOD! You are man! Think about it, and try telling God he is a liar. Try telling God you are worthy to look at the TRUTH and say that "word shouldn't be there."

/sigh Yes, that was an aggravating service. I was sooo glad to be back in church too, rather than chapel. Chapel was ok, but its good to be in the Lord's house. But without a Book. . .I weep for the church.

Are you a fundamentalist, or do you believe the fundamentals? There is a difference you know. I have yet to do all my research but I am pretty sure the movement started without a book, and the Christians that jumped on board b/c of the good it accomplished left this generation in sad shape.

I wonder about the Baptist heritage too. . .I can't help it at this point. I'm not saying I'm not Baptist, or not Fundamentalist. But verily I see no reason to be fundamentalist today, nor Baptist. We need revival. We don't need another movement, we need Christians fervently beseeching God to bring revival and then believing it will happen.

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God" -- We cannot win the lost when our churches are the devil's workshop. I am focusing on the negative I know. Of course we need to remember that God always has a remnant, but the state of things should cause us to cry out to God for help.

Remember compromise is bad; but as that should be the first thought. the second should be to realize what is important. Is it really important to be 100% sure on eschatology? pfft, are you kidding? of course not. Is it important to see the difference between Israel and the church? Yes. Is it important to be a solid dispensationalist? meh. Is it important to have The Very Holy Perfect Inerrant Inspired Word of God in our possesion? Yes, yes, yes.

Let me restate clearly that I am not discounting the many fundamentalist or baptists who have lived and died for the truth. There is a history of the Spirit moving, and it is clearly evident, however our concentration should not be to a label. I love the reformed guys, and read them more than I do baptist guys. Just who I have read and thus grown to love. But I am not reformed either.

Well, this has taken a much more serious turn then I expected. I was seriously about to log off when I went to eat minimuffins. But then the words came. ;P

Now I need more food. . .wait, no I don't. I am thinking I need to make some kinda rule about my day off. Is it possible to reverse a whole weeks diet in one day? maybe. :0

I shall go now. (shall? would any of you have noticed?) I looked at everything and saw I have 5 papers, 2-3 tests, and 3 reading reports due in April. So, that will be a busy month, and since I will be gone for the first weekend I firgure I better get some of it done this month when I have nothing do. So I should be busy the next few weeks. should


Saturday, February 24, 2007


My internet prof posted the questions. He straight out asked "Is the KJV inspired?" "Is the KJV *the* Word of God in the English language?" He is looking for discussion. I'm more worried at this point of presenting my material succinctly, and concisely, whereas in previous classes I was worried I wouldn't even get to make a point. I need to have it all prepared and post at once so I don't have to deal with a bunch of other nonsense between my points. This is clearly a highlite to my day.

Oh, I finished the 27 page review last night. . .That's pretty much all I did for those 5.5 hours. It was enjoyable.

I want pizza. Badly. 1:53.

YES!! My cousin is writing me back on the several questions I barraged him with in the past 24 hours. HAHAHAHHAAAH! ahem. 1:59pm.

So, this is going to take a bit more work than I was thinking. I am realizing I should have more citations. . .I hated them at first but no wants to know my opinion. They are forced however to listen to the opinions of those great men who they read everyday. So, I need to do some reading and grab some easy references. I don't think it will be too hard, but I will need to spend some time in the library in order to get what I need. Which means my post probably won't be up until Tuesday at the earliest, most likely Wednesday. No hurry really. People won't be rushing to answer them and I won't have to respond so much as just post. anyway, pizza sounds good still. 3:56. I need more money.

So many books I need to buy. Hill/Turretin/Calvin/Whitaker. Hmm, Something to save for Christmas lists. 4:14.

YES! (again) My roommate just called and said he might be renting some movies to watch with his family tonight, but I will be able to watch them tomorrow afternoon most likely. So I will get to see the movies I wanted to this weekend and still get to save my money. . . If only I had pizza for free too. ;)

I have a saved document which pretty much runs through the entire argument in good order but its 9 pages long. I can't be posting a 9 page post, but when I don't I will end up posting a dozen times to get all the questions answered and to get it all in. Ah, me.

I'm going to go try the eliptical machine (I think that's what it is) bbl. 5:01.

Wow, that's tough. Its harder on my legs than a treadmill. . .or my legs are still sore from Thursday. I didn't think they were that bad, but wow.

Going to go shoot some hoops. . .and get laughed at probly. such is life.

Friday, February 23, 2007

trying again

So it happened again last night. Long post deleted. I really need to make sure I am copy/pasting before I hit enter. . .because then its too late.

It has been warm lately. Now it is very cold. We are supposed to get a blizzard Sat/Sun. anywhere from 4 to 16 inches. That's a big range, but doesn't sound good either way.

I got a 27 page paper from my cousin he wants me to look over. I'm on page 4. He isn't going to like my editing, but hey, he sent it to me.

I spent a long time on the phone yeterday. First time my phone died on me that I can remember. It was great. I talked to my brother, my uncle, and my cousin. My cousin and I talked for over an hour. . .computer stuff first and then nutrition and lifting. It was cool.

Lord willing I will be home in 3 weeks and in Florida in 5. Amen to that.

I am eating oatmeal. I heard white bread is bad for you, so my carbs come from oatmeal. But since I need to divide it into 8 meals a day, I make 2 helpings and then stick it in the fridge. Thankfully 8 helping is only about a big bite every hour or so. Otherwise. . .gross. Yesterday I ate it in two servings. . .I had to add brown sugar and lots of cinnamon. But the tinies bit of brown sugar has over 100 calories and so it kinda defeats the purpose.

I lost 5lbs btw. Go me! Its probably the same 5lbs I always lose right away and then gain back. . .So hopefully I can lose another 5-10 and then when I gain my 5 back I'll be ahead. . .go me! ;)

I can't wait for spring break. DOH! I forgot to bring my greek homework to work. You say, but dave, its Friday. It is, but we have extra credit which involves writing out 3 pages of stuff for 16 days straight. Yes, that sounds like a hand cramp, but its an easy 3% of the total grade. And no matter your grade, you should ALWAYS get the extra credit. You never know when you will get the flu and miss 7 quizzes. I'll have to do it when I get home tonight.

This weekend will be boring. I am not spending money on movies anymore so I will just sit and do homework I guess. . .boring boring boring. Maybe. I could always play FF5 but if I'm not spending lots of time on it I feel I shouldn't even get started.

Need to go do more editting, bbl. 6:24.

One thing that is not sooo gross is combining tuna with cold oatmeal. The texture of the oatmeal becomes like cold pasta noodles and so if you can eliminate the taste with the tuna then its not unbearable. . .of course it took me all day to try it. stupid! stupid! stupid! I am on page 12. 8:40.

My friend called me to tell me he is making $10 an hour. What was funny was that for the first time a week ago he showed how much he cares hes making more than me. I told him I app'd for a job making over $9.00 and he was upset because he thought his raise was only to $8.50. He was really glad he was making $10. lol, I had never even thought about it in comparison.

Some kid from arizona just said "i could stay here for the rest of my life" because of all the snow we are getting. He had never seen so much snow in his life. . .it was 90 in Arizona when they left. . .He must be one of the mentally handicapped visitors. ;P

Gtg. cya laterz. 9:47pm

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


"So there I was. . ."

Let me recap yesterday real fast: I need to save all my money if I want to go to Florida. I don't know anything about good eating habits for losing fat, and gaining muscle. And I need lots more $$$$. That's about it.

Let my men see me alive and you will see where their loyalties lie. -- Maximus Decimus Meridius

I don't have any men, but if I did. . .

I wonder what kind of leader he was. . .you know? I mean there are all sorts of types. I'm sure that there are problems with how I lead. (ask my siblings.) But what they are I do not know. . .I always hear something about poor people skills. . .I wonder how you judge that. Ah. . .to wish!

I was thinking about trying to work more days at McD yesterday when I was despairing for $$$. Then McD asked me if I would consider taking one more day since the main 3rd shift person quit. I was thinking, "hmm, does this mean I should take it?" Then I went to Greek. I was half dead, and couldn't concentrate. We didn't have a quiz, and my homework had already been finished so it didn't matter to much, but it made me realize how hard it was to work 3rd shift. I need a job that I can work 9-4 TR. If I could get that I could quit McD and life would be grand.

Wise as a serpent; harmless as a dove.

My internet course has been dead for days.

I read ab workouts now and then. . .they say, "aside from doing your 100 situps a day do . . ." I can't even do 100 situps, lol.

I made two sandwiches out of 2 cans of tuna, then I cut them into quarters and am eating one every hour. Hopfully that will keep my metabolism going.

I voted in the primary today. Took 5 minutes.

But what if I go to seminary when I finish here? I will need a full time job to pay for school, and food and an apartment. . .Hopefully that will be 2nd shift.

I have to put the hoops up and down like 4 times tonight. . .I would /sigh but really its the only work I will be doing tonight.

40 minutes until I can eat again. . .5:53.

So, I should finish my one paper this week. Then I will have to finish my NTI exam Saturday, and then start an exegesis of a passage in Eph/Phil/Col. . .I think I'm going to pick something in Ephesians but I'm quite sure yet. Maybe 1:1-7? Sounds too easy doesn't it. . .Idk. I need to make 11 pages or so I think. The prof is actually doing word count. Not sure if that's going to be good or bad. Shouldn't matter too much really.

Where is the line between not having debt and going to get a PhD which means lots of debt? I mean when I get out of here, I should only have about $6,000 in debt. . .That's not really too much when you think about it. I mean, it is, but you know. But let's say I go for my ThM. There is no way that I can make enough money to pay for all my bills AND whatever the costs of the ThM, plus I still have $6,000 of debt. TaDa! And then say I finish my doctorate. . .Now I have 6k+ThM (17k/year) + PhD. ($33k+) = $73,000 in debt. (Minimum) So, is it worth it? Granted, during that time I would hope to be paying off some of it, but that is a LOT of money. On the other hand, you only live once. How many people do you know who make 52k a year? Yeah, and then realize that you would have to work a year and a half to pay that off. If only I were really rich. HA!

"So here we are at southshore beach, and let me tell you. IT IS AWESOME!!"

I don't understand the reasoning behind wearing sleeveless shirts in the gym if you are just beginning to work out. The drinking fountain is outside the weight room and around the corner. Guys come out to get a drink, and they are often wearing sleeveless. Ok, now if you have been working out a long time I can see it, but guys who don't look like they've lifted before in their lives. . .maybe its like the Arnold thing. They show off their wimpy arms so they feel pressured to work on them? maybe. If I tore off the bottom of my shirt I might be tempted to run on the treadmill more often. . .but I would also be kicked out. ;P

Girls intramural basketball tournament tonight. Only for an hour. . .I think I'll watch it, before I starty my homework. 7:13.

Yeah, the one team beat the other one. It wasn't too exciting really. I think I should finish my greek homework now. Its translation so it shouldn't be too bad. 8:00.

8:32 done. So, now I should study my vocab. . .again.

Sometimes I love the fact that I'm cynical. Others it can bother me. I was just informed of some information about someone. Good information from their point of view. "A certain point of view?" But after hearing how it came about I couldn't help but think "Oh great." So, I wish them the best, and hope that my initial instinct was wrong. Of course I have little to go on and so its not something I would say out loud, but in the past when my initial instincts have gotten to the point where I did voice them, I can't think of a time I was wrong. One instance still in process but we have yet to see if I was wrong or not.

I got used to that all the time at my old job, and I would end up saying "I hate being right all the time." Now, some people thought it was just cocky and stupid. . .but really, I was right, and sometimes I wished I had been wrong. "Let's promote Sherry to management" "Bad idea; won't work; don't do it." They do it anyway. . .then she quits. If I had a $1,000 for everytime I've said "I told you so" within just the work environment. (yes, $1,000 doesn't have the same effect as a nickel, but it also isn't an exaggeration either.)

My hood won't open. The button thing just inside the door seems to be broken off, and I'm not sure how to get the hood open now. I need to check my oil pretty soon too. /argh I'm going to work on it a bit tomorrow.

I should probably play some pool tomorrow, its been a whole 3-4 days. I want to finish my paper so I can start on another one, but I know Greek comes first so then I put it off. I'm not sure how I'm going to last through another year of Greek, plus learn hebrew and german if I don't want to study vocab . . . yes, that calls for a rofl.

If my brother would e-mail me I could start looking for plane tickets. But he hasn't so I can't. /sigh. . ./heavy sigh. Ahem!

Jet Li is pretty cool. But I still like Bruce Lee better. The reasoning I was just going to give went out the window after doing some brief reading. . .I still like Bruce better, because of what I know about him, and because Jet makes so many movies for the pure point of philosophy. Fearless wasn't his last martial arts film, just his last "epic" ie. to make a point. We could care less about your point, we want to see a good movie. 9:08

So I need to drink more water (I've already been drinking a lot, but this guy I read says two gallons a day. . .yeah, that's not gonna happen either); Allow myself one day off (Sunday); Eat/dont eat before bed? Hmm. Obviously I don't want the carbs/calories before bed, but I do want protein, so do I eat the little bit of calories to get some protein? How much protein to I need a day? I have heard a couple say 100g, others 1g per lb I weigh, and other 1.5 per lb. I'm going to have to increase my protein intake I believe. . .That's going to be difficult/expensive. I'll just keep it around 100g now and if things need to change later I'll deal with it then.

I'm gonna log off. I get to kick everyone out in 10 minutes, and then lower the hoops (again). Ok, have a good week. See you Thursday. 9:36.

Monday, February 19, 2007


/cry . . .my post that I had made all day was deleted when I hit publish. . .so you get nothing.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I am aware that the illusionist and the prestige are different. My roommates brother told me that the prestige had come out Thursday. I have not seen either of them yet. I plan on watching the illusionist this weekend, and then that Jet Li movie sometime too. Maybe both of em this weekend, although they are both new releases and thus $2.59 or something.

Doosie? Doozy? doosy? doozie? which spelling of the word have I NOT used in all my posting? Hmm? hmm? ;)

My one roommate made some chocolate pudding, PB, cheescake stuff. Wow, its good. I had a sliver last night. Today, I will eat 2000 calories; mostly PB/Eggs/Tuna, but I will definitely get some desert.

I can't make my chest sore. My Tri's kill me the next day, but my chest doesn't hurt. I hate that. I have read some different workouts and am going to try something a bit more random.

For some random reason I decided to work my legs this week. . .I never work my legs, ever. I was sore.

11:23. If I ate at 9:45, then I should wait at least 22 more minutes before I eat something else. I brought food today, bwhahahahahahaa. @ cans of tuna, 6 slices of bread, a jar of PB, 6 eggs. Yeah, I brought enough food to last me 4 days. heh.

I'm an elitist, and everyone else is ignorant, stupid, and wrong. Just a reminder. Actually, I think I will edit my profile so people don't get confused with who I might be.

So, some say, "how could you tell your mom your blog?" Well, this is what she wants to know. She calls and I don't talk about this stuff, and so since I write it all down anyway, why not? Anyway, there the answer. Although my roommate is thinking of making a new blog b/c his mom knows his old one. So, perhaps I will regret it in like a year, lol.

It is nice to know that what you believe is the same thing that is believed by the saints throughout the majority of the history of the church. It doesn't by any means mean it is truth/fact, but it is encouraging to look at some of the apostolic fathers, and then the heros of the reformation and the awakening(s) and know that by the working of the Holy Spirit you believe the same thing they believed by the working of the Spirit.

We hit Ephesians 1 in Prinson epistles. My prof hammered the Arminian side of the argument beause that's all you can really do when you come to Ephesians 1. I just sat back and smiled. The new assistant pastor at the church is in that class and was anxious to move on. After class, he asked me my view. . .I didn't really hedge myself at all, and said I was in complete agreement blah blah blah. . .He gave a short goodbye and walked out the door. Too bad. The Scripture was there, the arguments were solid, the rebuttal was good. . .I don't know what was going through his mind. I woulda liked to see him objeect if he did. He said "I don't know your views on that subject" I said if I had disagreed he would have known after that lesson, because I woulda said so. Most people aren't like that. If they disagree, they just say "can't we move on now?" BAH!!!!!!!!!!

That baffles me. How can you believe something that effects the eternal destiny of the soul and then not stand up for it? How can you believe that it is better to agree to disagree than to stand up for what is right? What if you are right? Then you are letting your brother go astray. What if you are wrong? Than you lack the wisdom and humility to be taught, and exhorted to good works by your brethren? The Spirit works through the Word and the saints!!! So, stop hiding behind "unity" when the unity is fake. Seriously. Hiding disagreements so you can appear to be unified is not true unity, its feigned. 11:38.

1 chapter down, 9 more to go. 12:22.

8 left. 1:05. Chocolate sounds good, but in all my food I didn't bring any. I will eat some when I get home.

Hmmm. I tried this new chest workout I found. . .My shoulders are killing me, my Bi's are tight. . . my chest is pumped but not sore. I was thinking I need to be working my inner pecs. Granted, I know nothing and could be all wrong, but doing wide bench gets me nothing, and doing close gets my Tri's hurting. . . Perhaps I need to work my upper pecs? Idk. . . Its frustrating. 2:14.

I'm frustrated with my job. One of the guys came in without his ID card. . .then I said he had to go. He called Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson asked if I could make an exception. . .My problem is that now Mr. Thompson has to worry about things he didn't previously have to worry about.

I'm working for MBBC and not Mr. T. I never worked for my boss. . .that was one of my problems (?). I worked for the company. I followed rules my bosses didn't want me to, but couldn't do anything about because it was the rule. However, I didn't have any respect for my bosses. I couldn't respect their decisions so I did what the rules said because that was easier, than a changing mind. However, I respect Mr. T. So now what? Do I avoid the rules if he prefers I do? But that's how this all started. . .I wasn't enforcing the rule. This is an interesting dilemma for me. I don't ever recall being in this position before.

The position where it isn't just assumed (by me) I know more/best. "Before" being in my work experience. 3:27

So, I'm e-mailing my dad/pastor/uncle with questions. So hopefully I'll get some answers to some queries I've had recently. Unfortunately, I can't remember some questions. I was sure there were two more, and I just can't get them. Phooey!!! 5:33.

I'm going to close this out so I can finish my letters can get ready to leave. Have a good day at church tomorrow. And I'll see you all Monday.

Friday, February 16, 2007

another weekend

Did I tell you I got my haircut? No, probly not since I did on Wed. It was $12.00 and after watching her I realized "I can do this." So, next time I will be hacking away at my own head. It looks "ok", or so I hear.

I told my mom about my blog, so I can't say "Crap" anymore. I suppose it would make more sense to say phooey since that's the purpose of the word and name of the blog anyway.

I am not doing as well in my Greek. That first test was a doosie, and set me on a bad course. I just need to study like mad for the next one. I should be ok.

I want to get a lot of reading done tomorrow. . .but its saturday and I never get anything done on Saturdays.

I am kinda hoping that some of the people at church are going out to eat Sunday, because Sunday afternoons have not been nearly as anticipated since Steph stopped going with me and I don't go out to eat by myself. (Do you ever want to say "me" instead of "my"? Like meself, or me house? Is it just my? ;))

My roommate is feeling sick. But we might rent movies tonight anyway. I hear the magician movie with batman and wolverine is out. Looks good.

The inventor of the TV remote died recently. . .he was 93. Ah, we should all take a moment of silence for the man who enabled us to not have to get up every 10 seconds to enjoy TV.

http://www.leo.org/information/freizeit/fun/history.html This is funny. Good history.

Ah, young kids outside; they are silly. I'm getting to speak to the kid a bit. It was good. You know, there is this woman (?) at church that some people have hinted I should get to know. She is 29. So, make of that what you will.

My only social interaction really is around the pool table. I stink and the guys I play with are not people I would hang out with otherwise. /shrug.

We were supposed to get a new machine today. We didn't. Don't know why, but the lady never showed up to drop it off.

I think I'm going to go work my shoulders. I usually wait till later, but Steph locked herself out of her car and is using mine and I don't want to go get hers and then come back. . .I will if I must, but would rather not.

Have a good Saturday. I might be taking a break and eating pizza so feel free to do the same.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feb. 15

Tuna diet started today. 2 cans of tuna, 4 pieces of bread, and the little bit of mayo/mustard needed to make it work. Figure in three drink mixes, and lots of water and that makes a days food. It amounts to about 1150 Calories, 60 Carbs, and in the end 116g protien. So, we shall see if I can lose some weight. I need to stay on this for about, oh, 4 weeks I figure. When I get bored with this, I may stop with the bread/mayo/mustard and go with PB instead.

Not much to say. Lots of homework to do. I need to start running too. I will probably eat a little bit more on Sundays. I'm quite hungry atm.

Oh, we have internet at the house (roomie's PC can get on neighbors wireless) So I have been visiting my guild site. Its interesting to say the least. I am still an officer so that's cool to be privy to the officer chat.

Internet also means WoW videos I haven't seen in a while, like illegal danish, etc. Is Ony soloable now that you can hit 70? I wonder. . ./shrug. 6:05 Oh, no, I didn't do anything for valentines day.

So I did some reading. It appears that after one-three days of low carbs/calories I should up my intake drastically with some of the more healthy carbs/calories and then drop it again. . .hmm. I think I will go to Sat doing my tuna, and then Sunday I can up everything, and then . . . I really shouldn't take Sundays off. It will be better for me to just stay on my plan then to ruin it every week. Idk.

Oh, I talked to my boss and he said I could kick people out if they don't have IDs on them. That's easy enough.

Spent some time on the Arthas forums. . .why? not sure myself, but I guess I was hoping there would be something worth reading. . .wasn't really. 7:58.

I need a quick way to access this link at home so I'm putting it here. Its easier than emailing it b/c my roomie is always logged since its his PC anyway. Yeah, I'm going to try to DL that this weekend or something. http://files.filefront.com//;6595485;;/ 8:21

Well, I'm going to go. . .I have been thinking a lot bout WoW lately. I don't think I would want to play again. Oh, sure, part of me has a pull to buy a lvl 70 and come back, but then what? Its that "then what?" that gets me every time. I don't particularly care to run instances with noobs, or to grind rep (I never did that), I can't see having fun in any guild, and I can't ever see running my own guild, and thus. . .the "then what?" means I am done. It was a blast, but now, after 6 months I can't bring myself back. . .even though part of me still wants to.

Anyway, I'm really out now. Make something of your day. Read LotR again or something. Treat yourself to a pizza. Watch Braveheart. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Yeah, I need one. Its been since . . . before thanksgiving. That's a long time.

I lost my second round of pool. I just forgot my most consistent problem. I look at the Cue ball, and not the target. So I lost. Granted Mr. Thompson was pretty good, but I played horrible.

We have a couple games tonight. I have some greek homework to do. Nothing much to read, online. I did remember I have a Sunday School lesson from someone that I could read. 5:30.

Got into an interesting discussion over pool earlier today. One guy doesn't think that Lydia was a normal NT believer but rather that she was an Acts/transitional believer and that her heart being opened is not the norm. . .bleh.

We were supposed to lose. . .by at least 30. We are up by 4, and have been for almost the whole game. Quite exciting. 7:56.

We lost by 9. . .we were down by 2 with 50 seconds but we had to keep fouling to stop the clock. It was a great game. The best I have seen this semester. 9:02.

Now I'm just confused. My boss does not really want me checking IDs, but rather just making sure the Academy kids aren't in here. That gets really difficult. It would be much easier to just say, "You need to have your card on you." Especially the guys who throw a tantrum when I tell them they need it. /sigh First time I've been frustrated from the job. 9:18.

I'm quite disturbed atm. I better go. Nothing new to say, and my mind is racing like crazy now. I can't keepp checking IDs because I can't make them go get them. AUGH! Alright . . . bye.

Monday, February 12, 2007


All the blogs I checked were old. the message board I checked only had one thing worth reading, and it read fast. And my internet course is pretty much dead. Means I should do homework since the only games here tonight are highschool games.

You know how you hear stories about fat kids who sit down and eat a whole box of little debby stuff? I could do that.

Finished as much of my personal theology as I could atm. Its only about 5.5 pages. I need 10. I don't have anything more to say however. Think about it. How much can you say before you are becoming redundant? I got about 4.5 pages on the Bible and 1 on theology proper. But even looking in several books you are going to find a paragraph of several one word attirbutes. So, then you stick Scripture next to em all . . . anyway. I hate typing filler when I know that the WCF should be an 'A' at 3 pages. Compared to some of the papers last semester. . ./sigh. The grading isn't the best. 7:35.

So, my boss wants me to make sure everyone always has their ID card on them. Ok, I can do that. They won't like it, but I can do it. 8:29.

9:00. Finished my translation, now I just need to parse. I hve to work at McD tonight. Its been a long time. I'm not looking forward to it, but hey.

I have to play my second pool game tomorrow at 4:00. So, I will be getting up a bit earlier than I originally intended. I want to get there around 3:20-30 to give me about 20 minute to warm up. I played for about 2 hours today. I'm no good, but neither are most people I play with. Some obviously have some sort of skill, but nothing that is consistent. Anyway, hope I do well tomorrow.

9:38. Finished my parsing except one word. I don't have my lexicon so I'll finish later.

Get to kick everyone out in 6 minutes. =D

I'm going to go home and eat some Susie Qs. . .they are sooo good. I think if I could handle it, I could live on 3 cans of tuna a day. that's only $1.50 a day plus bread/mayo. That's not bad money wise, and tuna is 0 carbs, low calories, high protein. . .its just really hard to eat only tuna. But if I can do it one month, that should be the change I need. I think I'm going to try that starting next week of course. I might end up trying midway through this week if I get to the store but atm, I don't have that much tuna.

Have fun with life. Don't let yourself be bored for no reason. Cya tomorrow.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


hey, Hey, HEY! Its Saturday. Yeah, I'm not getting anything done. Theoretically I coulda gotten my personal paper written, but meh, why rush it, right?

I don't have too much to say. Girls are losing, with like 2 minutes left. We held with them through the first half. I didn't watch the second. I must be good luck.

Guys are playing in 30 minutes. They are supposed to lose by 45. yay. (notice the difference between, "yay." and "yay!" and "YAY!!" You need to recognize such things when reading)

I finished the thread. I then copied/pasted everything written by my two favorite contributors, and it totalled 134 pages in Word. Lots of info to poor over.

There is a good thread regarding the position of the church in this day of constant legal fights on there as well.

I asked Steph to bring me McD. I'm fat. That reminds me. Caring for your physical appearance is immature, so says Stanley.

I got a good amount of sleep last night: 10 hours. However, I can still feel the effects of the 40 hour zombifying period. (Yeah, I made it up. So what?!)

There is some "take a kid to a game" thing going on in the little gym. . .I don't get it. Its for the time between the games. Maybe they have games for the little kids or something. . .idk, and idc.

Hungry. I hope I have the money for the McD I ordered, heh.

Maybe we weren't supposed to lost by so much. Halftime and we are only down by 1.

McD was good.

I'm out of here in 40 minutes. Then I have a college and career group party at some older folks home. They haven't been too fun in the past, but maybe things can change. Besides, its social interaction.

Ok, I'm gonna get outta here. ttyl.

Friday, February 9, 2007


I have now been up for about 35 hours. Long time.

I did finish my paper on time. I think it will be an 'A', but I did learn I really don't want to do this again.

My NTI class is over. Can I hear a "YAHOOOOO"?

Some interesting points to notice: The problems with form/redaction/source (F/R/S) criticism is the exact same as that with the critical method. (modern textual criticism) Some say, no no no they aren't. Let us examine the evidence given by a CT guy (my prof). F/R/S all are derived from the theories of the enlightenment whos theme is "man is the measure". All represent an errant view of inspiration. Further, all think that they are searching for the truth. These depart from the tradition of the church. (regarding the acceptance of the Gospel accounts)

Supposedly W/H were searching for the truth, supposedly those who followed in their footsteps are searching for the truth. The theories of W/H were brought over from the enlightenment mindset of discovering the "historic Jesus". These methods are being used today (UBS/NA). This mindset and method promote a faulty view of inspiration. The critical method departs from the tradition of the church regarding the Word of God. (As preserved in the TR)

When W/H began their heresy (it was heresy, reference the preface to their greek edition when they admit of error in the originals), it intruded into the church. Now, 100 years later the church has departed from our historic position and has adapted the low view of Scripture. In another hundred years Satan will have been successfull in removing from us the solid foundation that is the canon. And from no text to a text, we will return to no text, as we will no longer accept the Canon for which the martyrs spilled their blood. Those in my class thought it shocking for me to admit that in 100 years we would be here, and still claiming funadmentalism. You heard it hear first folks. We are going down hill, and the question I never really thought about till recently "is the fundamentalist movement dead?" It is Satan's new fertile ground.

I have to write a paper on something for this class. I am unsure what that would be. I just wrote my prof. I am thinking of writing on the future of fundamentalism and the abandonment of the canon. (regarding F/R/S criticism) Either way I think I'm going to write it and post it on SI.

6:25pm. Tired.

8:29. Wow. I am reading more SI. I don't want to hear anyone claim boredom if they have not read through the thread on "discussing theology in a transcendentless culture." you say, but Dave its a 20 page thread, with single posts spanning 10 single space pages. Yes, yes, that is true. But you will also gain a fuller understanding of your position no matter what it is.

I need to get some of my research/other work done asap. I want to write a paper that would blow the socks off of my prof.

I need to write a 10 page on my personal theology/bibliology. . .piece of cake, I will get that done tomorrow hopefully. . .maybe not ;) Start at the very beginning -> WCF. Grab a concordence, split it into paragraphs and then you have pages. bwhahahaah.

My one roommate asked me what my blog was, so I told him without thinking. Not like I have anything here I need to edit real quick, but . . .I'm soooooo tired. 8:51. In two more hours I will be home and sleeping.

9:53 peace!! YAY!! =D

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Siniaticus was not found in a wastebasket: Who cares? I mean seriously, the only time a solid TR guy is going to say that is to rub it in that you are wrong and he is right. It is not pertinent to anything.

Erasmus was a catholic. So what? We do not claim perfection/inspiration for him, nor do we need to defend him. The reason it is worth time to examine the character of heretics Westcot and Hort is because the church is now functioning under theories propounded by them. They were the ones who took the theories of the enlightenment set forth to work on normal literature, and brought these man-centered methods towards the Holy Scriptures. And so, we ought (Good KJB word) to examine the character of the men that have brought about the departure of the church from the historical position held by the great men of the reformation.

As you can see, I have stuff on my mind. The last two days have been a doosy (sp?). Yesterday, I asked a question, and my prof said "no, just let me teach. I've spent a lot of time studying this. Let me teach, ok? Have enough respect to just let me say what I have to say. I'm not stopping questions here, but just let me teach." -- yeah. . .interesting, since I didn't get an answer, and then he continued on with the lesson, so yeah, kinda like he was not allowing questions. hmm.

Today, he started class saying these two days were the days he hated of class, because it just rips him up inside because of the disagreement. And then he was in tears. . .seriously. If we could only know how his stomach is just torn up when he has to teach these two days. . ./sigh

So, we get into it today. Two other guys (eventually) identify themselves as TR, and one as MT, while the majority probably don't know, or are CT. He did not allow discussion like my OTI prof did, however he would allow me to correct what he said if he set forth my position in error. So, I was able by correction to get most my points across and dispel a lot of the crap that KJB guys who know nothing spout. (Yeah, I was probably one of em.) Its just the way of things. People have already forgotten why we are at war with Iraq, so after 100 years, its not surprising that the majority of guys who hold to the TR don't even know why and resort to saying "Your MSS was in a wastebasket." (Don't ever say their MSS was in the waste basket. . .if you want to rub it in, use the fact that their "version" is copyrighted. ;))

On the other hand, the last two days have been some of the worst here. I have hated to sit in that classroom and listen to that stuff being taught. Its killer. I mean, I was told like a dozen times in 3 hours that inspiration/inerrancy was only in the orginals. . ."technically". Hes got it in bold letters in the notes, "only originals", and then he would say "but not technically, we can still say we have the word of God". CRAP!!! Crap I say!! Made me mad, and tired, and quite frankly it wasn't healthy for me. I almost skipped class today. ;)

But through it all, I was able to talk to some people about some things that I would never have been able to. There is a guy who went to school here who asked some questions in class that other "KJV" guys would use to argue which really isn't a solid argument, and I was able to clarify which then lead him to more questions and we got deeper into the discussion. However, since the prof didn't want to handle the question as it was my side, he allowed me, and then we tabled it till lunch which when we went to lunch we had probably about half the class sitting at the table and 5 right next to me, with the others listening as close as they could. It was a fair discussion and some good points came out, and he went away thinking, and I assume others did as well.

The other guys I mentioned last time who doesn't know much at all, is trying to see my point of view. We talked for a bit and he sees the necessity in saying we have God's Word, but he is still having a hard time with revelation, etc. This is kinda deep at this point when in reality he just go the answer to the question "we don't all interpret the Bible how we want". He is anxious to learn though, and I'm hoping that I have wisdom and knowledge in our discussions.

And, last night, I had a long talk with my roommate who doesn't usually talk to me about stuff. From my perspective, I would guess, he thinks I'm unspiritual, and not a good person. I would guess. Just because I play video games, and just stupid little stuff, and because I disagree, and am analytical. But we ended up talking about the point of seminary, the idea of theology not being something that can be graded, and had a good discussion, and I think he better understands me. Maybe he doesn't though too.

So, the last couple days have been full. OH!! Guess what? I also won my pool match. I won the first round, he won the second and then on the third he sunk the 8 ball. Haha. =D So, now the next person I need to play is my boss. He used to play as a kid every Saturday, for hours. How much he has played recently, I'm not sure, but I heard after the first game he gets warmed-up and is really good, which means I definitely need to win the first one if possible.

I am NOT paying anyone to break his arms. Stop suggesting it. Seriously. Its just a game.

I have to write a 10-12 page paper tonight. I'm not sure why I put 10-12, since I will stop when I get 10. Further, this prof says Times New Roman or Courier. Now, for those of you who have had options like this before, you know that it only takes about 7 pages TNR to make 10 Courier, give or take a bit. So, you always start with TNR and then at about 7 pages you convert, and have a sigh of relief. Then you do some adding, subtracting, polishing, and its 11 pages, and you still have time to wait 5 hours, read it again and edit again before its due. Wonderful Strat.

We lost to Northland; disappointing after all the hype. We are wrestling them tonight here. Not as much hype, but we might be crowded. . .really? because of wrestling? pshh, LOL.

Well, I checked all my favorite blogs, and checked the forums, and then SI, and then my internet class, and well. . .tbh, I got little left, so I'll pause here, @ 5:39, and come back when I get more.

7:13 Spent the last 1.5 hours reading on SI. . ./sigh, so addicting. But it made me realize why I need to read the guys I don't want to. Its helpful to be able to quote Westcot and Hort when you say they don't believe the original MSS were inspired. Btw, its 12 degrees here.

Internet is moving soooo sloooooowwwwwllllyy. 7:30 I fear that Calvin/WTS could be a scholastic shock to me. I have not ever had to deal with the acedemic level on which they operate, and going after the ease of CMU, and the continued lax setting of MBBC may be incredibly difficult. On the other hand, I may actually be required to think in the classroom, and rather than say "why does my prof have to teach sunday school" I would just be thinking "Wow, he's a heretic." Something to think about for sure.

Ok, I'm closing out my IE "tabs" and starting my reading. I am closing the blog, and SI, and the forum, and my internet course. I will eat candy and drink Vault for the next 8 hours. Good night and good morning.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I feel betrayed. It was never that a particular arrangement was made. Or an agreement arrived at. But it was something conversed about in detail. Something that was just so. A conclusion arrived at, not solely, but in company. Suddenly, it is no more. I don't really feel mad, or anything, just. . .sad, I guess. Why? Is it such a big deal? Idk, and not really.

We have our big game tonight. Bleh, I got no homework done yesterday (not enough to count) and so I should be studying the entire time today. As you can see, I am on my blog instead of studying.


I just wrote a page response to someone who agrees the canon is closed but thinks that God can still reveal things today, like through visions/dreams etc.

One of the guys who virtually knows nothing (like not even Sunday School stuff) in my grad classes went to chapel with me (we are forced to go on module weeks). And we talked a bit. He finds it interesting that I am always asking questions and so engaged. Hopefully, he can pick some stuff up.

Answered another question on special revelation. This class makes me think.

6:30. Crap!!!

7:06 -- I have copied several pages of useful material from SI. Yes, its cheap, and easy, but its really good stuff.

So, the Athletic Office ordered some new fan shirts I guess you'd call em. And they ordered about 360 or so, and then they sold em for $5, and decided whoever bought one could shoot a half-court shot for $100. . .they sold em all. So, yeah, think about that a minute. The gym is more packed then I have ever seen it. There is barely any sitting room if any. And everyone is wearing Yellow shirts, since that is our school color, yellow and blue. . .yes, we are copying MI. Halftime will be a mess.

I just read through a post on the LXX and Andrew Willet's comments on it. . .I unfortunately did not get it, like hardly at all. Rats!

Some girl just threw a one handed shot from half court and made it; that was for the entry to possibly win a $14,000 car. So, now we have two people competeing for that next week. yay.


9:45 Read 3 more pages on SI. Wow. I'm in trouble.


Monday, February 5, 2007

panic time

So, now it is time to panic. Class all day. 20lbs to lose. Paper due friday. Two extra chapters to read in Greek tonight. Quiz in the morning. Pool game Wed afternoon.

Its soooooooooooo hard to lose weight. I have a cousin, same height as me who can bench over 300lbs. . .he doesn't weigh much more than me. That's sad.

My brother is "in the groove", but I have yet to receive the next episode in his series. . .so what is he doing you ask? idk.

Softball practice starts tonight. My boss is the coach.

I have been thinking of trying to write a book this summer. But of course the fact that I know someone who has actually written a book, discourages me, because I know that writing a book in two months is virtually inpossible. And my book requires research, rather than fiction. Bah!

In answer to a comment, yes it was someone we know who used the phrase "nailing jello to a tree".

I'm glad the colts won too. The game was "ok" at the beginning and then kinda got boring once the bears couldn't play. The commercials were disappointing. There were a few funny ones, but nothing worth millions.

It is -10 or so here. Its too cold to walk to and from work. . .but I do anyway. up-hill both ways, in 2 feet of snow, of course.

If you guys haven't read the last part of the Meaning of Song of Solomon thread, you should really do it. . .its shocking. Here, for you lazy people -- http://www.sharperiron.org/showthread.php?p=72445#post72445

In a paper we had to read and comment on, the term "Modemist" was used. In my roommates response he quoted it as modernist. Now granted, an 'm' does look similar to an "rn" but there is a difference. And the difference between the meanings of the two is greater than that in their appearence (I think?). Anyway.

Why does Gore still get spotlight? That's my question.

I should be doing my much work that is the cause of my panic time.

We play Northland tomorrow. Some big rivalry. We are going to be packed.

The Head football coach is the assistant softball coach. One other football coach is the head college girls basketball coach. Another football coach is the assistance college girls basketball coach. Another football coach is the head of the high school girls basketball, and the offensive/defensive caoches for the high school guys football also are the head/assistant caoches of the high school guys basketball team. And I'm not sure who's doing baseball yet. So, in the end, with 50 million sports, we only have 6 adults. Ok, its not that bad, but bleh.

Some guy posted a question to me. . .like I couldn't read it as controversial, but rather as just asking for the answer from me. Too bad his question wasn't coherent. I asked him to explain and blamed myself, so hopefully he isn't put off.

Grab my wrist. Other wrist. MY other wrist.

I started wading through "Discussing Theology in a Transcendentless Culture". I read the first 3 pages and am out of time for such things tonight. I am going to have a terrible time getting this paper done by Friday. I looked at the thread a long time ago (2005, when it was still active) but didn't get much of it. Its making more sense now, which is cool. I wonder how much I really tried then. . .

Got to post this, so I can get to work. Have a good week. Eat lots of junk food and candy for me. ;)

Saturday, February 3, 2007


I just played some pig and 1v1. . .I lost two games of pig, and lost 11-4 in the 1v1. I'm tired now. And sweaty. I haven't sweat this much in a while. I'm going to go stand outside a min. brb

ok, so it was only like 5 seconds. . .its FREEZING out there.

I just printed 15 pages on the KJB issue. I am pumped about class Monday. I'm sure we won't get into anything till maybe Tuesday or Wednesday, but I have the materials I need. Now I need to memorize enough of it so I can spout it and refer to it when I should give the book from which my quote originates.

The guys and girls high school teams have away games today. They are all standing just outside my office waiting to leave. That's a lot of people. And the guys always try to get away with playing in the gym.

I just ate. You care, really.

I tried something today. . .doing a set of 10 pushups every 15 minutes. It lasted until my roommate showed up to play ball. That was about 2.5 hours, so 100 pushups. Not bad. Next Saturday I will try it again. Once I know I can do for 8 hours, I will try 15 or 20 or so, but I was already getting sore after 100. Don't laugh.

My did I tell you my roommate thinks I should be a lawyer? He doesn't necessarily like it when I respond to his posts. He posted about dreams and visions. I didn't respond for a few days, but then I read it again and an answer just seemed to formulate, so I wrote it out.

My prof just answered some questions in my online class. That was kinda cool. For interaction I think online classes are great. For teaching purposes I think they are very very bad.

Snoopy -- What's there to do the rest of the day?

OH!! I won FF7 last night. The ending was a little better than I remember. . .just some of the little things. The ending still was wierd with 500 years later and all, but meh. Something I read on the very lsat fight that I hadn't gotten before was that it was just in Cloud's head. You just beat Seph, and then Cloud starts his spasms and then the form of cloud seperates from Cloud and then you are flying through space until you meet Seph. However when you come back you really haven't moved, and tifa is right there. So yeah, if you knew that already good for you, I didn't.

My cousin I ride to church with told me she was changing churches. . .I can't really give her reasoning b/c I think its sillyness, and lousy. . .like nailing jello to a tree. (I recently read that on SI too. ;)) I need to use that sometime in my discussions.

Don't you just have to feel bad for Ellex? I mean hes got no life. Lving in his parents basement collecting on some settlement. . .Reminds me of someone named. . .Doug. ;)

Props to all the people who give me info to put on my blog. I wouldn't have one without you guys.

Well, it would be more of a FF journal.

I see this notice for an outage at 11:30AM PST. . .its 2:26 here, and if I were in EST then I would be panicy. But I'm not, so I'm not.

Some guy in Canada named Mark Palmer says that the guys who wrote the canons of dort, and those who wrote the westminster confession were some of the worst murders ever and its sick and he will have nothing to do with them. <-- and that is what happens when you live in a socialistic state.

Maybe that was an unfair bash on Canada. . .but life isn't fair.

Well, I'm going to try to write some, and maybe work my shoulders. wait. . .forget the maybe. I will! Do or do not. There is no try. I watched that movie yesterday. It was good. No exciting Sunday dinner tomorrow. The church is having a church dinner and then the annual business meeting and then we can all be home in time for the superbowl. . .wait, is that how its supposed to work?!?! /sigh

Friday, February 2, 2007


OH, its great. Check out this thread sometime for a good read. I skip over a lot of "her" stuff b'c she quotes Scripture, and Strong's Greek, and doesn't know what she's talking about. Its like she's one of those people who skips church to stay home and read the Bible or a book she bought on the Bible. Anyway, here's the link: http://www.sharperiron.org/showthread.php?t=4580&page=1&pp=7&highlight=peter+kleeck

But the best part is on page 2 I think, and I quote:

"Please don’t spend too much time formulating a response to my succinct post. I pretty well discount out of hand the argument of anyone who argues discontinuity in the historic unfolding of the Father’s redemptive plan through the bloody death of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ."

There are some really good posts on page 5 and 6 too, but that line where he admits to discounting it was great.

In other news, I now have two gold Chocobos, but they both happen to be female so there is no chance to see what happens when they mate. I have been thinking of releasing my Green/Blue and breeding some more gold Chocobos, but meh. I beat Emerald Weapon.(Took like ten summons on KotR. I give my brother props for beating him without it. I think I coulda, but the time it woulda taken woulda been like a lot lot longer.) I maxed Cloud's Str. (again) I maxed Cloud's Vit.(There is a better place for Str and another for Vit; saves a lot more time than the ship.) I am planning on winning today or tomorrow and then looking at saves I can delete. I have my best save and the save right before Aeris dies.

Some guy posted that ALL sin was paid for on the cross so that's not why we go to Hell. Then I responded, and tried to be brief and some other guy(a student who will be graduating this year and is taking some grad classes) tells me that I should be more in depth in grad school, and that I shouldn't just use token Scriptures. I mean. . . .bleh. So now I got to repsond to him. Tell him, he should try SI, and then come back. I won't say that, but I'm gonna say my post was perfect, or something.

Have I told you all I'm an elitist, and everyone else is ignorant, stupid, and wrong? Well, there it is.

"We must understand that many Calvinists and Arminians will share heaven together. If you don't believe me; understand that God is sovereign and He can save anyone, even those who aren't as Calvinistic as you would like. " -- I mean, what kinda statement is that to make?? Really, he is like offended or something. heh. I mean, "oops".

Oh, btw, Baha app'd again. LOL! sorry, couldn't help it.

What I want to say to the above quote: "If this were any other public forum I would present this with an official “lol”. ;)" Can't really. . .but it deserves it. =D

"I don’t know how to respond. You don’t know A: whether I understand who will be in heaven, B: my position on it, C: whether I understand God’s sovereignty (yet you think I’m the strong Calvinist?), D: that God can save anyone. Please do not assume regarding my position/beliefs/stance/knowledge. If I say it, then quote me all you want; if I don’t say it, you can’t really know. Or, you weren’t assuming, you were just being sarcastic, so just to let you know, that doesn’t work real well in text. Or I welcome tags." -- I probably can't use that either, but its nagging at me, so I'll post it here instead.

I am really stuck. I will fit in somehow that he needs to quote me or stop assuming. I got it! I'm gonna use the Whitefield/Wesley story from another SI thread, and then tell him not to assume he knows my heart. (more or less)

Well, now I'm bored, lol. I was able to spend the first 3.5 hours busy, and without sitting here wondering "What now? auguauguhauhuhg" That's ALWAYS a good thing.

Gonna go check on the high school team playing. . .I think its the high school team. . who knows? brb

We are losing by like ~6. Anyway.

I wrote my page response and now I'm bored. I could do some reading but that's not too much fun and I already did about 100 pages of reading in the last two days that I normally woulda waited to do.

Going to go try to get my info in order for Monday's class. Next week will be a doozy. Cya tomorrow.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Sooo, its Thursday, but my week is practically stress free from this point on. I got a 51/50 on my vocab, and didn't do nearly as well on the grammar part of the test, but haven't gotten a grade yet.

I have translation due tomorrow which I will do tonight, and then I should spend Friday/Saturday writing a paper due next Friday. I am intending on doing it. . .but we shall see.

Some people never change. . .I assume you all saw this by now but if not, here it is -- http://www.godsofwow.net/DotNetNuke/Forums/tabid/56/view/topic/postid/21229/forumid/2/tpage/1/Default.aspx#21236

I laughed. Out loud.

Let's see, where did I leave off? I maxed Cloud's Str, but it stopped at 247, and then 10 minutes later it jumped to 255, and then I un-equipped him and he fell to 225, and now I have to give him Power Sources again to make him go back up, even though I put his weapons back. . .Its glitched, and not worth maxing someone if they don't stay maxed. I beat Ruby weapon. Emerald is still a huge pain.

My roommate is trying to talk me into working at camp over the summer. I would of course be going home for the 4th, and the wedding, but it doesn't sound too bad. Something to pray about.

Some guy posted that we don't go to Hell for our sins since they were taken away at the cross. . .yeah, I'm telling you.

Do we pray believing? Or have Christians given up and really only pray for revival because they think they should? Honestly, how many people are just expecting the Lord to come back and get us out of this mess, instead of seriously doing our part?

There is a violin recital tonight and Saturday night. I might be going Saturday. . .only to hear the violin. And when I put it that way. . .I will probably go play FF. I'm a sad case.

Next week is my NTI class. Which reminds me: I need to get my text info into a nice organized format and printed. I will probably spend most of Saturday working on that, rather than writing my paper. Which wouldn't be an awful waste, better than some things I find to do.

My boss finally gave me his password. BWHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh well. I can watch homestar now is all that means. ;) (His PC has speakers.)

Isn't it sad that some people have nothing better to do than to play a video game non-stop. . .like me I suppose. Although, to be honest, I did take a break last semester and played like nothing.

What is wrong with our culture?! We have to have entertainment rather than discipline. Think about it. Would you rather sit down and read history, or watch Star Wars? Ok, I kinda made it unfair by picking Star Wars, but you get the idea.

I have terrrrrrrrible posture. My roommate came and worked out with me last night, and told me I was doing all my back exercises incorrectly. Good thing he showed up, because that coulda ended up bad in the end. But now I have to start back over, and it feels funny just to straighten my back. . .my mom was right. Doh!!

Well, got to go respond to the guy who wants to teach universal salvation. =D