Thursday, March 8, 2007

a good day

It has been a good day. Greek went well (easy quiz, scored 22/20) then I got my test grade 145/150 added to my vocab 196/200 = 98%. Better than the kid two chairs over who has beaten me all semester, and was my competition last semester. So, good there.

Then I drove 45 minutes to Circuit city to find out they don't even stock the part I need, and then I drove to Best Buy to find the same thing, and then I got lost in Madison, and then I found the other store I needed and the guy knew exactly what I needed and it only cost me $20, rather than the $50 online, or the $70 that the guy in town tried to sell me.

So I'm praying it will work the trip home, get home, spend a good amount of time carefully assembling everything, and then . . . it doesn't work. After tinkering some more, I am in the pit of despair. I am wondering what I have done wrong recently, etc etc. . .I'm just sitting wondering why I wasted all this time money, if I wasn't going to have a PC? So I open it up again, and hanging right in front of my face is the cord I looked for earlier but couldn't find and assumed wasn't necessary. Plug it in, and XP! Whew! Praise the Lord! I was so happy.

I also withstood the temptation to eat at Old Country Buffet, Ponderosa, Chinese, and the dining hall. Yes, I am eating Tuna and beans.

I need cardio, but can't make myself come in to work early and run in front of the entire baseball team. (it would be walking anyway). I'm not getting up early; (I tried that before) I'm not walking here in the middle of the day. . .That pretty much leaves after/before I workout. That is not appealing.

I was eating too much sodium. Mustard is only sodium. And I was eating lots of mustard in my tuna, to replace mayo. I cut the mustard out (after opening a brand new bottle), and am still trying to keep the mayo low. I'm still hitting close to 2000mg. I need a sauna. Unfortunately the one here has been locked up for like 8 years now. It's become a storage room.

No1 has decided to say a word regarding my 3 page posts. Chickens the lot of em.

If only I had a VCR. . .wait, I don't need to waste more time watching TV. If I don't have it I don't waste as much time, but if I had it, I would make sure to tape and watch all the shows I like. However, since I rent movies, would it be worth it? hmmm, meh. I wish I had a TV/PC hookup, then I could record them to my PC. . .interesting idea.

Sharper Iron has been dead for a while now. rats.

I want to quit school out here and go to law school right now. This degree doesn't count for much, and its just frustrating sitting under, and writing heresy on my tests. (and its really COLD here.)

You know, it's not too hard to divide 1/2 a can of beans into 8 servings, but it gets difficult if you try 1/3 a can.

So, the volleyball team looks to be me and 5 girls, lol. Hmm, surprising? a little. It was sent to all the GA's/dorm sups. Oh well, they need 6 to play and if I hadn't said anything they wouldn't be. It will be interesting.

I'm going to ask for the days off for the FL trip now anyway. If it doesn't work out I can find something else to do in that time.

OH!! My one roommate is going to do a study the spring break week (if he can get a checkup first). $2,300. For TEN days!! If I could get into two studies this summer I would stay out here. It would be more money than I could make anywhere else, and I would be able to pay off a lot of debt. Yes, I debtated not going home and staying to make $2,300, but not very long since I have lots of stuff scheduled. Wow, that's a lot of money.

One thing that is bothering me a bit is my video stuff seems to be slow, but I think that could be my old Video Card. So, I hope when I get my other one from home things will be better.

So, my roommate tells me 300 is supposed to be good. And then I read somewhere else that it is supposed to be good. I wasn't that interested to be honest, but maybe I will like it. I hear it's like another braveheart/gladiator type. I find that hard to believe because 300 guys are harder to sympathize with than 1. So, we'll see. I predict I don't like it all that much.

I'm ready for spring break. My drive is wearing thin. It is getting hard not to eat, or to skip my workout. /sigh. And I need to read another 1,000 pages in the next 3 weeks.

I think part of my problem is that I didn't weigh myself today. This is my thrid week on the diet, and I forgot to see how last week went. If I lose weight its more encouraging to keep going. I need to find a place that can test body fat %. I found a home test, but I'm not at home and don't have a tape measure so, I'll have to wait for some of the measurements.

I'm this close to deciding to eat in the dining hall tomorrow. Tossed Salad sounds sooooo good, and mac and cheese. . .I haven't had mac and cheese in like 4 weeks. /sigh.

well, I'm not going to come up with anything more to say today. So, I'll post something tomorrow, bye.

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