Thursday, March 1, 2007


So, I'm waiting mostly. I finished what I want to post, but I sent it to my cousin to read over. Normally I wouldn't bother but on the Bible topic, there is a lot more than just finding some references. . .mostly the whole argument is without references. So I was hoping he would have time to look it over. If he doesn't respond by tomorrow night I'm posting it.

other than that. . .I bought 100% whole grain wheat crackers. I can eat them with the tuna, and they are waaaay better than cold oatmeal/mashed potatoes.

I need a paper topic for two of my classes, but atm I'm just working on one at a time. I was thinking of contrasting the views of inspiration between a leading fundamentalist and a leading reformer. But really if you look at Calvin its not easy to get his views on inspiration, because he just believed it. It was not something that had to be defended and defined much back then. And I don't know a leading fundamentalist. Was Billy Graham considered one?

After looking, he would not be considered a founder of fundamentalism. I learned that Fundamentalism started around 1876 at a Bible conference in MA. Then in 1878, at the Niagara Bible Conference of 1878 a Confession of Faith listed fourteen articles. The books "The Fundamentals" were published in 12 volumes from the years 1910 to 1915. I need to get my hands on a copy of those books. The first point of the 14 was "The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures in the original manuscripts" This is where we lost. Our whole movement is founded upon the a false system of inspiration/infallibility/preservation. No duh we are in trouble. 7:28.

But not every site cites the first point the same way. Some just say "The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures" Now, this is certainly open-ended, but it gives the possibility that the other site would rather it said "in the original MSS" and so added it. Yes, the internet cannot be adequately trusted on most things.

Ok, well. I need to get ready to close up. The wheat crackers were great! 9 servings ~ about 2 weeks worth, for $.99 That's satisfactory. peace.

1 comment:

michael said...

wheat crackers fff-tt-wwp.

most the other stuff was over my head.. ;p