Monday, September 24, 2007

sick as a dog

Yeah, I am sick. It isn't anything serious. I just have a bad cold. Its going around. I walked into the living room last night and found a waste basket devoted to kleenexes. I'm stuffed up, tired, and groggy. I have been so for the past few days and really, it put me in a mood I haven't been in around the Onasch family. The kids thought it was funny. /shrug

Turns out, the boys still think they are going to stand in our wedding. What on Earth gave them that idea, idk. We said they could be in it. But wow, they musta got their mind set. . .too bad for them.

My girl friend is sooo good to me. She is understanding, and kind. She spoils me too. =D She brought me Mac and Cheese and Hot pockets for dinner today.

I'm sitting in the office and all's it would take for me to sleep is to stop fighting it.

I have a module this week. 1,000 pages of reading, and 1 15-25 page paper. That's it. And, because people asked. I have a full 12 weeks before any of it is due. Sounds like a good class. ;)

However, 12 weeks is, the 21st of Dec. Sooo, I better not be waiting till the end to get it done. Actually, once this week is over with I kinda hope to start on one of my other papers. I've got 4 that I'm unsure of. That's too many. And this one might make it 5. /groan.

I just want to sleep desire to play games, or watch movies. I want to be with my girl friend and since she left I just want to sleep. I'll be going to bed as early as possible tonight. I haven't even turned my PC on in two days. o.O

I am doing "ok" in Greek. A- currently. My problem is the quizzes on Mon/Wed. They aren't worth as much as the rest, but they are also timed and really short. I just haven't been doing great on them. Everything else, I'm doing just fine. Thanks be to God.

You know when you get all achy? and you just feel really hot, and everything you do hurts? That's where I am right now. I never thought about it before, but I get really bad colds. Just sneezed 18 times. /sigh. I think I'm gonna get back to my Greek. Ttyl. Hope you guys are all doing well. Call me more often. I'm busy, but even if we only talk for 5-10 min, that would be cool. I'll try to call too. peace.


Anonymous said...

hope u get well
"dave and kalin sitting in a tree"

Varda said...

I think Kaylynn mentioned something about you getting her cold. . . . And yet. . . lol :P Maybe you should take the hint. ;) Hehehehehehe. *ahem* Hope you feel better. lol


Anonymous said...

we miss u DAVE(not u Jenny or elicia jade)lol.:)
CALL HOME NOW(dave that is):)lol


Anonymous said...

we miss u DAVE(not u Jenny or elicia jade)lol.:)
CALL HOME NOW(dave that is):)lol
