Monday, April 2, 2007

its come and gone

April 1st. I did nothing exciting or prankish. My roommamte ceran wrapped the toilets in the house but I was up when he did it, and the other roommate never commented so we assume he just saw it and took it off. I was going to mess with the ones PC, but I couldn't do my normal joke, and other little things I tried just weren't working so I just gave up.

I went to see my cousin's tour grp sing yesterday night. I shouldn't have. She was happy I did, but I think I shoulda stayed at my church. The music was really good, but I almost burst into out right laughter during the service. Part of me wishes I would have just to see what woulda happened. I probably woulda been embarrassed after, but I'm wondering if anyone else woulda started laughing too. They probably have more respect than that.

The guy did not know how to preach. He didn't exegete right, he had 4 main points each with 6 subpoints which he reminded us of every time. He tried to be funny, and make analogies and in the end it was aweful. There were a few times I wanted to get up and walk out. He drew principles which weren't there, but he also said things that just weren't right too. He tried to use the Greek and make points and did it poorly. I mean, everything that you could do wrong he did almost. He did not go waaaay over board on jokes. But that's his only positive point. If I would have heard him on the radio I would have called him a fool. Which leads to my next point:

We have tons, TONS, of people so-called pastors who stand in pulpits. I'm not talking about Catholics/Mormons/JW's. I'm talking about "Fundamentalists." Tell me every single one of them is called of God, and should be in the pastorate! My cousin used to say it takes having the gift to preach, the desire to preach, and then being recognized by the people of God that you have that ability. And you need all 3 to be a pastor. (There mighta been more, can't remember) But what does it take for the people of God to recognize that these days? Do we not too often equate desire with ability? Or even, do we not accept ability in other areas and equate it with preaching?

This is the same old "Who is really a man of God?" Because it is incredibly dangerous to call the man of God a fool. (she bears anyone?) But someone not a man of God in the place of the man of God is Satan's wolf tearing the flock to pieces. What is the litmus test? I can ask the random fast-food employee how he got saved and he says "By believing in Jesus Christ." Good answer, except his life is a mess. Fake preachers are just more educated. They can say "Believing that Jesus is the perfect Son of God who gave Himself for our sins." blah blah blah. Bad guys aren't stupid. How often do we think that? "Oh, he's a nice guy." "Oh he wouldn't do that." You don't see the tares when they are seeds!! It is only when they are grown and manifest that they are obvious. Know them by their fruits?

Yeah, but the church has been accepting wiltering fruits for a long time now, so tell me, just b/c the fruit is not dead, but perhaps is mushy and dark does that mean we let it stand in our pulpit? No, but since that is what we are used to, that is what we do. And then when someone says "That isn't right, look at his life." The response is "just like mine." /shrug.

So I saw the girl who didn't answer me about lunch.
So I said, "you coulda just said no, and not just ignored me."
She says "You were supposed to ask me again Sunday night." (Now, that isnt true. She said she would get back to me, b/c I already asked. . .I didn't say that. )
"You weren't there, I looked all over."
"I was here"
"So do you want me to ask again?"
"No, b/c I don't want you to think there is something there that isnt."
"Ok, thanks for the answer."

Now, my cousin just(as in 2 minutes ago) walked around the corner and said "Did you talk to her again [meaning after the above]? b/c you shouldn't I need to talk to you, but I'm busy atm, I'll try to come back here when I can." And then she leaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wasn't there a rule about that?

Some guy on my internet course thinks I said he wasn't saved. But he was very polite and open and addressed the topic admirably. I appreciate that. I will clarify what I meant later.

I started looking around on SI again. I posted twice. The people there are like starving lions and I'm new prey. I almost referenced my uncle's work and said read this post, I don't feel like talking bout this, but I don't want to associate myself yet. People throw u into a grp as soon as you are associated.

I'm finishing my one paper right now [no its not late yet] but I'm not sure how I'm going to add more words. I was doing Philippians 1:3-11 but the paper is supposed to be 2800-3200 words. I don't have that many. I suppose I could add a few verses, maybe? Idk.

I saw some amazing PvP yesterday. You rogues out there are probably all that good and sick of me talking bout it, but I was just shocked. The 62 warrior and 55 rogue die first. Then the 58 and 70 run away to bandage. Then the 58 and 64 open up on the 70 (or did the 64 help kill the 58?), and the 70(or 64) kills the 58 and then the 64 destroys the 70. I mean whoa! And then I run in and fight the 19 pally and get the chest. =D 3 down, 21 more to go. w00t for help!

So its not so "chili" here today, and my ankle is not nearly so "soar" as it was before. "Eye" am not as tired as "aye" have been but I have to work tonite. ;)

I'm just looked at the calender and saw the passover is tomorrow. Who cares? Isn't it great that we don't have to care about what feast is when and make sure we have the animals we are supposed to kill?

There was some talk about my VB team still playing for fun once a week, but only 3 people have repsonded and 2 said it would be a "maybe" each week.

April 25th is Administrative assistant day, but if your eyes are fuzzy and you are squinting to look at it, it might appear to say administrative assassin day, maybe.

My brother wants me to vote for some JW or something. I dont' really know anything about the guy except he liked Reagan. . .wait, what more do I need to know? In the words of Denny Crane, "There are two places to find the truth. First God and then Fox News." Srry, I found that, and couldn't help it.

Obviously the guy could turn the whole country into a mormon paradise. We could end up being persecuted, but I think that would be down the road since there is a lot more to clean up from his perspective before "christians" (I would hope). We might also get a stronger country (temporally speaking). As long as he conitnues to support Israel we could be ok. But there is a lot of power in Salt Lake. Think of the network they have? Like could the CIA/FBI stop it if they wanted to? We would hope so, but I'm sure there are mormons inside the Gov too. And so then it becomes who's spies are higher up. In the end, I will vote for him b/c my brother knows more about it than I do, and he says go for it, but from what I hear, he won't make it through the primary. 7:17.

Well, its time to close up shop. I got it done with 7 words to spare. Not where I like it, but next time I'll pick a longer or more difficult passage I guess. cya. 9:40.


ROD said...

Preaching is like writing; there is good, and there is bad. I have sat under some really bad preaching. I would ask myself, "What is this man trying to say?" I think, however, that one can improve with training and practice.

David said...

I would assume so. The problem was that half if not more of the place didn't see it. The saints have become used to plain broth; forget actaul soup, they can't take it. My roommate thought the preacher was pulling waay more out of the passage than he shoulda, but even then I had waaay more problems than my roommate. His dad, didn't have much problems with it. . .I mean, how many people there were paying attention? and then how many were listening to the nice words, and simple analogies? The closing was the best "I'm going to read a poem, some of you might recognize it as a song from the 60s or 70s." Nothing biblical in the poem. It could have been written from the perspective of the prodical son, but there was no "coming back." it was a depressing song written by some worldly guy/girl. Perfect closing exhortation.

And if maybe he was new, I would give him a break, but he's got his PhD in something and been in the ministry for years. And finally I'm to what prompted this: he's not going to get "better" b/c half the place thought he did fine. The pastor, (who's job it would be to say something) wanted to have a prolonged persuasive invitational. He has probly had all the practice he wants, and he thinks hes fine.