Thursday, March 29, 2007

if its free, take it

So, my mom offered my bagels, and doughnut holes, and bread. . .and I had just eaten, and was feeling depressed, and thinking about my diet and I turned it all down. I'm cursing myself for that one. Not like I would be eating doughnut holes right now, but over all it was dumb. Since ticket prices went up, I think I'm done with my diet as long as I don't start gaining again. I'm not going to be eating a lot, or anything, but I don't feel like going back to tuna and beans. Mostly the beans. They were great the first two cans, but now, its not so great.

The study I wanted to get into (26 days, $6k) is only accepting women right now. The other college guys all jumped on it before me I guess. That woulda been a worth while month, and then I woulda come home for the 4th and been done for the summer. But, doesn't look like that is going to happen.

My roommate said his boss is hiring for the summer. Definitely 40 hours a week, possibly more, but he wants to avoid overtime. But its only around 7$ an hour. And that just does not appeal to me. And its cleaning. I hate cleaning. Now, my roommate watches TV, reads the newspaper, etc when he goes, but idc about that stuff, and Cleaning just isn't fun. Besides, if my friend can get me $8 working with him I'd rather do that. But, the cleaning job would set me up for next fall, when he possibly needs workers again. Then rather than 8 hours one night, it would be like 3-4 a couple nights. That is definitely better than McD. Probably more money by then, and better hours.

Our volleyball team is going to get killed. Other teams come in here and practice for hours on end. Last night only 3 of our members showed up.

My ankle still is swollen. It doesn't really hurt, but my one pair of shoes is uncomfortable.

I am getting run through WC by someone who doesnt even know me. She is good friends with someone else who I helped a long time ago, and so She took an hour too help me. . .That is so strange to us. Is it easier to help strangers than people you know? Or is it the attitude that determines it? I ask people I know to run me through; people I don't I feel bad when they spend so much time. Why? Who would I do it for? hmmm.

FF: AC is sweet! I haven't seen it in a while. The music, the fighting. . .its so nice. Unfortunately, my DvD glitched 3/4 through. Not sure if its my PS or if its scratched or something.

I've been thinking about what I do if I get told to be quiet. I don't really think I can handle that. If my internet prof suspends my posting or tells me to stop, I think that could really influence me into dropping out. I have no reason to think he will, but people don't like being disagree'd with, especially profs. In a classroom the prof can just keep talking and talk louder. But here I am in open debate with other members. . .if he stops it I'm going to be mad.

This comes about because I posted another 5-6 pages, and he repsonded with 3 sentences = 2 lines. This next one is going to be a sledgehammer. Forget the filler, and data. I have already provided plenty. Instead its going to be question after question which have yet to be answered. Nothing new, plenty of old stuff still. 6:31

posting before I lose it all. I'll probly come back and edit. 7:42.

1 comment:

VanSneak said...

"It's time to drop the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice."

Starcraft is so right sometimes. Reallt makes me think...