Wednesday, March 14, 2007

yeah, so i don't normally post on Wed, but I figured I would today. We practiced Volleyball for an hour tonight after church. It was a blast. The girls aren't that great, they know more than me, but . . .u know. We did get one mroe guy, which is cool, hes taller and is pretty good. We play again tomorrow night. I would play every night and for 90 minutes but they only wanted to play an hour, and only twice a week. That's cool. I'm happy with what I get.

So, in chapel this morning, class today, and then in church tonight the discussion was at least touched on how you might think you are supposed to do something but as long as you are right with God he might change your path and show you you aren't supposed to. I moved about 12 times in the first 13 years of my life. When I tell people they say "oh, was your dad in the military?" Nope, but each time that is where God wanted us. Even though looking back, what did we accomplish? not much really, temporally speaking.

I mention all this because here I am at MBBC. This degree I am getting has basically become a waste of two years almost anywhere I pursue something more. Yet, I am learning and studying and good things are happening, and even though I don't understand why I couldn't go straight to lawschool or Calvin. But the good thing is, I don't need to know. It isn't up to me, and if it were I would probably mess it up. (The Probably is my pride talking. . .of course I would) So, I just wanted to post to say, Praise the Lord I don't need to know anything about my future, I just need to do right in the present.

Oh, and I asked this girl if she would like to get lunch. We generally sit in the same pew every Sunday, and we converse, and she's nice, so I asked myself, why not ask her, and so I did. She was flustered and wasn't sure what to say so I suggested she get back to me in the evening service. She didn't show up for the evening service. Then she ignored my cousin in the hall, and they are friends. . .so, what is that? Seriously, I mean. . .just say "nah, I don't think so." Or something, I coulda cared less. I mean I wanted to get to know her, I wasn't asking for her parent's phone number or anything. pfft. Anyway, so now we are all leaving and I won't see her again for eh, 3 weeks? yeah that's about right.

Anyway, got to finish my greek assignment. Then I am done with this one. 16 days, and a lot of writing. But it will be done in 10 minutes. And then I'm going to bed. So, g'night.

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