Tuesday, March 27, 2007

back in routine

Yeah, I'm back to my routine. Its kinda nice. Drinking lots of water and eating tuna/beans and being hungry. I could probably do without the latter but it will go away eventually.

It was in the upper 50s today; 70s yesterday. I've been blowing in outside air since yesterday, and my room smells and has the temp of outside. Its nice, but getting chili.

I'm listening to two academy teachers outside my office. . .they are discussing the next year, and complaining. Not that I wouldn't expect it, but some of the simple stuff that you might find working at a secular college happened in a poor way. Why are Christians stupid? /sigh, I suppose it happens at every college which is why I shouldn't be surprised.

I posted another 5-6 pages on my internet course. Responded to my Prof and my other opposition and asked several questions of others. We shall see who eventually responds. 5:21.

I'm somewhat bored. I suppose I could work out now, but meh, I'll wait until I close. Its easier to know I don't have to worry about what's going on in the rest of the gym. 6:26.

So. . .I finished one paper mostly. I will have to read over it again and check for redundancy etc, but its about done. I find I get bored at work. Which is good because it means I should do my homework. And I have been able to get a good amount done tonight. I have a paper I need to work on tomorrow. It is a long one, and I've never liked long papers. Its a compare and contrast. I'm not sure if I should go point by point or do one side and then another. The last paper I read like this did all one side and then all the other. Idk, I will probably figure it out once I get past the intro.

I talked to my old officers. One offered to help in anyway possible: arena chests, run throughs, gold, etc. The other said if I changed my mind I was always welcome back, and that I had a lot of fans in the guild. Its always nice to hear you are missed, no matter what it is, it is nice to hear.

We signed the charter, and pretty much determined a tabard, and standard. I don't have any more to say, really. I'm going to go finish my Greek Homework, and then kick everyone out of here. I get to work my chest tonight. That's always fun. Oh well. I still feel tired from this weekend. Last night I laid in bed a looonnng time before I fell to sleep. Probably because I took a nap. I should sleep fine tonight. g'night. 8:50

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