Monday, March 26, 2007

im back. . .rats.

Back to the old grind. The mound of depression. The field of weeds and tares. The stress from seeing so much bad mixed in with the good till they are indistinguishable. This is MBBC. (or really most any christian college. Here the bad is in category x, but there it is in y. You can't find the perfect place, and so you put up with what you must. . .but it shouldn't be this way.)

I had one of the best weeks of my life. hmmmm, am I exaggerating? A statement like that is really subjective so who cares? But I had sooo much fun. I didn't want to come back. It was the hardest its been. B-day party, LAN at my cousins, lunch with my friend, poker night at the gym, weekend with my cousins, (where I lost the first poker game, but tied the second -- I did really well over all in my poker playing) Football in the yard (Yes, we won again, 14 to 11 I think it was. . .or 91 to 77. High scoring game. But my team really shouldn't have had a chance of losing)

My week was great, but my trip back to school was almost the same degree of badness. My car died. My dad and I thought it was water in the gas tank, but it would run for about an hour, and die again. And then I would have to let it sit in order to start it again. I spent the night on the outskirts of New Buffalo (don't ever take that exit. . .ever) in the dark, in my car. It wasn't that it was terribly uncomfortable. I've slept in my car before, but the whole experience was tiring. I'm glad it wasn't cold, but the heat did keep me up some. I'm thankful I didn't get pulled over by any cops. I made it to school, and I guess that's what counts, but wow. . .

Due to my night/day I wasn't able to start my diet. So, I'll get back to it tomorrow. Good thing too, b/c when I got to work my one boss had pizza and breadsticks for me. It wasn't the best pizza, but hey, its free, so I don't complain.

I met the guy who wants to marry my cousin. We used to be best friends, now she would rather avoid any discussion. We said hi/bye. . .that's it. /shrug. He seemed fine, but at the same time his stories seemed on the foolish end. . .but who doesn't have stories like that? So idk, b/c we didn't spend much time with him. . .time. I have a cousin who has a friend who's husband left her. She asked the mom of the friend how situations like that could be avoided. Seriously, you don't plan a marriage within a month of knowing the guy. That means you are already hooked and alls it takes is a consistent show. That hard part is catching the fish. . .keeping it on the hook isn't nearly so bad.

We had some good discussion. It was even better though b/c it wasn't all old re-hash. Some of it was, but the discussion was with more than I had had it, and I have stuff to think about since apparently I presented an inconsistent viewpoint. So, I don't practice what I preach, or I'm preaching incorrectly. Just with the two options I would favor the former b/c I tend to "know" more right stuff than "do" it. But I will have to think through my exact words so I don't present an exaggerated form of what I mean.

I benched 250lbs. That is a high that I will milk for all its worth. I had no clue what I could hit. My sets were never very high, and b/c of my new workout I bench even lower than what I could. But its working, and that's the important thing. Results are the most encouraging. Sure, it woulda been nice to hear a few more "You been working out?" before I told them I hit 250, but no1 noticed I lost 15lbs either. But, both are results that I can look to and realize that what I'm doing is working.

I'm back to two monitors, with my old video card. 3.4Ghz, 1G ram, 240GB HD, Memory card. . .mmmmmhmmmmmm. I got some new software from my friend I will have to work with.

There is a test period of 4 stays of 9 days/8 nights for $10k. That's a LONG time, but also a lot of money. However, that one starts while I'm still in school. Or, 1 stay of 27 days for $6k. That one I could do. It starts a week after school gets out. I would go, stay for a month, and then I could go home to MI for the rest of my summer break. I would have most of my bills paid off, and then the summer would be free. Something to think about I think.

The gym feels muggy. My office however is air conditioned. It feels nice.

I have missed water. Its weird, but its something I have become used to having all the time. Cold water in the fridge, or a drinking fountain.

So, my brother told me why my hair frizzes. We will see if this works.

I looked at my schedule, and felt some relief. I should be able to handle it without an enormous amount of stress. The only really hard part is completing all my reading on time. But I will persevere!

Its looking less and less like I am going to FL. We are still hoping, but if my car expenses are too much than there goes my FL money, and tickets have yet to come down.

Its warm here. A balmy 76. I cleaned my fan and got my shorts out (which meant picking them up off a pile at the foot of my bed.) I got cleaned up and DL some music I had wanted and then took a nap. My alarm failed to sound on time, but everything is ok now.

Prices actually appear to have gone up another $200. That's disgusting. Too bad I wasn't rich eh? If I win 2.1 Mill that would be cool, imo.

Why do games of chance entertain us so? Anything with cards or dice involves chance, yet we play them often. UNO? Very little skill. Phase Ten? perhaps a bit more. MTG? more. SWCCG? Much more. Poker, yeah, its somewhere in there. . .but not as much I'm thinking. I think its our facination with "luck". That no matter how awful a person is at everything in life they can still win the lottery. It's the glimmer of hope for people, I guess. . .I wouldn't really know. ;)

I need to read over some of the questions I was asked. I posted a 3 page response to some of them, but have to respond to a couple other people. Its funny the people engaging me. . .my prof and two guys I somewhat know. Its unfortunate about both of them. One I have been an aquaintance of for some time, the other not so long, but still both of them should know better. I hate it when people think they know more than they do. . .I probly bother some people in this way too, but these questions are questions in ignorance. Some times questions in ignorance are asked knowing they are, and the answers are expected to be stated as obvious or even redirected. But when you ask the obvious question thinking it to be deep, it doesn't help your prusuit of the truth any. Remember, the truth is out there. Yes, I also got to watch like 4-5 episodes of the X-files. I miss that show. I'll possibly be back. 7:24.

Well, its time for me to go already. 2 hours working on 4 pages. . .not too bad i guess. Anyway, ttyl.

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