Monday, March 5, 2007

pc workarounds

**WARNING:: Novel length**

So, the ISP for the college won't let anyone login to blogger, so I can't leave any cool comments on all the blogs that I would. You say, but you are logged in now. Ah, but that is because I know work arounds, and they can be applied in certain circumstances. As little as I know, its still enough to impress others (sometimes).

I was planning on going to Circuit City to get a mobo, but they don't carry them, so I'm going to be ordering one tonight. I'm going with the mobo/processor combo since I trust that a bit more. Hopefully things will work out.

Pray for me as I don't know what I should do this summer. I don't want to go work at camp. And then I don't want to end up there, just b/c I know I don't want to and thus I should kinda thing. I am not sure if I could get a job at home, or get more hours out here. This McD stinks. I'm getting paid too low for my experience and for 3rd shift. . .they didn't consider either with my wage. Can't complain too much atm, since I'm only working one day, but I started with 3+ . . .and they just don't care about their employees. I saw an add today for a lawn care job. $11.25 and then after certification $12.25. That would be a great job this summer, if I could obtain all the time off I need. (summer school, and a wedding, and the 4th) /sigh, just pray I'll know what to do.

Greek test tomorrow. Shouldn't be nearly as bad as the first one. Sounds too simple which is bothering me. But we shall see. I am going to the second class rather than the first since I'm working all night tonight.

I can do 220 pushups now. Only 40 more to catch my brother. . . just kidding. I'm so funny, I know.

Or, it may have just happened that the ISP fixed the problem right as I attempted my workaround. That would be way less cool, but possible since it is supposedly fixed now. (and comments are now left appropriately)

Ok, bought it. It should be here in two days. Hopefully I can be up and running then. My graphics card is still at home so I will have to wait until Spring break to get it, but its not like I need it for anything special. It will be nice to just be able to write a paper at home.

I've been listening to a lot of country lately. My car radio is set to that frequency, and I haven't found anything else so it sits there. Every Sunday/Wednesday I listen to it to and from church. I can't really say I like country, but at least I've listened to it now I suppose. I think I like Oldies better.

I haven't heard from my cousin if her friend needs a ride home over spring break. I would really like to know sooner, even though it doesn't make too big a difference. I can't wait. Pizza. . .cake. . .mmmmmmmm. I am thinking I should bring some books to read or something, and like I should write a paper, but in the end I will just end up playing video games, yay!! 11 days.

Going to work on Greek. 6:28.

I need to remember to bring some more of my books out here. I left all my WoT, and LotR books at home. I feel like reading the silmarillion again. Is that weird? oh well.

Unbelievable. . .Why can't someone give me a doctorate?!!?!!?!?!? I mean. . .wow!! /sigh.

I struggle to know what the right response to hearing that is. (if you don't know what "that" is, ask me later) I mean, it just is bewildering. You know, the Israelites killed Balaam. Harsh, and inappropriate? perhaps. My thought process was like this "wow -> I don't know how to repsond -> should I be happy for him? -> I wish there was a way like in the OT to tell a true prophet from a bad -> if only preachers predicted the future -> even in the OT bad prophets spoke truth -> statement about Balaam. So, for what its worth.

My cousin just showed up and we talked for 30-40 minutes. It was kinda nice, since I haven't seen her in forever. It's pretty sad (imo) that attending the same college, if we want to talk to each other we have to call. ah well. 7:41, and one page left on this Greek homework. Go me.

Generally I don't like subjective things. It is probably an extension of my black/white philosophy. Subjective things change. I like pizza today, but tomorrow I might not. I might think you are ugly today, but tomorrow I might not. See where my problem is? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." True enough, because beauty is subjective. But at the same time, there are people considered by the general consensus to be so. But, if after becoming aquainted, a 6 moves up to an 8, and then a 9/10. She is still a 6 to everyone else, even though you may find her a 10, right? So, what does this mean? idk. . .I'm looking for the general approval of man that my future-wife is beautiful? sounds like it too me. That's not a very good attitude though. hmmm.

Of course, the subjectivity changes. The higher the score, the more diverse it becomes. Meaning, you will find more consensus that someone is a 4, than that someone is a 10. (I group the two, because frankly they are both quite rare.) So. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(I'm still thinking, brb)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .So, I appoached a 6-7(definitely not higher than a 7, but exact idk.) last semester because of other reasons. But if those other reasons were enough to cause me to step outside my area of comfortability than why should I stay here now just because I haven't found Ms. 10 yet? idk.

In the end however, does it matter? Two people come together by the good graces of God. I mean obviously that involves two people, but it doesn't mean that chasing one or another is going to work because that's just you trying to do it on your own. (I appreciate my uncle reminding me of this every now and then) So then. . .I'll sit here in the gym and not say anything to anyone and wait. . .heh, j/k mom. ;)

Remember I talked about the secretary who went to FL, and left her rat here? Well, I e-mailed her and told her he died and that we threw him out in the snow, blah blah blah, and then put a "p.s. just kidding" at the bottom. She didn't even look down there, and thought he was dead. rofl. I hope she didn't cry all night or anything; I would feel bad. I didn't even make the thing so she shoulda had to scroll if her window was open full screen. Oh well, after her rather awkward response I realized she probably didn't get it and e-mailed her again. heh.

My brother keeps talking about April Fool's day. . .I can't talk about all the plans I will come up with b/c one of my roommates reads this occasionally. Ice cubes in the pillow case is always a good one. =D

I wrote out a post, in the format of a letter to the class, which I plan on posting in a week if no1 responds to my stuff. Mostly to those who post disagreeing with me, but have no thought to comment. I have read stuff that is verbatim what was said in our NTI class. I have read about people stating dogma without basis; Now I see it. The statements made by these folks have no other basis except this is what my prof said. They cannot argue for themselves. They cannot present the excuse "I've never studied this issue." after this class. We are here, and God has placed us in this class, and the material is to be studied. It is then both a privilege and responsibility to study the material before us. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do" Too many of these people will leave this class, and will still offer up the explanation "I just never studied it that much" or "yeah, that's something I need to study a bit more." FIE!!

The more I think about it, I do want to become a lawyer. But we shall see. I have more desire to write I think than to pastor. But I do understand that the power for change is through the "foolishness of preaching".

Anyway, the girls Basketball team just got back from their week in Fl. They took second, and they arrived at the tourney ranked 7th, I think. They are mostly all freshman so that looks promising. I should probably say something like "good job" or something when I see them. Meh, maybe when I see the ones I like.

Going to work on Greek again. 8:27.

1-11 grammar; 12-17 periphrasitc; 18-23 participle; 24-31 parsing; 32 transaltion. Of course the point break up is not equal to the amount of numbered questions, but rather work total. I'm memorizing the participles. The grammar I'm not sure what he's going to ask, but its multiple choice. The grammar might get me. I should look over that a bit more. The parsing I will get mostly right. They are all participles, and so most of it will be simple, and certain parts will be deduced. I *need* an A on this one. /sigh. 8:49.

I wish I didn't have to work tonight. Its sooooo Cold here. I am dreading walking home, and then dreading gettgin in my car. brrrrrrrr. At the same time I am hoping that they have some good food that is going to be wasted because that's always something to look forward to. Then again, that really makes for two days off instead of just Sunday, but oh well. I don't "have abs" so even if I lost all this weight I will just look non-fat.

I tried to see how many sit-ups I could do today. I had to stop because I ran out of breath. Not because my abs were sore. Laugh, its ok. I need more cardio. I have to try to fit that in my schedule somehow, not to lose weight either. I just need to fit in it for my heart.

I picked up my NT Greek by Machen. It was cool to be able to understand all the stuff that I had tried to read before coming to school. I found a nice little article in the back too. It was on the state of the church and how we have accepted the foolish intellectual dullness of the world. (We have) I'm reading a book now on the text issue (by a heretic) and he states multiple times the amount of versions made because people became less familiar with the Bible. I say FIE again. Make a new version because we have become less familiar with the Bible...see the problem? The drive was not to go back to the Bible, the drive said "God's people stopped using the Bible. . .it must be b/c its too hard to read" Foolishness, foolishness I say. When people stop reading the Bible it is from spiritual deadness. Not because they can't understand what "thou" means.

We are continuing to breed complacency. It is everywhere. In the world, in the church, in our homes. We say strive to be more, but the more we always imagine is limited. We think it impossible to attain what once was attained. I was sitting in class before it started and it was mentioned how well the Prof knew Greek, and he had enver had a class of it. I remarked that it was possible for everyone in the room. They all scoffed. What's the expression? "fools and blind". When you read about someone who devoted himself to something and then in the end knew 45 different languages, what part of us says that we cannot learn a second? Man's grasp exceeds his imagination. We dare not dream or what we could achieve. That's not to say it is easy. It is work, hard work. That is why America doesn't care. We don't work. We are lazy, and must be entertained. I wonder. What did people do before entertainment? /sigh. It is hard to bring someone up like that today. Kids always yearn for that which they don't have.

I gtg...sorry it took forever. 9:32.


VanSneak said...

Nice post. I actually liked the length. Stay warm out there.

michael said...

I have no idea what "that" is. And I really want to.