Saturday, March 31, 2007


Now it is time to recover. My ankle is still swollen and soar. My knee is bruised, and I'm muscle sore, and fatigued. But we took 3rd place! =D That's right. We won our first 3 and then lost the next two. But our first lost was against the number 2 team, and our second to the number 1 team. Double elimination with 20 teams, we were happy with how we did. There had been talk before and some were shooting for 10th out of 20, and the other guy wanted 4th. I wanted 1st of course, but over all I'm surprised we got as far as we did. I think we had some easier teams to play, but /shrug.

So, I have to finish my other paper today. And then I can stay up all night tomorrow finishing the other one. I don't necessarily hate writing papers. It isn't terrible, but I do hate the research part. I'm supposed to use "scholarly journals." pfft. I couldn't care less what a scholarly journal has to say. I would rather read Calvin/Barnes/Hobbes/Turretin/Dilbert/etc/etc.

So I show up in Greek yesterday, and I had looked at the syllabus before class, and seen we had a quiz scheduled. But normally the prof talks about it and let's us know its coming up and what is on it. We got nothing the day before. So I get there, and others are wondering what's on it too, and the prof shows up and says "yes there is a quiz" Apparently the 1st hour class didn't know a quiz was coming either. Anyway, he quickly says what's on it, and we have 5 minutes opening remarks (while everyone is cramming) and then we take the quiz. . .26/20. =D I surprised myself. The parsing was easy, and the paradigms weren't terrible. I guessed and had to logically change some answers but hey, 26/20 isn't bad. Am I bragging? Probly, but some people say "Greek is hard", but even then I can't compare what I think about Greek, b/c it isn't just work put in. I used to say "It is hard, but doable if you study" This is probably true, but different people need to put different amounts of work in. God blessed me so that I didn't have to spend hours studying for each quiz. Sure, I take advantage of that and am more lazy than I should be, but in the end, its not because I'm so great, or even that I studied harder or more. God gave me the oppotunity and ability, period.

I used to say that at Burger King. I was good. And there was another kid and we were both good and we worked extremely well together, but it would always irk him when I would tell him the only reason we were good was b/c God made us good. He got used to it, and then that became his pride rather than that he was good, but its the truth. What are you good at? Do you realize why?

Which brings me back to my hobbie horse -- the Bible issue. I took last night off at the gym so I could play VB, and my biggest "opponent" in the debate was the guy who worked for me. He spent the 4 hours working on a response. It isn't up yet b/c he wanted to re-read it before posting, but it's coming. And I wonder, "How often do we pray about these things?" I'll admit I don't pray about this as much as I should. Oh, I do, but I have been in debates where I prayed everynight that if I was wrong my eyes would be open and if not, the eyes of the others would be. This isn't just debating for debatings sake. This is the Word of God. I need to pray like that more often. I get so caught up in the "logic" and the "data" that I often forget the Lord opens hearts. My head knows it, but do I act it? Not always.

Oh, how did I get to this issue from God-given skill? Well, knowledge is God-given too. So you know all that stuff you know and understand, thank God for it.

My boss gave me some apples. I haven't had apples in so long. They are definitely my favorite fruit. I love apples. I could eat a whole bushel of em. My roommate has cookies and cream in the freezer and said I could eat it. It is good. . .especially with PB. mmmmmm.

My eyelids are tired. Its only 12:30. Its been a busy couple days. If I eat my apple now. . .then I won't have any more food until at least 6, probably later if I go to the library. /sigh I'm gonna eat it anyway. ah, nvm. I'm not hungry, and I will be later.

Someone told me last night, "you know how if you read a paper a year after you wrote it you can be like 'wow', while its like that even after two weeks." But as I started my exegetical paper I read through the one I wrote last semester b/c I did well so I wanted to figure out what I did. . .I am impressed at how well it is done. It isn't like, "wow, this was poor" its like "wow, I can't believe I wrote this" Having parents who always criticized poor grammar sure was helpful. I can remember passing road signs and hearing how they were misspelled. Haha! Now I do the same thing. . .church bulletin? announcement at work? Too bad I didn't learn all the rules, but rather just what "sounds right." 12:45

A quote of the day on my google page for those of you trying to write,"The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid and stable business."

I can't remember my SI passwd. rats. 1:40.

Thunder just crashed real loud and then the raid came down. And its pouring pretty hard right now. . .at least its not snow, right? We are almost to April. Spring is here. . .wow, what a winter. It went fast for me. 2:20.

Just got off a post on SI about the text issue again. No one expert on their hammering anyone, but meh. Anyway, one guy posted how he thought it was dishonest for colleges to continue to set forth the KJB to pastors and churches while in the class they teach otherwise. I didn't think much about it. I knew MBBC was not KJB when I came. Then someone countered that colleges don't do this. They make it obvious where they stand. Then the light clicked.

My roommate told me about a open forum during our Fundamentalism conference where Pastors asked about the KJB issue. I can almost hear the responses "The only version we use in the classroom and in our chapel services is the KJB." This is true, sure enough.

HAHA, they had Baseball and Softball today. Left-over apples for me. ;)

Back to what I was saying. So they say "The only version we use is the KJB." Now, honestly, that is true (sorta I guess), but any time a prof brings a Greek into the room it is not the TR. Nor do they have any problem standing up on the kickoff of a conference to say the KJB is wrong. Now these Pastors aren't around for all this. Sure, these specific pastors were probably at the kick-off, but most pastors dont hear it all. They hear "MBBC uses the KJV in the classroom." What the first writer was saying is that the colleges are afraid of losing support. So they still claim "KJV" but teach otherwise, so eventually all the next-generation pastors will be happy with no version and then the college can say what they really believe without losing students/money. . .Its all about the cash. 3:54.

I started reading the 20 page thread again. . .It is so captivating. But I don't have the time. 4:05.

So, he posted his opposing view, and he said something I did not think anyone was prepared to admit. He said there can be no certainty on the matter of the Bible. He did say doctrine could be certain, but that we could not have certainty on the Bible. This puzzles me. I asked if he would consider a tangent thread to discuss specifically this topic. So, let me ask you, If you are not certain you have in your hand the Bible, what do you do? What step is there that he sees between "No certainty for the Bible" and "Certainty for the salvation of the soul?" Where else does our certainty come from? I think I can adequately argue (mostly from quotes) that certainty is a necessity. How many great men of God have argued certainty? Even many who won't follow through argue for it. I quoted the axiom "Are certainty, authority, and faith inseperably bound together? yes."

Tell me, if you are not certain, from where do you derive your authority? and from where do you derive your faith? I can't believe someone would say that. . .I'm baffled, but in the end if this is where his basis rests, then Lord-willing, a change in logic here will affect the rest of his stand.

Well, its 5 o'clock here. And I got another apple, but. . .I want. . .hmmm can't decide between pork and beef. I want something. If I had some Milk I could make Mac+cheese tonight. This weekend is gonna be awful. I hate stressfull Sat. I would rather have my papers due Fri, and stay up 36 hours when I knew Sat I could make up for it. On a Monday, I have to start the week feeling crummy. My one paper is a problem, but other than that. . .yeah, one problem is one too many.

We are out of Ketchup. Someone ate it all while I was on spring break. I mean seriously. How am I supposed to eat hotdogs without it? But I did yesterday. Cheese and mustard. Weren't terrible either. I feel like using my McD employee meal and getting something tonight. What should it be? meh, I have ham in the fridge but again, no cheese. I have PB. My Sloppy Joe is frozen still. oh well, what's for dinner?! Idk.

First, I need 3-4 journal articles from the library. I should probably go for more, but eh. Its funny, neither of these papers have a source minimum. Last semester I thought they both did. /shrug, not my problem.

So this girl comes in to play Basketball by herself. No1 has been in the gym all day aside from some teams coming and going. She comes right back to tell me there is a huge puddle on the floor. Of course there is. It rained, and we always have a puddle when it rains. But if she hadn't come in I wouldn't have known to clean it up.

I feel depressed again. All this work in front of me does that. I will be eating all the rest of my candy (don't have too much) and w/e else the next couple days. Sloppy Joe sounds good. I hope it doesnt kill me.(It was in the trunk of my car for my 16+ hour trek after spring break) That would be a waste of a lot of sloppy joe. g'night all. cya next week sometime. Oh yeah, yesterday was my birthday. . .imagine that. I didn't even remember for most the day. It occured to me now and then, but I was pretty much in the mindset I was already 23 so it doesn't matter anyway. ok, bye. 5:38.

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