Friday, September 14, 2007

ok, here's the deal

I didn't get into Covance. Apparently my Cholesterol is too high. And also, something with my liver. /shrug. I didn't get in.

I also have not heard from the Custom Shoppe. Now, tbh, I would rather not work there. But the money is good, and they would work with my hours. If that's what God gave me, I wouldn't complain about it.

My cousin got a job at another bank. Making good money. They start tellers at $9.00 and it would be a job worth putting on my resume, imo. And they are hiring parttime help I guess. So, maybe I can try to get in somewhere. If they work with me a bit, that would be a more enjoyable (than the Custom Shoppe) job, imo.

I talked it over with my GF, and neither of us really want to wait any longer than next June. Next Dec was mentioned but it wasn't entertained very long. Soooo, what does that mean? I'm not sure exactly. I need a job though. That much I know.

Every time I hear about an injury in an organized sport it makes me glad I never played. I heard some kid got his arm broke tonight.

We are having some sorta party at my house tonight. It starts at 7 though and I don't get off work till 10. So....hopefully there is food left over.

The good news is, I don't have to wait till Tuesday to find out if I get in to Covance.

There is a module not next week but the following. I was going to skip it because it isn't needed, but I just got an e-mail that it counts as a normal, NT, or OT elective. Since I need both a normal and an OT elective I will probably take it now. I think its supposed to be an easier course too. But I haven't had this prof before so I hope its not bad. Its 1,000 pages of reading and 1 15-25 page paper. Of course I'm taking it. Most classes are 1000+ and 3-2 papers plus a final. One paper? Are you kidding? Wow! yippe! Yahoo! cool.

So, that's cool. I need to start remembering to bring my phone charger to work, especially on Fridays. I don't feel like working. My brother calls for a bit which is cool. but by then my phone is already getting low.

I am avoiding the weight room this weekend due to the staph signs. But I really need to get back in there on Monday. Soooo, I hope I don't get anything.

I will go app for jobs Tuesday. Where will I go? I do not know. First the bank, then I'll go with the flow. Petty rhymes? I know, I know.

Bah! Since I'm taking the class after this week, I will need two electives next semester. I think that's it though. With Greek of course. And Dispsations which isn't offered till June. But I have some ideas about that. More work for me....lots more work, but it will make my girlfriend happy, so I'm gonna see if I can do it.

My roommate is not moving out. He tends to get excited about ideas and then not do them when he thinks through them. I'm glad hes not moving. I would be super stuck if he did. I and Jon? Jon's nice and all, but augh. Jon got into a study this semester. He goes for 4 days 4 times. Good money though from what I hear.

Today is Frodo's and Bilbo's Birthday. On that note, I did several Star Wars trivia questions today. So, I'm gonna try to post one with every blog....of course you could cheat and look it up, but let's see if you really know. Question: Who was the captian of the Tantive IV?

Meh, I'm hungry now. The good news is that I don't have to worry about being too fat for covance. yay. Wow, I just got really tired too. Figures. I'm glad there are only two more weeks of this month. I'm tired of it. I really want to move onto Nov. and then Dec. will be right around the corner. Of course, then I will be waiting for June too. . .I am happy to spend as much time right now as I can with Kaylynn, its just that it doesn't normally seem like enough.

I'm out of Peanut Butter. rats.

At this point I'm thinking "I can't believe I still have an hour and a half left here." Its Friday night. No1 wants to be in the gym. The guys who mighta worked out are hesitant due to the sign on the door. There are two girls playing basketball or something in the little gym. And I'm out of food. Well, good food. I got some more crackers left.

My boss tells me that I need to eat some steak, fries, and drink some pop. That was his response to me saying my Cholesterol was high. Tbh, fries sound really really good right now. Maybe tomorrow we can have burgers and fries.

Several new sb_e-mails. Cool.

I miss my girl friend. She's watching a movie with her sister.

I still have to do my greek extra credit. At least I don't have to talk to my profs about missing class.

Going to fold some more of these things. . .I guess. Ok, now going to check on the laundry. Brb.

Now what?!! Under an hour left to go. YAY!!@!!!! There are all sorts of people at my house. The more people get invited the less food will be there for me when I get there. I may have to eat. . .what? I got ramen and Mac and cheese but I have no milk for the mac and cheese.

I need a hair cut. I forgot to ask my mom if she had any tips for cutting my own hair. Oh well. I'm gonna trim the back sometime tomorrow (I hope). Its getting really long though.

Man, I'm sounding kinda selfish. Sorry. . .I'm just really hungry.

I tried to join a forum so I could type up some responses, but noooo, the admin has to approve me and they arent around or something because this is taking forever!

VB was fun yesterday. We only had 5 show up though. So...back to the old drawing board. We only need like 3 more people. But, on the list we have 3-4 that aren't showing up. =/ Gonna have to revise it.

Aw, my gf is sooo sweet. She asked if I wanted pizza tomorrow, so I think we will get pizza instead of normal fast food. She is so amazing. I love her so much. /sigh

Well, 15 minutes and I can go home. I finished everything I needed to get done. So.....good for me.

I figured out that the PTR requires your account to have been active for like 7 weeks before you want to transfer characters. So, anyway, I am able to login. So I did some research and figured out how to transfer my characters and waited 2 days and Voila! I have two 19 gnomes on the PTR. ;) And I can login and play them for free. Amazing. Of course, there aren't any normal people on. The times I play, the twinks are playing in their own BG. So, it doesn't give me any incentive to play, but it was a nice little project to see if I could without paying. I can.

I'm thinking of researching computer stuff again. There is so much. That's the problem. I have so many things that I think "This could be a good hobby." Unforunately, some of them are costly. Some arent, but I rarely concentrate on them enough to learn enough to actually get into it very much. was a good one. Maybe I should go back there and mess around.

I'm not very good with programming. And the more I think about it, I don't think I would enjoy a job where I was a programmer. However, maybe the skills, and some basic programming will come in handy sometime. I assume it will, or something from CMU will. . .or otherwise it was just the stepping stone to get here where I could meet my gf.

I would enjoy teaching a logic course I think. I certainly enjoyed the class I took, and for basic logic, I could teach an intro course in some budding schools philosophy department. My uncle talked to me the other day about teaching. Said with a MA, school would love to have me teach. Of course Christian school teachers don't make huge $$$$, but still, the thought had not occured to me in quite some time. I remember before my dad would talk about it, and I thought "He loves teaching....I just don't want to teach." Now it sounds appealing. My uncle thought I would be able to do it if I wanted to. That's probably true. If I put my mind to it and that's where God wanted me, I'm sure I could teach. Of course, I have the subjects and things that I would want to teach. And there are things I couldn't teach, but /shrug. It was a thought I had not considered in some time.

The other thought that sounds more appealing lately is law school. I'm not sure why. It might be because I watched a movie with a lawyer. Or it might be because I think I could do it. Or it might be because I think in the great grand scheme of things, another 2 years in school can't be THAT bad. But it is...really. But anywho. I get to leave in 5 mintues!!

Of course, I was told that there are plenty of jobs down in FL. That is of course in contrast to MI where the economy is poor. We shall see how things go though. MI is of course my first choice. And my GF has been gracious enough to say that it is fine with her as long as I have work. Of course, we (we think) would both like the Washington DC area, but cost of living is waaaaay too high. I doubt I can find a job to support us out there. Maybe once I get my law degree, but not now.

Anyway, food for thought. I typed a lot. Cya all laters. 9:44.

1 comment:

michael said...

antilles. Not wedge.