Tuesday, April 17, 2007

almost, yet so far...

In two weeks from today I will be done. With everything. In those two weeks I have 3 papers due, 2 reading assignments, 3 finals, and 4 quizzes. The reading does not bother me. The one paper is already complete. The finals worrry me for sure. The quizzes, are not a bother. I get to drop 5, and so, IF I don't do terribly well, it will not be a big deal as my average isn't horrible.

Soo much to do, yet it will all be over soon enough.

I love PB. My roommate got a 5 lb container of it this afternoon. Creamy, though. I'm back on my diet. It is hard. Especially with all the work I need to get done. I got coke in the fridge, and ice cream, and candy....I need to stay awake, and that will do it; however, I won't lose much weight eating that kinda food.

I DL a poker game. Did I already talk about this? My friend and I played for a bit. Free online poker. Its great. My friend and I hopped on vent and we played for a few hours. You start with $1,000. If you go broke you can get another $1,000 as many times as you want, as long as it has been 5 minutes since the last time. So, I went up to 10k, and my friend went out like 9 times in the course of the 2-3 hours. It was interesting playing with people you don't know, and also not being able to judge anything by facial expressions. A game started while we were on for real money....$26 total to get in, with a possibility of winning 12k. That is good money. heh. I didn't enter. ;)

I got to try to write a 10-12 page paper on Eph. 1:1-7. That doesn't seem too hard, does it? I mean there is so much in that passage. We will see.

ok, time to read. 5:55.

I got another post in response on my internet course. /sigh. It is funny, my biggest "opposition" are the people who are or used to be good friends with my cousins family. I mean. . .?!?! Ok, the dad of the family, my uncle, has soooooo much knowledge, and I can't begin to think how much time they have spent at my cousins house. Why then are they the most adament in their wrongness. Yes, others are just as wrong, and just as un-willing to change, but the question remains, why are these people the most outspoken in their error? /sigh

I added up my pages I have read so far for my one class and I started to worry, b/c I didn't know what I was going to read to finish it up. Then I recalled, Turretin. Good answer! Good answer!

The VB missions team comes in every night to practice now. So, I have to set a VB net up every night now. No big deal. Mr. Trainer, in charge of missions or something here, also shows up.

secret of the nyhm && Myndflame == DL and watch; fyi, myndflame has some new stuff out and I hear its pretty good. Check it out.

And while, u are looking at new stuff that just came out check this out, new yesterday: http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail170.html alrighty, back to reading. 7:27.

Well, I'm going to go try to work out a bit before we close tonight so I can get home earlier. I finished the first book, and started the second. Only ~500 pages to go. = / ttyl. 9:28

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