Saturday, September 29, 2007


Yeah, I want to debate. I want to read WoT. I want to let my mind loose. I need to let it run right now. And I feel tied to little stuff that requires no expansion. I need something of non-importance that excites me and that I need to think about. Or a good book so that I can lose myself in the story.

What has happened....well, I feel a TON better.

Fastenal called and they want me to come in as soon as I get my driving record. Its in the mail so, we'll see when it gets here. I'm still planning on going into some temp agency like places Tuesday.

Class this week went well. It was actually fun, and we enjoyed the class. I have 1,000 pages of reading and one 15 pages paper. I have 12 weeks from yesterday to complete it. . .hahahahahaha, 12 weeks. That's great.

Um, what else. . .nothing much has changed with the Onasch household.

I feel fat.

We are having a afternoon service and chili-meal tomorrow. I love chili with cheese and fritos. mmMMmm.

I was asked to teach Sunday School near the end of this month. Not sure what I'm teaching on yet.

I was also asked if I would be interested in preaching at a church about two hours away. I said sure. So, hopefully I will get an "ok" notice if I get to do that. Hopefully, things will work out for Kaylynn to go with me and she can play special music and I will preach. Of course, her sister will have to come because of the "can't be in the same car by yourself" rule. bleh. But preaching would be good.

My computer started having problems Thursday. I came home and it was off. Apparently someone didn't like how loud it was and turned it off. Well, /shrug, no big deal. Except when I turn it back on it won't register the ethernet card. No matter what I do it doesn't show up. So, now I don't have any internet. So, now I have to carry with me a USB drive because I can't email myself stuff from school to home, etc.

The WoW forums are dying down, and it makes em boring to read and makes me not want to play as much. That's good over all. I don't have too much time to devote to that anyway.....actually, do I have any time?

I'm in the mood to "do something." I feel like I haven't in a while. Some people are like "why do you always need to 'do something?'" /shrug. Idk, but not doing anything gets routine. I'm going to a violin recital tonight. Does that count? I guess I'll find out.

I had to work the football game today. It really isn't much work at all. What it does mean however is that I'm outside instead of inside. I don't get to work on homework. It isn't like I would get a TON done anyway. I have two hours and I spend it blogging/forums/e-mail. Oh well.

I feel like I have energy built up and I just need to let it out. I did play VB this week. Maybe its because I was sick for so many days and then I didn't work out because of it and now I'm just wired.

Alright. I'm outta here in 15 minutes. Then I get to go home and shave, change and come back to here a recital....and I have to wear a suit. /phooey.

The Onasch family left for the weekend except Kaylynn and her sister. So, I will go over tonight after the recital and watch a movie or two. I'm going to be starving. . . . .Maybe I should eat when I go home. Probably.

I really don't like when things don't go according to plan. But that's not being flexible. Maybe I should stop planning so much? sure.

ok, im least I blogged once this week. Unlike some people I know. *hint hint*


1 comment:

michael said...

It's not just a feeling. You really ARE fat.