Saturday, March 31, 2007


Now it is time to recover. My ankle is still swollen and soar. My knee is bruised, and I'm muscle sore, and fatigued. But we took 3rd place! =D That's right. We won our first 3 and then lost the next two. But our first lost was against the number 2 team, and our second to the number 1 team. Double elimination with 20 teams, we were happy with how we did. There had been talk before and some were shooting for 10th out of 20, and the other guy wanted 4th. I wanted 1st of course, but over all I'm surprised we got as far as we did. I think we had some easier teams to play, but /shrug.

So, I have to finish my other paper today. And then I can stay up all night tomorrow finishing the other one. I don't necessarily hate writing papers. It isn't terrible, but I do hate the research part. I'm supposed to use "scholarly journals." pfft. I couldn't care less what a scholarly journal has to say. I would rather read Calvin/Barnes/Hobbes/Turretin/Dilbert/etc/etc.

So I show up in Greek yesterday, and I had looked at the syllabus before class, and seen we had a quiz scheduled. But normally the prof talks about it and let's us know its coming up and what is on it. We got nothing the day before. So I get there, and others are wondering what's on it too, and the prof shows up and says "yes there is a quiz" Apparently the 1st hour class didn't know a quiz was coming either. Anyway, he quickly says what's on it, and we have 5 minutes opening remarks (while everyone is cramming) and then we take the quiz. . .26/20. =D I surprised myself. The parsing was easy, and the paradigms weren't terrible. I guessed and had to logically change some answers but hey, 26/20 isn't bad. Am I bragging? Probly, but some people say "Greek is hard", but even then I can't compare what I think about Greek, b/c it isn't just work put in. I used to say "It is hard, but doable if you study" This is probably true, but different people need to put different amounts of work in. God blessed me so that I didn't have to spend hours studying for each quiz. Sure, I take advantage of that and am more lazy than I should be, but in the end, its not because I'm so great, or even that I studied harder or more. God gave me the oppotunity and ability, period.

I used to say that at Burger King. I was good. And there was another kid and we were both good and we worked extremely well together, but it would always irk him when I would tell him the only reason we were good was b/c God made us good. He got used to it, and then that became his pride rather than that he was good, but its the truth. What are you good at? Do you realize why?

Which brings me back to my hobbie horse -- the Bible issue. I took last night off at the gym so I could play VB, and my biggest "opponent" in the debate was the guy who worked for me. He spent the 4 hours working on a response. It isn't up yet b/c he wanted to re-read it before posting, but it's coming. And I wonder, "How often do we pray about these things?" I'll admit I don't pray about this as much as I should. Oh, I do, but I have been in debates where I prayed everynight that if I was wrong my eyes would be open and if not, the eyes of the others would be. This isn't just debating for debatings sake. This is the Word of God. I need to pray like that more often. I get so caught up in the "logic" and the "data" that I often forget the Lord opens hearts. My head knows it, but do I act it? Not always.

Oh, how did I get to this issue from God-given skill? Well, knowledge is God-given too. So you know all that stuff you know and understand, thank God for it.

My boss gave me some apples. I haven't had apples in so long. They are definitely my favorite fruit. I love apples. I could eat a whole bushel of em. My roommate has cookies and cream in the freezer and said I could eat it. It is good. . .especially with PB. mmmmmm.

My eyelids are tired. Its only 12:30. Its been a busy couple days. If I eat my apple now. . .then I won't have any more food until at least 6, probably later if I go to the library. /sigh I'm gonna eat it anyway. ah, nvm. I'm not hungry, and I will be later.

Someone told me last night, "you know how if you read a paper a year after you wrote it you can be like 'wow', while its like that even after two weeks." But as I started my exegetical paper I read through the one I wrote last semester b/c I did well so I wanted to figure out what I did. . .I am impressed at how well it is done. It isn't like, "wow, this was poor" its like "wow, I can't believe I wrote this" Having parents who always criticized poor grammar sure was helpful. I can remember passing road signs and hearing how they were misspelled. Haha! Now I do the same thing. . .church bulletin? announcement at work? Too bad I didn't learn all the rules, but rather just what "sounds right." 12:45

A quote of the day on my google page for those of you trying to write,"The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid and stable business."

I can't remember my SI passwd. rats. 1:40.

Thunder just crashed real loud and then the raid came down. And its pouring pretty hard right now. . .at least its not snow, right? We are almost to April. Spring is here. . .wow, what a winter. It went fast for me. 2:20.

Just got off a post on SI about the text issue again. No one expert on their hammering anyone, but meh. Anyway, one guy posted how he thought it was dishonest for colleges to continue to set forth the KJB to pastors and churches while in the class they teach otherwise. I didn't think much about it. I knew MBBC was not KJB when I came. Then someone countered that colleges don't do this. They make it obvious where they stand. Then the light clicked.

My roommate told me about a open forum during our Fundamentalism conference where Pastors asked about the KJB issue. I can almost hear the responses "The only version we use in the classroom and in our chapel services is the KJB." This is true, sure enough.

HAHA, they had Baseball and Softball today. Left-over apples for me. ;)

Back to what I was saying. So they say "The only version we use is the KJB." Now, honestly, that is true (sorta I guess), but any time a prof brings a Greek into the room it is not the TR. Nor do they have any problem standing up on the kickoff of a conference to say the KJB is wrong. Now these Pastors aren't around for all this. Sure, these specific pastors were probably at the kick-off, but most pastors dont hear it all. They hear "MBBC uses the KJV in the classroom." What the first writer was saying is that the colleges are afraid of losing support. So they still claim "KJV" but teach otherwise, so eventually all the next-generation pastors will be happy with no version and then the college can say what they really believe without losing students/money. . .Its all about the cash. 3:54.

I started reading the 20 page thread again. . .It is so captivating. But I don't have the time. 4:05.

So, he posted his opposing view, and he said something I did not think anyone was prepared to admit. He said there can be no certainty on the matter of the Bible. He did say doctrine could be certain, but that we could not have certainty on the Bible. This puzzles me. I asked if he would consider a tangent thread to discuss specifically this topic. So, let me ask you, If you are not certain you have in your hand the Bible, what do you do? What step is there that he sees between "No certainty for the Bible" and "Certainty for the salvation of the soul?" Where else does our certainty come from? I think I can adequately argue (mostly from quotes) that certainty is a necessity. How many great men of God have argued certainty? Even many who won't follow through argue for it. I quoted the axiom "Are certainty, authority, and faith inseperably bound together? yes."

Tell me, if you are not certain, from where do you derive your authority? and from where do you derive your faith? I can't believe someone would say that. . .I'm baffled, but in the end if this is where his basis rests, then Lord-willing, a change in logic here will affect the rest of his stand.

Well, its 5 o'clock here. And I got another apple, but. . .I want. . .hmmm can't decide between pork and beef. I want something. If I had some Milk I could make Mac+cheese tonight. This weekend is gonna be awful. I hate stressfull Sat. I would rather have my papers due Fri, and stay up 36 hours when I knew Sat I could make up for it. On a Monday, I have to start the week feeling crummy. My one paper is a problem, but other than that. . .yeah, one problem is one too many.

We are out of Ketchup. Someone ate it all while I was on spring break. I mean seriously. How am I supposed to eat hotdogs without it? But I did yesterday. Cheese and mustard. Weren't terrible either. I feel like using my McD employee meal and getting something tonight. What should it be? meh, I have ham in the fridge but again, no cheese. I have PB. My Sloppy Joe is frozen still. oh well, what's for dinner?! Idk.

First, I need 3-4 journal articles from the library. I should probably go for more, but eh. Its funny, neither of these papers have a source minimum. Last semester I thought they both did. /shrug, not my problem.

So this girl comes in to play Basketball by herself. No1 has been in the gym all day aside from some teams coming and going. She comes right back to tell me there is a huge puddle on the floor. Of course there is. It rained, and we always have a puddle when it rains. But if she hadn't come in I wouldn't have known to clean it up.

I feel depressed again. All this work in front of me does that. I will be eating all the rest of my candy (don't have too much) and w/e else the next couple days. Sloppy Joe sounds good. I hope it doesnt kill me.(It was in the trunk of my car for my 16+ hour trek after spring break) That would be a waste of a lot of sloppy joe. g'night all. cya next week sometime. Oh yeah, yesterday was my birthday. . .imagine that. I didn't even remember for most the day. It occured to me now and then, but I was pretty much in the mindset I was already 23 so it doesn't matter anyway. ok, bye. 5:38.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well, I couldn't figure out how to edit.

The PC dragged to a halt, due to running out of virtual memory. I still need to figure out what I did to cause that, but a restart fixes it, so its not too big a deal. I did slowly close all programs and then waited like 15 minutes for IE too post my blog so I wouldn't lose it. Aren't you all lucky.

Lots of volleyball tonight. The team that reserved it is encouraging to watch. I think we can beat them. Another team gets it in 30 minutes. I'm looking forward to watching them too.

Got to go yell at the guy in sleeveless in the gym . . .why he would be in there idk. brb

ok, so, now what? I brought the wrong Greek homework tonight, b/c I forgot it was Thursday. Friday homework is always annoying. So much parsing, generally.

Well, I'm done. Not too much more to say. I'm tired, and I want something to eat, but I already finished the jar of PB I brought. I love PB. mmmmmhmmmm.

I posted my page. We shall see what happens. g'night. 8:41

if its free, take it

So, my mom offered my bagels, and doughnut holes, and bread. . .and I had just eaten, and was feeling depressed, and thinking about my diet and I turned it all down. I'm cursing myself for that one. Not like I would be eating doughnut holes right now, but over all it was dumb. Since ticket prices went up, I think I'm done with my diet as long as I don't start gaining again. I'm not going to be eating a lot, or anything, but I don't feel like going back to tuna and beans. Mostly the beans. They were great the first two cans, but now, its not so great.

The study I wanted to get into (26 days, $6k) is only accepting women right now. The other college guys all jumped on it before me I guess. That woulda been a worth while month, and then I woulda come home for the 4th and been done for the summer. But, doesn't look like that is going to happen.

My roommate said his boss is hiring for the summer. Definitely 40 hours a week, possibly more, but he wants to avoid overtime. But its only around 7$ an hour. And that just does not appeal to me. And its cleaning. I hate cleaning. Now, my roommate watches TV, reads the newspaper, etc when he goes, but idc about that stuff, and Cleaning just isn't fun. Besides, if my friend can get me $8 working with him I'd rather do that. But, the cleaning job would set me up for next fall, when he possibly needs workers again. Then rather than 8 hours one night, it would be like 3-4 a couple nights. That is definitely better than McD. Probably more money by then, and better hours.

Our volleyball team is going to get killed. Other teams come in here and practice for hours on end. Last night only 3 of our members showed up.

My ankle still is swollen. It doesn't really hurt, but my one pair of shoes is uncomfortable.

I am getting run through WC by someone who doesnt even know me. She is good friends with someone else who I helped a long time ago, and so She took an hour too help me. . .That is so strange to us. Is it easier to help strangers than people you know? Or is it the attitude that determines it? I ask people I know to run me through; people I don't I feel bad when they spend so much time. Why? Who would I do it for? hmmm.

FF: AC is sweet! I haven't seen it in a while. The music, the fighting. . .its so nice. Unfortunately, my DvD glitched 3/4 through. Not sure if its my PS or if its scratched or something.

I've been thinking about what I do if I get told to be quiet. I don't really think I can handle that. If my internet prof suspends my posting or tells me to stop, I think that could really influence me into dropping out. I have no reason to think he will, but people don't like being disagree'd with, especially profs. In a classroom the prof can just keep talking and talk louder. But here I am in open debate with other members. . .if he stops it I'm going to be mad.

This comes about because I posted another 5-6 pages, and he repsonded with 3 sentences = 2 lines. This next one is going to be a sledgehammer. Forget the filler, and data. I have already provided plenty. Instead its going to be question after question which have yet to be answered. Nothing new, plenty of old stuff still. 6:31

posting before I lose it all. I'll probly come back and edit. 7:42.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

back in routine

Yeah, I'm back to my routine. Its kinda nice. Drinking lots of water and eating tuna/beans and being hungry. I could probably do without the latter but it will go away eventually.

It was in the upper 50s today; 70s yesterday. I've been blowing in outside air since yesterday, and my room smells and has the temp of outside. Its nice, but getting chili.

I'm listening to two academy teachers outside my office. . .they are discussing the next year, and complaining. Not that I wouldn't expect it, but some of the simple stuff that you might find working at a secular college happened in a poor way. Why are Christians stupid? /sigh, I suppose it happens at every college which is why I shouldn't be surprised.

I posted another 5-6 pages on my internet course. Responded to my Prof and my other opposition and asked several questions of others. We shall see who eventually responds. 5:21.

I'm somewhat bored. I suppose I could work out now, but meh, I'll wait until I close. Its easier to know I don't have to worry about what's going on in the rest of the gym. 6:26.

So. . .I finished one paper mostly. I will have to read over it again and check for redundancy etc, but its about done. I find I get bored at work. Which is good because it means I should do my homework. And I have been able to get a good amount done tonight. I have a paper I need to work on tomorrow. It is a long one, and I've never liked long papers. Its a compare and contrast. I'm not sure if I should go point by point or do one side and then another. The last paper I read like this did all one side and then all the other. Idk, I will probably figure it out once I get past the intro.

I talked to my old officers. One offered to help in anyway possible: arena chests, run throughs, gold, etc. The other said if I changed my mind I was always welcome back, and that I had a lot of fans in the guild. Its always nice to hear you are missed, no matter what it is, it is nice to hear.

We signed the charter, and pretty much determined a tabard, and standard. I don't have any more to say, really. I'm going to go finish my Greek Homework, and then kick everyone out of here. I get to work my chest tonight. That's always fun. Oh well. I still feel tired from this weekend. Last night I laid in bed a looonnng time before I fell to sleep. Probably because I took a nap. I should sleep fine tonight. g'night. 8:50

Monday, March 26, 2007

im back. . .rats.

Back to the old grind. The mound of depression. The field of weeds and tares. The stress from seeing so much bad mixed in with the good till they are indistinguishable. This is MBBC. (or really most any christian college. Here the bad is in category x, but there it is in y. You can't find the perfect place, and so you put up with what you must. . .but it shouldn't be this way.)

I had one of the best weeks of my life. hmmmm, am I exaggerating? A statement like that is really subjective so who cares? But I had sooo much fun. I didn't want to come back. It was the hardest its been. B-day party, LAN at my cousins, lunch with my friend, poker night at the gym, weekend with my cousins, (where I lost the first poker game, but tied the second -- I did really well over all in my poker playing) Football in the yard (Yes, we won again, 14 to 11 I think it was. . .or 91 to 77. High scoring game. But my team really shouldn't have had a chance of losing)

My week was great, but my trip back to school was almost the same degree of badness. My car died. My dad and I thought it was water in the gas tank, but it would run for about an hour, and die again. And then I would have to let it sit in order to start it again. I spent the night on the outskirts of New Buffalo (don't ever take that exit. . .ever) in the dark, in my car. It wasn't that it was terribly uncomfortable. I've slept in my car before, but the whole experience was tiring. I'm glad it wasn't cold, but the heat did keep me up some. I'm thankful I didn't get pulled over by any cops. I made it to school, and I guess that's what counts, but wow. . .

Due to my night/day I wasn't able to start my diet. So, I'll get back to it tomorrow. Good thing too, b/c when I got to work my one boss had pizza and breadsticks for me. It wasn't the best pizza, but hey, its free, so I don't complain.

I met the guy who wants to marry my cousin. We used to be best friends, now she would rather avoid any discussion. We said hi/bye. . .that's it. /shrug. He seemed fine, but at the same time his stories seemed on the foolish end. . .but who doesn't have stories like that? So idk, b/c we didn't spend much time with him. . .time. I have a cousin who has a friend who's husband left her. She asked the mom of the friend how situations like that could be avoided. Seriously, you don't plan a marriage within a month of knowing the guy. That means you are already hooked and alls it takes is a consistent show. That hard part is catching the fish. . .keeping it on the hook isn't nearly so bad.

We had some good discussion. It was even better though b/c it wasn't all old re-hash. Some of it was, but the discussion was with more than I had had it, and I have stuff to think about since apparently I presented an inconsistent viewpoint. So, I don't practice what I preach, or I'm preaching incorrectly. Just with the two options I would favor the former b/c I tend to "know" more right stuff than "do" it. But I will have to think through my exact words so I don't present an exaggerated form of what I mean.

I benched 250lbs. That is a high that I will milk for all its worth. I had no clue what I could hit. My sets were never very high, and b/c of my new workout I bench even lower than what I could. But its working, and that's the important thing. Results are the most encouraging. Sure, it woulda been nice to hear a few more "You been working out?" before I told them I hit 250, but no1 noticed I lost 15lbs either. But, both are results that I can look to and realize that what I'm doing is working.

I'm back to two monitors, with my old video card. 3.4Ghz, 1G ram, 240GB HD, Memory card. . .mmmmmhmmmmmm. I got some new software from my friend I will have to work with.

There is a test period of 4 stays of 9 days/8 nights for $10k. That's a LONG time, but also a lot of money. However, that one starts while I'm still in school. Or, 1 stay of 27 days for $6k. That one I could do. It starts a week after school gets out. I would go, stay for a month, and then I could go home to MI for the rest of my summer break. I would have most of my bills paid off, and then the summer would be free. Something to think about I think.

The gym feels muggy. My office however is air conditioned. It feels nice.

I have missed water. Its weird, but its something I have become used to having all the time. Cold water in the fridge, or a drinking fountain.

So, my brother told me why my hair frizzes. We will see if this works.

I looked at my schedule, and felt some relief. I should be able to handle it without an enormous amount of stress. The only really hard part is completing all my reading on time. But I will persevere!

Its looking less and less like I am going to FL. We are still hoping, but if my car expenses are too much than there goes my FL money, and tickets have yet to come down.

Its warm here. A balmy 76. I cleaned my fan and got my shorts out (which meant picking them up off a pile at the foot of my bed.) I got cleaned up and DL some music I had wanted and then took a nap. My alarm failed to sound on time, but everything is ok now.

Prices actually appear to have gone up another $200. That's disgusting. Too bad I wasn't rich eh? If I win 2.1 Mill that would be cool, imo.

Why do games of chance entertain us so? Anything with cards or dice involves chance, yet we play them often. UNO? Very little skill. Phase Ten? perhaps a bit more. MTG? more. SWCCG? Much more. Poker, yeah, its somewhere in there. . .but not as much I'm thinking. I think its our facination with "luck". That no matter how awful a person is at everything in life they can still win the lottery. It's the glimmer of hope for people, I guess. . .I wouldn't really know. ;)

I need to read over some of the questions I was asked. I posted a 3 page response to some of them, but have to respond to a couple other people. Its funny the people engaging me. . .my prof and two guys I somewhat know. Its unfortunate about both of them. One I have been an aquaintance of for some time, the other not so long, but still both of them should know better. I hate it when people think they know more than they do. . .I probly bother some people in this way too, but these questions are questions in ignorance. Some times questions in ignorance are asked knowing they are, and the answers are expected to be stated as obvious or even redirected. But when you ask the obvious question thinking it to be deep, it doesn't help your prusuit of the truth any. Remember, the truth is out there. Yes, I also got to watch like 4-5 episodes of the X-files. I miss that show. I'll possibly be back. 7:24.

Well, its time for me to go already. 2 hours working on 4 pages. . .not too bad i guess. Anyway, ttyl.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

oh well!!

So, I had another long one coming. But my PC froze about 20 min ago, and I had to restart and lost it all. So apparently you weren't supposed to read any of that, b/c I'm not posting it now.

Brief warning, I am leaving for Spring Break tomorrow, and may not be posting anything for over a week. Sorry, you will just have to call me to figure out what I'm doing with my life. Or, rather, what God is doing in my life. That would be more accurate, would it not? 8:46.

The girls in the play have to wear these UGLY dresses. Yup, I still haven't decided if I'm going or not. My cousin might want me to go see her in it, and so I might go, but I would rather not unless I find someone to go with. So, I doubt I'm going.

Uh, yeah, I'm done writing here. cya sometime.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

yeah, so i don't normally post on Wed, but I figured I would today. We practiced Volleyball for an hour tonight after church. It was a blast. The girls aren't that great, they know more than me, but . . .u know. We did get one mroe guy, which is cool, hes taller and is pretty good. We play again tomorrow night. I would play every night and for 90 minutes but they only wanted to play an hour, and only twice a week. That's cool. I'm happy with what I get.

So, in chapel this morning, class today, and then in church tonight the discussion was at least touched on how you might think you are supposed to do something but as long as you are right with God he might change your path and show you you aren't supposed to. I moved about 12 times in the first 13 years of my life. When I tell people they say "oh, was your dad in the military?" Nope, but each time that is where God wanted us. Even though looking back, what did we accomplish? not much really, temporally speaking.

I mention all this because here I am at MBBC. This degree I am getting has basically become a waste of two years almost anywhere I pursue something more. Yet, I am learning and studying and good things are happening, and even though I don't understand why I couldn't go straight to lawschool or Calvin. But the good thing is, I don't need to know. It isn't up to me, and if it were I would probably mess it up. (The Probably is my pride talking. . .of course I would) So, I just wanted to post to say, Praise the Lord I don't need to know anything about my future, I just need to do right in the present.

Oh, and I asked this girl if she would like to get lunch. We generally sit in the same pew every Sunday, and we converse, and she's nice, so I asked myself, why not ask her, and so I did. She was flustered and wasn't sure what to say so I suggested she get back to me in the evening service. She didn't show up for the evening service. Then she ignored my cousin in the hall, and they are friends. . .so, what is that? Seriously, I mean. . .just say "nah, I don't think so." Or something, I coulda cared less. I mean I wanted to get to know her, I wasn't asking for her parent's phone number or anything. pfft. Anyway, so now we are all leaving and I won't see her again for eh, 3 weeks? yeah that's about right.

Anyway, got to finish my greek assignment. Then I am done with this one. 16 days, and a lot of writing. But it will be done in 10 minutes. And then I'm going to bed. So, g'night.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

secrets revealed!!

So my brother thinks that this secret will inevitably become known, and if so, then it would be better to get it over with since I can't actually utilize my blog like a journal if I can't write what I want. Right?

So, I started playing WoW again Friday. . . . . . . .*time for shock and w/e else*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I won't be renting movies, so its only a tad more expensive, and its not like it occupies more time than I had since I was playing FF like crazy for a bit. So, anyway, there it is, my secret is out.

Now I can actually talk about all the stuff going around in my head about plans etc. Disclaimer: For those of you reading, I am not writing to get extra messages across, or to make my point. Its just me writing in my journal and this is how it would come out.

So, there is talk of a family/friend guild. I talked to my cousin and uncle yesterday and got the distinct impression that I had been mentioned previously. Neither tried to describe what the plan was, but rather to sell the plan to me. Maybe they knew I would try to complicate it. I did, but not to a point of excess I think. My cousin likes to over simplify, I complicate. I'm trying not to complicate any more than absolutely necessary. I think I am viewed as . . . loving rules. That isn't necessarily true. I like rules when they are needed. And I think they are needed more than some, but its not that I'm out to just add lots of rules.

How do you turn a 10 man guild into a 25 man guild without problems? Is it best to deal with them when they come up? Sure, but shouldn't the mechanism be in place to do so? I would contend yes. If you say unanimous approval is required to invite anyone then the 11th person is going to have an ok time getting in. But the 24th is going to be sooo much harder. Further, at 8-10 we can say we are all democratic, and handle things like that. At 25, are we still operating a democracy? If so, how do discussions even get brought up. I find we are jumping into something without adequate thought, however I could be wrong.

We have the Fundamental Baptist conference last night and all day today and tonight. That's why I didn't post last night. It was a waste of time last night and I'm going to try to skip tonight. First 30 minutes focused on how the word "the" shouldn't be in the KJB in 1 Tim 3. Now, to be fair it wasn't the whole 30 min, but his entire point was based on the fact that that word was wrong. Ruined my experience, but stayed straight in line with the first point of fundamentalism: we have no bible.

Someone posted a lengthy response to my KJB topic. Now I need to take some time and study it. I was going to work on a paper tomorrow, but responding sounds like much more fun. hmmmm.

We need to come up with a guild name so I can work on the website I was asked to make. I got the template (maybe -- waiting for approval), and just need a name so I can get it going.

I wonder is it's possible to create a tabard online, and then you could just mail the pics to each other before u actually make it. . .hmmm.

Well, I'm going to be logging. Need to get some Greek homework done, before 6pm. bye.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


so, my problem was bigger than I thought. I reformated my HD to find that the recovery CD I was using for my XP Home only works for an emachines! So I don't have XP home either, basically I don't have windows.

So I found Spa1 online other than with MS. Reinstall XP Pro, DL the SPa1 won't install, but I know I had gotten it before, so I find the program to change my key, change, then it works! So I get SP1, and SP2 and then spend the next 1 DL all the stuff I need. And copying from my bad HD to my good HD. /sigh, a lot of work.

Good news is our internet is smokin' fast. My roommate DL 500Mb MS07 (60 day trial) while I was DL my updates, and drivers. We were both moving along swimmingly.

Now I am working on Greek again, surprise.

Hopefully I can start listening to some of my "better" music so I can get this country out of my head. I haven't heard it in 3 days, and its still going round and round.

So I typed up my "request" It isn't as forcefull as I was partly hoping for, but it isn't pure kindness either. Its a mix, which is probably best anyway. I will wait to refine it throughout the day and then post it tonight. . .or that's the plan anyway. 10:56.

Oh yeah, and my graphics card is going. . .like the screen flickers and goes black every 15-30 seconds. Its annoying to be sure. I'm glad I have another one at home. Hopefully it fits (I think it will). I need to be able to get my onboard going until then though. 11:02

I've been having this urge to watch LotR again. I can replay most of them in my mind, but something is making me want to watch them again anyway. hmm.

Righteous anger and indignation vs. meekness. We are to have both right? Yes, we are. The two seem contradictory in nature. Of course anger is not a state of mind, but something (sin) causes us to become angry, while meekness should be a characteristic to describe us. I'm not very meek. : / I don't even know if I know how to be meek. I am right. . .well, to start I need to stop saying things like that. Meekness & humility can be obtained by a correct view of God and a correct view of man. (No, I didn't just come up with that.) Are meekness and humility the same? My whole aura says "anti-meek." My walk, my attiude, my speech. . .that's a lot to change.

Moses!! Meekest man that ever lived, but how do we picture him? As a strong leader, often probably forceful in voice, and manner. The apostle Paul. Definitely someone we do not think of as weak or mild mannered. He got plenty angry with the false teaching. But we know that his appearance and speaking was not impressive/forceful. But where/how does meekness operate in a sphere of leadership?

Meekness: calm, soft, gentle, humble, patient, forbearing, etc.

Ok, calm, generally ok, some times I over react. Soft, generally not. Gentle, nope. Humble, no. Patient, usually. Forbearing? sometimes. So I'm not meek. However, none of these indicate weak, which I think is generally associated with meek.

I'm afraid of compromise, and meekness always seems to mean compromise. My piano teacher was meek. I wouldn't have described her that way before, but she was all of the above, and especially evident when I didn't practice enough.

Patience. I've always been complimented on my patience. . .mostly by complete strangers. However, there is a huge difference between exercising patience than being patient. I do the former some, the latter I think I fail at.

/sigh, back to compromise. When is it "ok" to just let things go? I like to debate, obviously. I enjoy the analysis, and the logic involved. However, not everyone shares that love. Things are serious, but how serious is everything? If I make everything very serious then the things that are more so seem less. I need to find the method for standing just as firm in everything without having to argue everything. Sure, I don't think passing an offering plate is best, but is it worth arguing over? Sure, I don't think there should be "youth pastors" but is that worth debating? I mean, to an extent, Where do you find "youth pastor" in Scripture?!?! I can get just as riled, b/c it all comes back to a lack of knowledge of the Bible, but is it really worth debating. And the kicker here is when I don't bring it up. Someone asks me my opinion. So, I tell them and then they engage in discussion to "persuade" me. I guess that is where I "speak the truth in love." /sigh, so much to learn, so little time.

haha! its only 12:11 and I already have a ton typed up. 4.5 more hours to go.

1:46. I posted it. We will see what happens now. My prof sent a message via another admin that he has no internet since he is in Berma. A fantastic time for no internet, heh, right after he posts these questions. I am waiting for his return as some of this will be interesting.

3:53. finished Greek for today.

I think I'm going to log. I got ~35 min left, but I don't have much more to say. I might be posting Sundays now with net at the house. We will see how things work with my onboard vid. peace.

Friday, March 9, 2007

home ed.

So, my Pro edition can't get the updates I need to run all the old programs I had. I can't listen to music, or even DL the new IE which I am finding very nice. So, I have to go back to my Home Ed. (the one that isn't hacked) and then start from there. There are just so many perks with the Pro. Oh, well. I need to get the patches, so I can actually have a smooth system. Maybe I'll look into getting vista sometime, but not today.

On that note, I must now reformat my HD, and then re-DL all my favorite programs, and after hours I should be back to where I need to be to be secure yet, smooth. Rats! That's a two hours I did not plan on tonight. But hey, I should have all my homework done by time I get out of work, so that will be cool, and I can go home and relax and work on my PC.

I will be on the road in one week Lord willing. It is raining here, which is a sign of warmth. I hope it continues to warm up. I don't mind driving in rain, its much better than ice.

I weighed myself, and I'm down ten lbs from my start. I'm taking the next two weeks off. Why? Well, I'll be on spring break the 2nd and this first week I just went to Chinese, so, yeah. I'll expect about 5 lbs back (maybe) since I think that's about the water weight I have/lost. I'm hoping to continue to stretch/drink water/and I'll do pushups still so, hopefully I won't gain too much. This is kinda a test to see what I can and can't eat when I fianlly quit this.

I got that party tomorrow. Should be interesting. I am not going to determine now whether I am staying for the whole thing or not. I'll just "play it by ear". (I can't do that musically b/c my hearing stinks.) After we eat at the Upper Crust they are going to try to sqeeze everyone into their little apt. If all 50 decide to go (which I know they aren't) then it will be a tight sqeeze.

Don't really have much to say. I am going to work on my greek so I can then read my book, so I can then do 90 curls, so I can then be ready to go home at 9:45. 5:19

5:45 and I finished my greek. I think that's a record time for this particular project. Only 26 minutes.

Nothing more to say atm though.

6:16. 97 curls. (counting 21's as 14) But since I ate chinese earlier and then my PC problems I didn't pack any protein for myself. So, probably wasted time; at least I burned some calories, and I'll eat protein when I get home in 3.5 hours.

Now, I just need to read 120 pages and I will be done for the night. Wow, sounds kinda easy.

Talked to my uncle. Sounds like him and my cousin are having lots of fun in Fl without me. Hopefully ticket prices will drop.

I'm revising my statement in my mind for tomorrow. I'm keep thinking "I should try to make this a nice request", but every time I get into the material it makes me want to hammer them. I won't lecture you all again.

My boss and his wife came in with a box, and then gave it to me for me and my roomies. It has a TON of cheesy potatoes, and a few burgers and buns. Apparently they were left overs, and they were given to them, and so they gave them to us. That will be good tomorrow, or Sunday. mmmm.

Well, I still got some reading, but nothing more to say atm, so goodnight all. 9:29

Thursday, March 8, 2007

a good day

It has been a good day. Greek went well (easy quiz, scored 22/20) then I got my test grade 145/150 added to my vocab 196/200 = 98%. Better than the kid two chairs over who has beaten me all semester, and was my competition last semester. So, good there.

Then I drove 45 minutes to Circuit city to find out they don't even stock the part I need, and then I drove to Best Buy to find the same thing, and then I got lost in Madison, and then I found the other store I needed and the guy knew exactly what I needed and it only cost me $20, rather than the $50 online, or the $70 that the guy in town tried to sell me.

So I'm praying it will work the trip home, get home, spend a good amount of time carefully assembling everything, and then . . . it doesn't work. After tinkering some more, I am in the pit of despair. I am wondering what I have done wrong recently, etc etc. . .I'm just sitting wondering why I wasted all this time money, if I wasn't going to have a PC? So I open it up again, and hanging right in front of my face is the cord I looked for earlier but couldn't find and assumed wasn't necessary. Plug it in, and XP! Whew! Praise the Lord! I was so happy.

I also withstood the temptation to eat at Old Country Buffet, Ponderosa, Chinese, and the dining hall. Yes, I am eating Tuna and beans.

I need cardio, but can't make myself come in to work early and run in front of the entire baseball team. (it would be walking anyway). I'm not getting up early; (I tried that before) I'm not walking here in the middle of the day. . .That pretty much leaves after/before I workout. That is not appealing.

I was eating too much sodium. Mustard is only sodium. And I was eating lots of mustard in my tuna, to replace mayo. I cut the mustard out (after opening a brand new bottle), and am still trying to keep the mayo low. I'm still hitting close to 2000mg. I need a sauna. Unfortunately the one here has been locked up for like 8 years now. It's become a storage room.

No1 has decided to say a word regarding my 3 page posts. Chickens the lot of em.

If only I had a VCR. . .wait, I don't need to waste more time watching TV. If I don't have it I don't waste as much time, but if I had it, I would make sure to tape and watch all the shows I like. However, since I rent movies, would it be worth it? hmmm, meh. I wish I had a TV/PC hookup, then I could record them to my PC. . .interesting idea.

Sharper Iron has been dead for a while now. rats.

I want to quit school out here and go to law school right now. This degree doesn't count for much, and its just frustrating sitting under, and writing heresy on my tests. (and its really COLD here.)

You know, it's not too hard to divide 1/2 a can of beans into 8 servings, but it gets difficult if you try 1/3 a can.

So, the volleyball team looks to be me and 5 girls, lol. Hmm, surprising? a little. It was sent to all the GA's/dorm sups. Oh well, they need 6 to play and if I hadn't said anything they wouldn't be. It will be interesting.

I'm going to ask for the days off for the FL trip now anyway. If it doesn't work out I can find something else to do in that time.

OH!! My one roommate is going to do a study the spring break week (if he can get a checkup first). $2,300. For TEN days!! If I could get into two studies this summer I would stay out here. It would be more money than I could make anywhere else, and I would be able to pay off a lot of debt. Yes, I debtated not going home and staying to make $2,300, but not very long since I have lots of stuff scheduled. Wow, that's a lot of money.

One thing that is bothering me a bit is my video stuff seems to be slow, but I think that could be my old Video Card. So, I hope when I get my other one from home things will be better.

So, my roommate tells me 300 is supposed to be good. And then I read somewhere else that it is supposed to be good. I wasn't that interested to be honest, but maybe I will like it. I hear it's like another braveheart/gladiator type. I find that hard to believe because 300 guys are harder to sympathize with than 1. So, we'll see. I predict I don't like it all that much.

I'm ready for spring break. My drive is wearing thin. It is getting hard not to eat, or to skip my workout. /sigh. And I need to read another 1,000 pages in the next 3 weeks.

I think part of my problem is that I didn't weigh myself today. This is my thrid week on the diet, and I forgot to see how last week went. If I lose weight its more encouraging to keep going. I need to find a place that can test body fat %. I found a home test, but I'm not at home and don't have a tape measure so, I'll have to wait for some of the measurements.

I'm this close to deciding to eat in the dining hall tomorrow. Tossed Salad sounds sooooo good, and mac and cheese. . .I haven't had mac and cheese in like 4 weeks. /sigh.

well, I'm not going to come up with anything more to say today. So, I'll post something tomorrow, bye.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


So, my test went well. Out of 150, with potential for 155. I doubt I scored a 155 just because that would be extremely lucky of me, but I am hoping for at least a 149. Then the 1 bonus from my vocab will come over and I will have an even 100% total. We shall see. Either way, my test ave should come up a good deal.

I got a book from my pastor today. It is an exposition of the London Baptist of Confession of Faith, 1689. Looks interesting.

My roommate and I are working on getting internet at the house. They can't come till next Tuesday for setup. That's annoying because we were thinking they should come this Thursday. ah well.

As of now, I have nothing big happening (school-work-wise) until April 2nd. So, If I can get the two due the 2nd done now, and then also get this other one almost done that would be sweet.

Did you know? In 1984, Mr. Potato Head was written in on enough ballots to be recognized as a candidate for the Mayoral seat of Boise, Idaho. Found that a minute ago and thought it interesting.

Reading can help you get excited about something. If you are thinking about starting something, start reading about it. The more reading I do on how the metabolism works, and how the body uses carbs/calories/water/etc the more I want to use the info I know. I originally thought I was going on a low calorie diet, but it turns out (after a couple weeks) that this is really a low carb diet. My calorie intake is not high, but it isn't really low either. My carbs however are pretty low. After more reading I discovered that I need to stick with beans over the wheat crackers. Which, I like them better anyway, but they are a tad more expensive. I will keep an extra box around just incase I think. I haven't been watching sodium, but I am going to have to now. Tuna does have sodium. I read 2000-2500mg is about an average amount the body needs. I doubt I am getting anywhere near that, but maybe I am. /sigh, and I need to incorporate cardio into this program. Everyone says it, and I know it. . .now I just have to find a steady time where I won't cheat.

Tickets to Fl are still somewhat expensive. Hopefully they come down some.

I re-did my budget (yeah, it hasn't been a set budget since I've been here) and I figure I can make it on $40 a month in groceries. I will budget $50, just to be safe, but that's my plan. I would love to quit McD and get a day job. That would help too.

So, I'm gonna stop going to a certain website. It isn't worth the trouble it's turning into. It was fun while it lasted, and it did cause me to get some of my thoughts/writings organized and in print, but meh.

What is it to be personable? That is, to have your personality be agreeable/pleasing to others. Amiable, friendly, pleasant, good natured. . .So, I'm told I'm not. Granted, I take a lot of stuff seriously lately. I think that the majority of the time we (I include myself) spend in entertainment is wasted. I think we speak far to many idle words. I don't point elsewhere without condemning myself too.

I am right, and being right, it isn't something I can be agreeable about if someone else is wrong. There is a difference between not saying anything and being agreeable. I hate both, but I can tolerate(its still hard) being silent when I disagree. I cannot be agreeable with something incorrect. So, I make statement A, you make statement B, I'm not going to say "oh. . ." or "yeah, I see" I'm going to explain statement A, backing it, and also show the deficiency of B. And then if you want to label me contradictory, go for it. /sigh

People (including myself) don't like having their bubble infringed on. But how often do we need that? I didn't want my brother to come work at BK with me. I had found a groove there. It wasn't that I was stealing/swearing/etc, but I wasn't the light I needed to be either, and my brother working there woulda thrown my bubble out of whack.

But that is what my problem was as guild leader too (supposedly). I wasn't personable. But I wonder. . .pfft. I don't want to run through that line of thought again. I have done so 100s of times.

On a different note, McD installed 8 video cameras. What a WASTE!!! /sigh. The reasoning? So they could keep a better eye on the crew. AUGH!!!! Hire me to fix your problems. I could do it for half what you paid, probably less, but why cut myself short? ;) Seriously, if the management doesn't do their job now, video cameras are not going to fix it. We never had video cameras in my store. I do remember sitting in the office thinking "wonder what the crew are doing" So I got up, opened the door, and went to see what the crew were doing. TaDA! A fool and his money. . .It makes me want to scream: AUGUHAUHAGUHGAUHGAUHGAGAUHAUHGGAUH! I'm at the gym so that's all I get. Further, its not a closed circuit, which means, its illegal (I'm pretty sure) So, all's it will take is someone unhappy to make a phone call and they will have to change it up anyway. And the last kicker: They have cameras where they can watch the customers, specifically: playland. Yes, that calls for a sad laugh. Why do you want a camera in playland? You asking to be sued by some parent who doesn't want any legit hacker watching their kids? I mean seriously. I don't count as a legit hacker and I have already considered getting into the system. (for the fun of it of course. Although, then it wouldn't be too hard to loop it everytime I work, and then . . .) I mean, wow. Morons. Stupid.

Look at the management. IF on the other hand, they were paying their crew better. If they cared about their crew. If the managers cared about the store. IF. Then the video cameras wouldn't be needed. Then you wouldn't be wondering where your inventory was going. Then your waste would be lower and your profit higher. Yeah, someone pay me to fix stores. I have been thinking about trying it this summer. Its not a new thought, something old, but this summer would present a good opportunity.

I call up the CEO, and offer my services as a fast-food efficiency expert. I work in the store for 5 weeks, take two off, and go back for another 5. I need complete authority of course, and that's the hard part. I need to be able to fire anyone. Anyway, something I've probably put too much thought into.

I have to go set up tables and chairs in 15 minutes for something that's happening tomorrow. I could care less, but my boss asked me too, so. . .

I didn't read my Greek chapter. I will do that tonight, for tomorrow. I'm glad he cancelled homework for tomorrow; that's a nice break.

Well, that only took like 15 minutes. Sure, it was kinda annoying, but hey it was good for me. 30 tables and 90 chairs. The tables were all the really light whiteish kind. I was asked to help Mr. xxx and "his crew". He had no crew, if he had had a crew it woulda taken like 5 minutes. pfft.

Like the reading thing, the more you dwell on something that you might like you tend to filter out the bad and concentrate on the good. The more I think about being a lawyer, the more I like the idea. I am pretty sure I can handle law school. It is a PhD. Passing the bar is tough, granted. (the latest comparison was to an ordination council, but sadly, that's probly easier now days.) Doesn't it sound fun though too? Late nights, logic, suits. . .well not necessarily. My roommate has a friend who is a lawyer who specializes in debt or something. He has companies pay him to get the money back that they are owed. But apparently hes good at it, and has tons of service.

I got an e-mail about being on a volleyball team of GA's and dorm sups. I said sure. Now I can be embarrassed in front of a whole bunch of people, instead of the pool tourney where it was only like 2. The more I think about it I think, I should not do it. But, it would probably be fun. Thus the ever looming question: Appearance or preferability? I prefer to wear a hat because its cold outside, but I look better without it. I prefer to not look silly on the volleyball court, but it would be more fun to be playing. etc etc.

Slow digesting protein is what you are supposed to eat before bed. hmm, what's is slow digesting protein? So apparently its Casein protein, which stays in your system for up to 7 hours, while whey is gone within an hour. So taking whey before bed is almost a waste, but casein will continue to release the amino acids all night. . .blah blah blah. However, Casein is more expensive than whey too. (surprise) I wonder where tuna comes in. Wow . . . I don't have the money to devote to these kind of diets. I wish I did, an apple a day sounds good. Anyway, maybe later in life.

I gtg close down. ttyl.

Monday, March 5, 2007

pc workarounds

**WARNING:: Novel length**

So, the ISP for the college won't let anyone login to blogger, so I can't leave any cool comments on all the blogs that I would. You say, but you are logged in now. Ah, but that is because I know work arounds, and they can be applied in certain circumstances. As little as I know, its still enough to impress others (sometimes).

I was planning on going to Circuit City to get a mobo, but they don't carry them, so I'm going to be ordering one tonight. I'm going with the mobo/processor combo since I trust that a bit more. Hopefully things will work out.

Pray for me as I don't know what I should do this summer. I don't want to go work at camp. And then I don't want to end up there, just b/c I know I don't want to and thus I should kinda thing. I am not sure if I could get a job at home, or get more hours out here. This McD stinks. I'm getting paid too low for my experience and for 3rd shift. . .they didn't consider either with my wage. Can't complain too much atm, since I'm only working one day, but I started with 3+ . . .and they just don't care about their employees. I saw an add today for a lawn care job. $11.25 and then after certification $12.25. That would be a great job this summer, if I could obtain all the time off I need. (summer school, and a wedding, and the 4th) /sigh, just pray I'll know what to do.

Greek test tomorrow. Shouldn't be nearly as bad as the first one. Sounds too simple which is bothering me. But we shall see. I am going to the second class rather than the first since I'm working all night tonight.

I can do 220 pushups now. Only 40 more to catch my brother. . . just kidding. I'm so funny, I know.

Or, it may have just happened that the ISP fixed the problem right as I attempted my workaround. That would be way less cool, but possible since it is supposedly fixed now. (and comments are now left appropriately)

Ok, bought it. It should be here in two days. Hopefully I can be up and running then. My graphics card is still at home so I will have to wait until Spring break to get it, but its not like I need it for anything special. It will be nice to just be able to write a paper at home.

I've been listening to a lot of country lately. My car radio is set to that frequency, and I haven't found anything else so it sits there. Every Sunday/Wednesday I listen to it to and from church. I can't really say I like country, but at least I've listened to it now I suppose. I think I like Oldies better.

I haven't heard from my cousin if her friend needs a ride home over spring break. I would really like to know sooner, even though it doesn't make too big a difference. I can't wait. Pizza. . .cake. . .mmmmmmmm. I am thinking I should bring some books to read or something, and like I should write a paper, but in the end I will just end up playing video games, yay!! 11 days.

Going to work on Greek. 6:28.

I need to remember to bring some more of my books out here. I left all my WoT, and LotR books at home. I feel like reading the silmarillion again. Is that weird? oh well.

Unbelievable. . .Why can't someone give me a doctorate?!!?!!?!?!? I mean. . .wow!! /sigh.

I struggle to know what the right response to hearing that is. (if you don't know what "that" is, ask me later) I mean, it just is bewildering. You know, the Israelites killed Balaam. Harsh, and inappropriate? perhaps. My thought process was like this "wow -> I don't know how to repsond -> should I be happy for him? -> I wish there was a way like in the OT to tell a true prophet from a bad -> if only preachers predicted the future -> even in the OT bad prophets spoke truth -> statement about Balaam. So, for what its worth.

My cousin just showed up and we talked for 30-40 minutes. It was kinda nice, since I haven't seen her in forever. It's pretty sad (imo) that attending the same college, if we want to talk to each other we have to call. ah well. 7:41, and one page left on this Greek homework. Go me.

Generally I don't like subjective things. It is probably an extension of my black/white philosophy. Subjective things change. I like pizza today, but tomorrow I might not. I might think you are ugly today, but tomorrow I might not. See where my problem is? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." True enough, because beauty is subjective. But at the same time, there are people considered by the general consensus to be so. But, if after becoming aquainted, a 6 moves up to an 8, and then a 9/10. She is still a 6 to everyone else, even though you may find her a 10, right? So, what does this mean? idk. . .I'm looking for the general approval of man that my future-wife is beautiful? sounds like it too me. That's not a very good attitude though. hmmm.

Of course, the subjectivity changes. The higher the score, the more diverse it becomes. Meaning, you will find more consensus that someone is a 4, than that someone is a 10. (I group the two, because frankly they are both quite rare.) So. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(I'm still thinking, brb)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .So, I appoached a 6-7(definitely not higher than a 7, but exact idk.) last semester because of other reasons. But if those other reasons were enough to cause me to step outside my area of comfortability than why should I stay here now just because I haven't found Ms. 10 yet? idk.

In the end however, does it matter? Two people come together by the good graces of God. I mean obviously that involves two people, but it doesn't mean that chasing one or another is going to work because that's just you trying to do it on your own. (I appreciate my uncle reminding me of this every now and then) So then. . .I'll sit here in the gym and not say anything to anyone and wait. . .heh, j/k mom. ;)

Remember I talked about the secretary who went to FL, and left her rat here? Well, I e-mailed her and told her he died and that we threw him out in the snow, blah blah blah, and then put a "p.s. just kidding" at the bottom. She didn't even look down there, and thought he was dead. rofl. I hope she didn't cry all night or anything; I would feel bad. I didn't even make the thing so she shoulda had to scroll if her window was open full screen. Oh well, after her rather awkward response I realized she probably didn't get it and e-mailed her again. heh.

My brother keeps talking about April Fool's day. . .I can't talk about all the plans I will come up with b/c one of my roommates reads this occasionally. Ice cubes in the pillow case is always a good one. =D

I wrote out a post, in the format of a letter to the class, which I plan on posting in a week if no1 responds to my stuff. Mostly to those who post disagreeing with me, but have no thought to comment. I have read stuff that is verbatim what was said in our NTI class. I have read about people stating dogma without basis; Now I see it. The statements made by these folks have no other basis except this is what my prof said. They cannot argue for themselves. They cannot present the excuse "I've never studied this issue." after this class. We are here, and God has placed us in this class, and the material is to be studied. It is then both a privilege and responsibility to study the material before us. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do" Too many of these people will leave this class, and will still offer up the explanation "I just never studied it that much" or "yeah, that's something I need to study a bit more." FIE!!

The more I think about it, I do want to become a lawyer. But we shall see. I have more desire to write I think than to pastor. But I do understand that the power for change is through the "foolishness of preaching".

Anyway, the girls Basketball team just got back from their week in Fl. They took second, and they arrived at the tourney ranked 7th, I think. They are mostly all freshman so that looks promising. I should probably say something like "good job" or something when I see them. Meh, maybe when I see the ones I like.

Going to work on Greek again. 8:27.

1-11 grammar; 12-17 periphrasitc; 18-23 participle; 24-31 parsing; 32 transaltion. Of course the point break up is not equal to the amount of numbered questions, but rather work total. I'm memorizing the participles. The grammar I'm not sure what he's going to ask, but its multiple choice. The grammar might get me. I should look over that a bit more. The parsing I will get mostly right. They are all participles, and so most of it will be simple, and certain parts will be deduced. I *need* an A on this one. /sigh. 8:49.

I wish I didn't have to work tonight. Its sooooo Cold here. I am dreading walking home, and then dreading gettgin in my car. brrrrrrrr. At the same time I am hoping that they have some good food that is going to be wasted because that's always something to look forward to. Then again, that really makes for two days off instead of just Sunday, but oh well. I don't "have abs" so even if I lost all this weight I will just look non-fat.

I tried to see how many sit-ups I could do today. I had to stop because I ran out of breath. Not because my abs were sore. Laugh, its ok. I need more cardio. I have to try to fit that in my schedule somehow, not to lose weight either. I just need to fit in it for my heart.

I picked up my NT Greek by Machen. It was cool to be able to understand all the stuff that I had tried to read before coming to school. I found a nice little article in the back too. It was on the state of the church and how we have accepted the foolish intellectual dullness of the world. (We have) I'm reading a book now on the text issue (by a heretic) and he states multiple times the amount of versions made because people became less familiar with the Bible. I say FIE again. Make a new version because we have become less familiar with the Bible...see the problem? The drive was not to go back to the Bible, the drive said "God's people stopped using the Bible. . .it must be b/c its too hard to read" Foolishness, foolishness I say. When people stop reading the Bible it is from spiritual deadness. Not because they can't understand what "thou" means.

We are continuing to breed complacency. It is everywhere. In the world, in the church, in our homes. We say strive to be more, but the more we always imagine is limited. We think it impossible to attain what once was attained. I was sitting in class before it started and it was mentioned how well the Prof knew Greek, and he had enver had a class of it. I remarked that it was possible for everyone in the room. They all scoffed. What's the expression? "fools and blind". When you read about someone who devoted himself to something and then in the end knew 45 different languages, what part of us says that we cannot learn a second? Man's grasp exceeds his imagination. We dare not dream or what we could achieve. That's not to say it is easy. It is work, hard work. That is why America doesn't care. We don't work. We are lazy, and must be entertained. I wonder. What did people do before entertainment? /sigh. It is hard to bring someone up like that today. Kids always yearn for that which they don't have.

I gtg...sorry it took forever. 9:32.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

PC trouble

So my PC I got last Nov. is junk. It was a bad idea to buy it from the person I did, but I was fooled by the great percentage of positive feedback. I assume that had I bought one listed it woulda been fine, but I used the customize option, and well, its not fine.

So if I look at buying a new mobo (which I assume is the problem) then I'm stuck because there does not appear to be any mobo made that fits my processor and has onboard video. At the same time there doesn't appear one that fits and has the slot for the graphics card I have sitting in a box at home. So, if I get the mobo for my processor than I'm using a several year old card that my cousin gave me which isn't very good. . .it works but not great, and if it crashes I'm stuck bying a new graphics card then.

Or I could buy a mobo/processor together. Then they would work and I could get one with onboard video, and an AGP slot. The only downside (since price is about the same) is that I will then have a dual core 2 processor just sitting in a box. I hate to think about that. Maybe I could sell it on Ebay, or something. /shrug 11:22.

la de de da de da dum. I should probably read or something now, but meh.

I got to look at a set of the 12 Vol of The Fundamentals. Sure enough, the first one dealing with inspiration claims inspiration only in the originals. So much for me being a fundamentalist. bleh.

I think if I can find some quotes claiming Turretin as a codifier/systematizer of the Reformation than I can compare Turretin and "The Fundamentals" as representative of the Reformation and Fundamentalism. Then I can argue for the more Biblical position of the Reformation. It sounds like a big paper. I should be able to utilize plenty of sources, and get it to work. I just need to verify that I can defend Turretin as an adequate . . . and I just got a quote via e-mail. With the source, and I know where that book is in the library here, so I'm on my way!

I sent my prof another e-mail. So, we will see if I have the go-ahead for it.

Now I only need to come up with one more topic for a paper. Something 15-20 pages long. argh!

So I do need to change my twink up a bit. A bit more expensive as some of the new enchants are viable options for a 19, but the good news is, I don't need to run WC at all. Just VC like twice min.

One of my bosses just gave me a big tub of sloppy Joe and some trail mix. MMMM, I can't wait till tomorrow's dinner.

People are answering the questions like they didn't even read my repsonse. . .I mean. . .seriously. How can anyone ever claim to have studied the argument if they don't even read the other side? No1 would be able to say that about me. . .I'm forced to sit through it and read it. And I came away convinced more than ever about the fragil condition of the church.

The change from 1% dodge to 12 dodge points is a difference of 3.5% dodge for a lvl 19. So . . .that changes enchants from 3 agi, to 12 dodge points easily.

Doh! I do have to run WC, and the bow drop rate is lower now than normal it seems. Why am I looking all this up? Chances are I might get 20 minutes or so on Spring break, and then what? bleh.

hmm, I was asked to stay an hour over today. No problem, I can do that. I'm still sitting next to this sloppy Joe though, and it smells oh so good. I wish I didn't have to wait till tomorrow to eat it. /sigh, I can see me giving in for the trail mix when I get home.

So i need to go home and take apart my PC and see what I can find out about my current processor/mobo. I need to get it working soon.

I think I will be buying the mobo/processor combo, b/c it leaves less room for error on my part, and is also less prone to shut me down completely if one little thing goes wrong. So, yeah, I will probably order one Monday if I can figure everything out tonight.

I'm not sure how to handle my internet course. I am thinking I will just not say anything for a week or so (except the questions I already asked) and then next week I will post again asking all the people who ignored me what they think.

gtg now, ttyl. 6:34.

Friday, March 2, 2007


I love Fridays. I should always be trying to get work done but I know nothing is due the next day. It's such a great feeling.

I got the 2nd draft of my cousins paper. Going to start reading it now. Oh, btw, I'm eating chili beans, and mmmmm, they are good. Its going to be a bit more expensive (what isn't compared to oatmeal?) but they are better than the oatmeal was, and they taste good too. 5:17.

I could eat a whole can of these beans at once. I might go buy another can for Sunday dinner, mmmmmm. 6:28

We have a huge hugh school tournament going on. Started yesterday and goes through tomorrow. Apparently concessions went through all the cheese and pretzels and had to go get more like twice. A huge warm pretzel with dipping cheese sounds great right now. 6:56.

So, I have foudn myself thinking more about WoW. If I had internet out here, I might come back to play with a few select people. I don't have internet so to explore all of thottbot to find what I would want would be taunting myself. I haven't yet, but I'm sure I will tomorrow. ;)

I wish my cousin would sent me back my paper so I could post it. He said he'd probly have it done this afternoon. Its almost night time. 7:03.

So, the good news is that all the new enchants require lvl 35 items, and so any new twink that gets made is actually going to be exactly like my old twink. Cool beans. I wonder how prices are. . .did they go up since gold is so cheap, or did they go down since no1 needs the little stuff anymore? hmmm.

I can't even remember the formulas for computing dodge%, and crit%. I think its lvl/4 and lvl/2 respectively. hmmm.

I just got the the response I was looking for. He told me I need to insert some of my own words between the quotes, so I'll go over it again but its being posted tonight. YAHOO!

I finished his paper again, and am going to read it once more quickly before I send it back. 7:44.

Ok, I lied, I really didn't want to go through it a second time right now so I just sent it. I'm going to go work on my own. 7:54.

Yeah, this was me once:

Alrighty, I posted it. It turned out to be about 3 pages for the first answer, 3 for the third and a paragraph for the 2nd. I also posted a FAQ so I didn't have to answer them all the time. Such things like "yes you can be saved from any version; you can be saved from recitation of Scripture" So, we will wait and see now.

I know a couple people who will jump on it and argue till they are blue in the face, and others who will most likely not touch it at all.

I told my brother I might come back if I could get 2,000g. He said, well, you might be able to. It amazes me how easy it is to get it now. Well, sorta amazes me.

I was sooooooo close to exalted. lol, my purple tabard woulda matched my hair perfectly. I need to stop thinking about this. So I should probably close my CTprofile, heh. I'm going to get a drink and then start Greek. So, I'll post more tomorrow. Peace. 9:24.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


So, I'm waiting mostly. I finished what I want to post, but I sent it to my cousin to read over. Normally I wouldn't bother but on the Bible topic, there is a lot more than just finding some references. . .mostly the whole argument is without references. So I was hoping he would have time to look it over. If he doesn't respond by tomorrow night I'm posting it.

other than that. . .I bought 100% whole grain wheat crackers. I can eat them with the tuna, and they are waaaay better than cold oatmeal/mashed potatoes.

I need a paper topic for two of my classes, but atm I'm just working on one at a time. I was thinking of contrasting the views of inspiration between a leading fundamentalist and a leading reformer. But really if you look at Calvin its not easy to get his views on inspiration, because he just believed it. It was not something that had to be defended and defined much back then. And I don't know a leading fundamentalist. Was Billy Graham considered one?

After looking, he would not be considered a founder of fundamentalism. I learned that Fundamentalism started around 1876 at a Bible conference in MA. Then in 1878, at the Niagara Bible Conference of 1878 a Confession of Faith listed fourteen articles. The books "The Fundamentals" were published in 12 volumes from the years 1910 to 1915. I need to get my hands on a copy of those books. The first point of the 14 was "The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures in the original manuscripts" This is where we lost. Our whole movement is founded upon the a false system of inspiration/infallibility/preservation. No duh we are in trouble. 7:28.

But not every site cites the first point the same way. Some just say "The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures" Now, this is certainly open-ended, but it gives the possibility that the other site would rather it said "in the original MSS" and so added it. Yes, the internet cannot be adequately trusted on most things.

Ok, well. I need to get ready to close up. The wheat crackers were great! 9 servings ~ about 2 weeks worth, for $.99 That's satisfactory. peace.