Monday, April 30, 2007


So, first, i didn't go to the comedy thing. I guess it was exactly like a "who's line is it anyways" and I heard it was funny. Though, what I heard wasn't all that great.

Maybe I woulda enjoyed it. . .but we will never know now.

Now, to my actual dilemma. I could be home in 12 days. HOME in 12 days. wow huh? Or I could go to the resort and wait another 30 days.

Reasons for going home: Partys, and memorial day, aside from the fact that I could probably find something to do every Saturday.

Reasons for staying: I get lots and lots of money in a short time frame.

Further broken down: $7/hr * 30hr = $210/week. That would take me 20 weeks to make what I'm going to be making in 3. Also, if I come home early I have to get a job. a JOB! I don't want to work, and since I will *have* to work, I will probly miss memorial day and all those saturdays that i might get to do something anyway. Thus, the reason to come home early would be my bane!!! I would not only not get money, but I would also get no time to spend doing anything fun. /argh! I mean I can't get a job and say I need Memorial day off, and two weeks for a wedding, and every saturday, and. . .I don't know what people expect. I will be around MORE if I don't come home early. 24x7 = 168x3 =504hrs. Well, ok, maybe I won't be home more, b/c i doubt im working 30hrs for 15 weeks. I won't be home that long. But I still can't guarantee I will be home when I need to be.

I can't come home and just not work. My parents would have a fit, and I would probably get bored eventually.

What am I worried about? Really, I'm worried I'm going to be home and everyone comes over on Saturday and I have to work. That would be worse than being out here and missing everything i already miss. Memorial day is at the end of May. I can't wait to after May to get a job, b/c that's pointless for whoever hires me.

On the other hand, my cousin starts work like crazy and I might not see him at all once summer starts if I don't get home soon.

It might be better if I didn't know I could get a job, b/c then I would put apps in and stuff, but really no1 wants to hire someone for 2 months with a 2 week break in the middle. Except the people who call me superman, which leads me to wonder how flexibile could they really be? What if I worked 10-6 5 days a week? That would be more than 30 hours, that would give me weekends off. That would be lunch and part of dinner rush. I wouldn't be able to stay up too late, and I would be pressing it to make it to church on Wed, but I would have 40 hrs, I would have evenings for lvling/pvp. I might have to look into that.

The other possibility is trying to only get 20 hours instead of 30-40. If I got 20, then I have free time, I'm paying my bills and saving. Beside, I think my brother still owes me money. So its not like I have that many bills for two months.

But on the other hand, if I get this $4k I don't have to worry about finding another job next semester. I don't have to worry about working 3rd shift, or any of that fun stuff. I might still try to find one, but not one where I'm working all night.

So, in conclusion, if I pass on Thursday I'm probably staying here unless I talk to my friend and he can get me very specific details on this job/schedule. oh, my other option is to play poker and win lots of money. I vote C. =D

Got my insurance bill. Good timing, b/c I was just starting to feel rich again. /sigh. Oh well. $900 turns into $300 pretty fast, with just a couple bills.

Oh btw, the one thing I am kinda worried about is that I've gained back some of my weight and they might say I'm too heavy. Honestly doubt it, but it could happen.

And if I do end up going, pray that something goes wrong and that I get super powers. Like spiderman or something, but not spiderish. I could really use something like that, so I hope it happens. Like maybe if I could turn invisilbe...but that really isnt too useful. All's I can think of are illegal ways to make money with that, or cheat. I'd be good at hide and seek though. Or the hiding part. . . .wow, what good is invisibility? Its only used for Def it seems. Not saying I would complain if I got it, but there are better things out there. And perma-invis would not be good.

Ok, now that I'm thinking bout it, my brother was talking about Mr Fantastic the other day. So really, is invis better or stretchy? What can you do as stretchy? they both seem pretty worthelss to me. The fire kid, now that is AWESOME! I wish I could turn into a ball of fire and fly, are you kidding me?! But still, that whole grp is pretty much pointless in the huge list of super powers.

Did I tell you guys about the people in front of me at Aldi's that spent $391? Yup, they spent that much.

I heard our next class was supposed to be easy so I was happy and wanted to check. I get online and find out we have reading evalutations, a paper, a presentation, a preaching outline. . .what part of this sound seasy? Great, just as I'm aoubt stress free I have to look at the class for next week and it turns out its not easy. Futher, while it has its good points, the presentation is due Thursday night, which means that the paper will probly need to be done by then too. /sigh

Alright, im out. g'night


Joe said...

Every heard of faith concerning the job situation? Are you sure you are not over anyalizing the situation? lol! If you lived with me you could get a job working as a janitor. Around eight bucks and change to start. Full or part time; your choice. No glamour but money and the opportunity to work with your favorite cousin!

michael said...

The janitor on Scrubs makes it seem like a good job. As long as you can pull off the insane aspect of the persona.