Tuesday, April 24, 2007

me again

That reminds me, I should send out my email saying we are playing poker this week. No real reason except if I don't someone will say "You didn't send the email out so I didn't think we were meeting." even though we have all talked about it before.

3 tests and 1 paper left. Part 1 of test 1 is tomorrow. It shouldn't be too bad. Part two will be tough. It is greek.

My roommate asked me when the last time our TV was on...neither of us could remember. We don't watch TV, or movies anymore. We don't have time for movies (or so we say). We did talk about getting the Muskateer movie that came out a while back.

Sunday services were our 50th aniversary service. It was interesting for sure. It was packed then we ate lunch, and then we had 90 minutes of testimony. It did get long but it was cool to hear too. The baseball team just had their game cancelled. They aren't too happy but hey, can't stop the rain.

I think it would be good at this point to express some thankfullness. I sat down yesterday and typed out a 10 page paper in about 5 hours. I can only do that because of the good grace of God. I surprised myself.

I hope the softball team has lots of food they don't eat today. I could use some turkey sandwiches.

I'm DW Assassin Blades. It is not near as much DPS as I was expecting. = ( I just equipped it today too. Honestly I am somewhat disappointed but over all its not a big deal b/c its just some gold and I can get that anytime.

I am getting anxious about going to the resort. Should be interesting.

I got a bag of doritos here. I could open it and eat them. Or I could not eat. I did eat a bagel before coming to work, so I'm not starving or anything. But they look good, and I haven't had any in a long time.

I feel tired. I shouldn't really.

Dominoes has this deal for a medium pizza for $4. I can eat 1.5 though in a sitting. So, you can tell they aren't like great pieces.

The VB team doesn't practice tonight...oh yeah, there is a recital thing in there instead. I forgot.

Oh, and these doritos are good. mmMMmmm.5:49.

9:20. So, I posted, and posted, and posted, and wrote and posted some more. I still have two more posts that are kinda pressing but I don't have time right now. I need to go over my greek vocab again. *in a chanting voice* Vocab Vocab Vocab Vocab *ok, back to regular me* bleh.

I want to play poker. . .and more poker.

I wish . . . well, yeah so do lots of people. It doesn't do much though.

I need a GF. Normally that is proceeded by a /sigh or /groan, but not today. Idk why, so don't ask.

Oh, I just remembered another post that needs my attention. /sigh.

We are discussing having a party Thursday night instead of our normal Volleyball. While it sounds fun I think Volleyball will actually BE fun. Pizza is all well and good but I can get pizza w/e, and I don't get to play VB very often.

My friend just talked about going canoing this summer. I will need to make sure I lose some of this weight again by that time. Shouldn't be too hard I dont think.

I ate about half that bag. that was dumb. Ok, just plain old stupid. I don't feel too good now. My lips are chapped. My bag is half gone and I didn't even get Applesauce with it. I was just sitting here typing/reading and eating. Then I was "Ooh!! I'm eating too much." My sodium intake is wAAay high right now.

6 more days. YAHOO!

I want to play poker...Ialready said that, but I was thinking about it again. I wish I were home this weekend. My cousins are going to be doing stuff. . . .it stinks being 8 hours away. If it was only 4, I would make the trip home more often.

I was put in charge of inventory. sorta. What it meant was, that when the secretary set me up with a coach I would help them do inventory. The secretary has only set me up with 2, of the many, and one of them cancelled on me. So, now what? I should probably write her and say, I'm only working 1.5 more weeks, so get those appointments going or dont bother.

Going to go do something else....vocab or work out....probly work out now that its 9:30. g'night.

Post Script: I just saw someone ask that I expand on the "God is not male topic." The topic is simple. People in my online course believe that God is genderless despipte the many many references in the Bible to god in the masculine. Further, they submit that it is wrong of us to designate God as male. They try to differentiate between the statement "God is male" "God is a male" "God is masculine" I am not sure which they would accept or if they are even in agreement regarding it. Just that they do make some distinctions there.

I on the other hand am happy to say God is male. God is Mascualine. And due to the definitions of the other two, I don't really have a problem saying God is a male. Reference "him" "he" "his" "Father" "Son."

That's an expansion, and a little summary. took me 5 minutes, so I'm not going to time stamp this. You should be able to figure it out.


VanSneak said...

You can always post this, ahem: "Remember humans, rule number one is that we (God's creation) refer to God as he refers to himself which is in the masculine." or "Why are we wasting all this time trying to disprove the terms (He, Him etc. etc.) God uses to describe Himself in the Bible? Please sir, may I have an extra helping of presumption? Now everyone turn to page one of 'Dinner with a Stranger'."

VanSneak said...

Oh, btw, I'm getting annoyed with the moderators on SI swooping in to save those who post nonsense and/or heresy/treason.

"Yes Alex, I'll take Personal Responsibility for a thousand. And it's a Daily Double."

Joe said...

Thats what I thought they were arguing but being the nice guy I am I figured I should have a more complete idea. Were in the world do they get the idea that the we can refer to God in some other form than he does in the scripture. They can justifiy their sin by ignoring scripture as well or how about we just deny scripute all together. A assume these are the same ones who don't know if the they have the Bible at all? If this is what bible colleges are turning out we have to start one that is bible based and correct this erronous theology.