Monday, September 10, 2007


So, first, thank you to everyone that prayed for the last couple days. We did meet with pastor Saturday morning and it went about as well as I coulda reasonably expected it to go. Late Saturday night we decided we needed to figure out everything that we wanted to discuss Sunday. As we talked about it we realized the response we would get to everything and the big drive that we had previous to talking to pastor wasn't there for me, and she wasn't sure so we decided not to. It made our afternoon easier. We would still appreciate your prayers regarding the whole situation.

I had a job interview today with "The Custom Shoppe." They make expensive custom furniture. I would work Tue/Thur 6-4 or something close to that. The interviewer has to talk to all the supervisors to see where I would best fit and if they have openings. Then I have to have another interview with them, and then they do background checks, drug screening, etc. If all that works, I can be hired. yay!

I find out about Covance a week from tomorrow. I'm praying I get in b/c I need the money, but I'm going to miss Kaylynn. If I don't get in, it will be interesting.

I never realized I was such a worrier and lacked so much trust until this semester. My car needing repairs 2 times and needing to get the bearing fixed might be part of it, but I'm trying hard to leard to trust God completely.

So, I spent the last two hours looking at jobs all over. Hardly anything in MI. So much stuff in FL its hard for me to be precise in my search and I end up with pages and pages of stuff that requires 5+ years experience. oh well. I will need to look more dilligently next summer, but I just wanted an idea of what was out there.

Doh!! Its 8:39 and my battery is dying. Going to have to do something about that. . . .ok, im out. bye.

EDIT: Today Gandalf escaped from Orthanc.

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