Thursday, April 26, 2007

something fishy

So I got an email that my ad-account was cancelled because of something I did. . .I didn't click on the ads myself. I didn't post and tell people to click on them. Idk why it got cancelled....but idc either. BUT there are still ads on my site. "Now, I'm angry!"

Meh, ok, not angry but frustrated.

Took my greek. I had 4 straight pages of memorization I needed to know....spending 3-4 hours studying doesn't give too much time too study the "other stuff" since those 4 pages only =1.5 on the test. I wasn't too happy with several of my answers, but others that always seem hard when I first look at them I was pleased with. Out of 190, so we will see. Got a 52/60 on my vocab. . .if I got an even 70 on the whole thing I get a B+. . . .70% would be 175 total. I got a 52, which means I only needed a 123 to get a B+. Add another 25 points say, to give me 80%, which is still probly going to be a B+. . . . .the final being 25% of my total anything below my average, of an A is going to bring me down. So I woulda needed a. . .225 to hit a 90%, which woulda been incredibly difficult. Although I mighta hit that, tbh. Oh well.

Oh, I HAVE to remember to read turretin Saturday. I need another 200 pages or so by Monday night. It won't be hard to get I just need to remember.

Pizza VB party tonight in the gym. We are having pizza and playing VB. We are probably going to have our biggest crowd too. . .4 or 5 pizzas? hmm.

The academy is having some concert, so all these "little" "boys and girls" are carrying instruments through the hall and practicing in the little gym, and stuff. . . . . . .they are loud.

I can't wait till Tuesday. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH. IT WILL BE GO GREAT. ok, I'm done. I know, I know, caps hurts the eyes.

I went and bought some cheese. mmmmm. Tuna sandwich with doritos and cheese. What could be better? I'm living the high life now. I also bought some ham for my Mac and Cheese. mmmmmmm.

going to go do some pullups because i feel like it, brb.

ok, nvm, I thought the gym was empty. Its not.

I need to take another IQ test soon. I'm losing my edge. I can feel it. The other day I misspoke on a simple math problem. /gasp! "But," you say, "Dave, you just misspoke." Would I forget it if you misspoke? No, didn't think so. Why not hold myself to the same standards? See I'm fair like that. ;)

Joe, I can't believe you told that joke. seriously.

I don't want to go 3 weeks without wow. . . .rofl, my roommate went for a screening today. He's not sure if he wants to get accepted because they dont want him working out while hes there and he works out every morning. HAHA. I mean, think about me. I don't want to go b/c I'll be missing out on WoW, and be in this place with wierd people and I'll have to do my laundry on a different schedule than normal. yah, hah.

I should do something. I feel like I've got some energy. I need to get rid of it. I could go do pushups in my bosses office. hmmm. No, b/c my chest is still soar from my workout.

I need a haircut. I'm going to be shaggy when I come home. Think about it....3 MORE weeks without a hair cut. HAHa. Maybe I'll buzz my head after graduation. That gives me 4 weeks to grow it out some before coming home again. And I don't have to buzz it super short, just like to 1inch or so. hmmmmmmmmm.

Loud little kids. . . . . .ok, for those of you who don't know, these "kids" are the high schoolers who are performing some concert. Just to clarify.

I spoke with a cousin of mine who is attending a church where currently they are going through a series on the bible issue. I was told there are holes in my argument. I laugh at said hole. /point /lol. told ya. We talked for a bit after, and I think I debunked most of my supposed holes.

Plans are for Ponderosa Sunday. That sounds good already.

Doh!! I need a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nvm.

I played a MUD once. I actually ran a MUD from my PC once. I helped build a MUD before. That was good experience. Yes, yes it was. I say "nyah!" to you detractors. Just because it lacks graphics doesn't mean it isnt a real game.

I am a twink master. I got a ginvite from people on another server. They were impressed with how I dishes out the pwnsauce. Who wouldn't be? ;)

I'm wishing I had a 70 priest now. heh, instead of 29. lol. I was reading about priests who would jump off their birds and levitate and dot someone up. then mount asap and repeat. HAHAHAHAHA, sounds like a blast. Of course the person posting wasn't too happy, but QQ more noob is what I say.

And did I tell you I had a lock on me and double DoT'd and I ran around the corner, got out of combat, watched my dots, stealthed and sapped him, hahahahahahaha. Who needs CoS? ;)

Locks/priests are quite dangerous at lvl 19 too. Fear does not seem to have diminishing returns like it should. Which makes them unbeatable 1v1. Especially if you don't have ur pvp trinket, which I do not yet.

I haven't checked SI yet today. I probly should just to see what's up.

Ah stanley. Always good for a laugh, and then, when we see your seriousness a blank look of unbelief and utter dismay that someone claiming fundamentalism is so vastly ignorant. But alas, there are many like you.

I want to post in response to this one thread but the guy asked a question that never gets answered, and the reason it never gets answered is because it is waaaaay complicated and leads off topic. I know the answer but I can see every non-KJB guy coming to the thread once I post it. And I'm not prepared to deal with every detractor that feels the need to correct the transcendend Scripture. Btw, I like that word: transcendent. It is very fitting and applicable to all of life.

Which reminds me, our whole life attitude should be one of submission. Something to work on for most of us I'm sure. . .

Shakespeak could write. I would enjoy a shakespear class I think. . . no, now that I actually "think" about it I'm not sure I would. I enjoy shakespeare for what it is. I don't want to have to find the deeper meaning behind it.

I was thinking of something last night. . .idk what now though, rats. I had some really weird dreams. Been doing that a lot lately. Wonder what it was. . .it was some good times.

One guy posted about a response to an article, and this guy posting is KJB, BUT he is off. He is probably young and zealous. No, actually he's not. You would hope that is all it is, well, no you wouldn't. You would hope the young ignorant ones would keep their mouths shut and lrn from the wise, but I digress. Apparently he's ~60ish or something. By that age, you should have your arguments nailed down a bit more, OR if you dno't know them, you shouldn't be posting. Which is partly why I am selective in my posts. . .though, my default life assumption is that I know everything, and am right. It musta been the wierd ceiling in our room b/c my brother just happens to always be right too. Amazing huh?

Through the grape vine, I have heard that some people are wondering what my secret is. I could play it up, play it down, or just laugh b/c you don't know. I was gonna do one of them, buuuuut, someone else said they might so I'll just leave it alone. It won't matter by next Friday anyway.

I am cold. Odd. It is chilly outside for sure, but this office really shouldn't be that cold, imo. We are supposed to be back up to 70 by Saturday. I'm really sick of this cold weather.

Tomorrow is Friday. I have no classes because the semester is almost over.

I posted my concluding remarks in my online class. I was gonna comment here again about teh foolishness that was expounded upon but I'm sure you have had enough of that.

I just deleted what was going to be here. It didn't need to be.

ooh oh oh!! I just remembered another site where I am debating. hoo hooo! Got to read some of this now. ;) 7:43.

btw: hahaha, that's right, a new short.

/sigh, I can't figure out how to "get ye flask." I know i have to talk to this guy but I can't figure it out....I've never played DM3 before. Its short, and easy. So far, ;) Here it is: 8:41.

Hahah!! I defeated the dungeon and art truly thy dungeonman! It turns out that I was mispelling the name of the guy due to the odd font. Go figure. It is a K, fyi.

Going to play 1 or 2 now. ;) 8:54.

meh, won 1. It was rather simple. Can't find 2, anywhere. And bored with it anyway.

idk idk idk

Some kid in the Acad, thinks he wants to argue with me on the versions. I see what I was probly like. He is eager to debate. He thinks he knows his stuff. And he makes blatantly wrong statements effecting the rest of his theology but he doesn't realize it because he hasn't studied it. It is a whole different level of arguing. One I am not used to. But hes interesting, that's for sure.

Someone came in and went upstairs while I was in the weight room....Now, I should probly go make sure they are in appropriate apparel and not wearing head phones, and it would be better for me if I knew who it was. . .

I am sooooo cold! I don't get it. I shoulda brought a coat I guess. = /

I just ordered the pizza, BUT the coupon is at the hosue and I can't get in touch with my roommate so I am going to have to run home, grab my coupon and then run back right at close so that I'm back when the pizza guy gets here. =/

Gonna log. I'll write more later I assume. 9:27.


Joe said...

enought with the joke thing it's old! Yes I am annoyed:(

Varda said...

From a previous blog post:
"A,C,N,O,U,T = _ _. ._ _ _ _"

Un taco.

Didn't you look at the picture? ;)

michael said...

Dave, what's up with your soaring chest? My chest gets sore when I work it, but yours takes flight. That's pretty cool.

That was an extremely lame "rag" that I only mention this because of that IQ spiel. =D