Tuesday, April 10, 2007

im back!

So, I had asked for this past weekend off b/c I was hoping to go to Fl. It didn't work out but I still had the weekend off. As such I didn't blog. Oh well.

We got very nice new office chair in the office. And they replaced the old poor PC with a slim PC type. It runs faster but they haven't updated IE so I'm still using 6 and I really liked 7. But the trade off is worth it so far.

My internet course is zipping along. I got some people posting the same responses over and over and over and over and over . . . see? it gets annoying. I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by it. I talked to another guy today and hes like "They post a question, and I was sure you answered it like 5 times already." True enough, but when you have no response just repeat yourself louder, right? Am I right?

I kinda hammered my prof and he hasn't responded since. He deserved it.

I was trying to help my roommate find some quotes so he could input yet not claim any side. Generally I was able to find some blanket statements. But the more specific quotes I would find would suppot me. I don't think he's ready to do that yet. . .though I am winn, er I am presenting a more logical/theological argument.

They were not just short posts, I spent several hours Sunday/Monday and posted another ~8 pages I think. 5 to one person and then some more "smaller" posts.

I am enjoying my twinking immensly. However, I started to think about why. When I get on to lvl. . .I play by myself, doing boring stuff. When I get on my twink, I have an invite generally in under 5 min, and I get to play capture the flag which I am *really* good at in the braket I play in. So, I play a game I'm good at with friends or play by myself doing stuff that is a drag. That is why I am twinking right now.

Paper due Friday. I still haven't decided what my topic is. I hate that part. I think it might be the author of the book of Hebrews. That was presented as an option. The more I think about it the better it seems. 1. No1 knows, therefore I will not be expected to draw any conclusion other than IDK. (and that is a favorite saying of mine) 2. all sorts of people think all sorts of things, so there should be plenty of information regarding it. 3. It lacks any sort of depth.

I forgot to shave before coming to work tonight. . .oh well.

Someone spent 720g on the ring I wanted. That is a lot of gold, but there is no guarantee that ring will ever show up again, so yeah, 720g isn't bad. . .lol.

I am tired, and I haven't even gotten to the weekend where I will be up for 30 hours or so writing a paper. Then I have tests, and reading reports, and AUAGHAUAHAGUHGHUGHUGHUAUAGHGAHUUAGUAHGAHUGHAAGHUGAHG.

I'm eating tuna/beans again, only I had some canned chicken so I'm eating that instead of the tuna today, so its more like chicken/beans. But hey! /shrug, idk why that "hey" had an '!.' but it does. I need to do more situps. Yes, that is what I need to do.

I don't undertand why I am so tired right now. I got 5-6 hours of sleep. The McD is falling apart. Like 3 other guys put there two weeks in. The manager 2nd in charge is leaving at the end of the month. . .that is anther story. He is moving to Hawai. So I'm like wow, that's something, wonder why.
"You have a job there?"
"I have like 500 applications in and have gotten some phone calls. but I just am sick of people. I just want to get away. Hawaii is [however many miles] from the nearest land."
"But there are still people there. . ."
"Yeah, . . ."
And it goes on. I mean, stupid stupid stupid. This is what discontent and searching in the life of the unregenerate does. Makes them move to Hawaii for no reason with every hope to succeed and no reason to expect to. I knew a group who moved to FL. They lasted 3 months and then were back working the same Fast-food job. They had no money, and didn't like working as one of those people that calls during dinner, w/e they are called.

I found out today that the person I thought was teaching 2nd year Greek is leaving the school to go become and assistant pastor somewhere. He was also the one teaching my NTI course and the one under whom I really did not wnt to take 2nd year Greek. But, who then is teaching it? or is it being offered? I was seriously considering taking Hebrew having thought through it these past couple weeks. Maybe I will be anyway if they don't offer 2nd year.

Which brings me to another point: Even when the students here recognize that their Prof is off, they don't see the big picture. Say Prof A is off on the bible issue. Taking Greek under him is most likely doing more harm than good. You are getting the Greek info but the entire semester/year you are hearing your Bible undermined. Think about it. . .you might say, He is arminian, thus when I take is class on salvation I should be careful. Then he gets up in chapel and says "man has a free will" and it gets soaked in b/c there shield is only up about salvation. I have no doubt the prof knows Greek. I do however feel bad for everyone who has ever had to sit through his class because his premise for study and life is that he can correct the Bible.

Another thing. Why do people ask me "Well, are they off on anything else?" What bigger issue is there?! I mean, are you looking for them to be off on the Trinity, virgin birth, salvation, etc, etc? And even then, we make our exceptions. Arminians aren't right on salvation -- unlearned. Modern TC -- well, they hold to the fundamentals. What does it take? Why must I defend a statement about the negative impact of the school, if indeed the only thing ever said wrong was the Bible issue?

What is the cause today? David asked "Is there not a cause?" [This could be termed an out of context lecture, similar to that of Spurgeon. Which always bothered me when people harped on Spurgeon about stuff like this. Yes, for me to take this question and apply it to any situation is taking it out of context. However, I am not going to be anti-biblical, I will apply biblical principles found elsewhere. So what is wrong with me using a biblical question? This is what Spurgeon did in his morning and evening . . . personally, I have a hard time hearing people belittle Spurgeon, or Turretin, or Calvin, or . . . I'm sure they were wrong on things, and would never grant them perfection, but seriously, who are *you*? who am I? Don't take pride in thinking Spurgeon was using that quote right; rather think, what is the application, and how amazing it was that God showed him all that he did.] Is it not enough to get riled over the Bible issue? Is there not just reason? Look me straight in the eye and tell me please that you are comfortable deciding what words God wanted in the holy Scriptures. Go for it. The day I hear a preacher say it, I will get up and walk out. Part of me regrets sitting through a whole message based on removing the word "the" from a verse. When some prof says it. . .well, I am here for an A, not to tell the prof he's impugning the holy transcendent Word of Almighty God. But who would dare say it? Even those who say it every day with different language would not dare say it so straight forward . . . would they? The arminian would not dare pray "Thank you that I saved myself." (Why would they thank God they saved themselves anyway? Maybe they do thank themselves "Hey Dave, I'm so glad you saved me, whew!" Blasphemous, indeed!) Yet they do say it everyday.

Tell me I'm over reacting, go ahead. I will tell you, you do not understand the seriousness of the matter. The opposing side says we are over-reacting. "Ok, you disgree, but its not worth causing a fuss over. Not worth seperating over." BAH!!!! You come to my church and say the word "the" should be removed and I go to your church and say "We don't have Gods word. What we have today is what scholars think it might be but no1 is or ever can be absolutely sure about it. Certainty on this matter is nto possible." Then you see what your people say. The statement you made is the equivalent of mine. I just am not as decpetive about it.

My mom and sisters are coming this weekend to see a play. I don't know why it is worth coming 6-8 hours and spending all that money to see a play. You'd think I was in it, but I'm not. I don't get it, but it will be nice to see them.

WOW. I missed a great weekend. I wanted in on that debate sooo badly. Not like I haven't had it before, but seriously, I wish I had been there. Makes me sad inside.

I just wrote a whole bunch in comment on my brothers blog so I won't go forever here about it. But why do you run from confrontation? 1. you have no confidence in your beliefs. 2. You can't defend your beliefs even though you think they are right (this is due to lack of knowledge on your part or lack of quick thinking/speaking) 3. you dont know what you believe. 4. you are a wimp. (as Peter Jr. would say, as quoted somewhere on SI)

The people who get up and leave, are not willing to defend their side because 1. they know they are wrong. 2. they don't know how/what to say. However in life you will find everyone can come up with some reason for anything. People have excuses etc like crazy. So, the most logical answer is that they cannot defend their position. This becomes worse because most likely, they are aware that they are wrong and already pre-determined in their wrongness. This means that our goal is not so much to persaude, as much as that is, but rather to clear ourselves of any responsibility. I attempted to persuade my friend, I failed but in the end it could not be said I didn't try. There was still more that could have and should have been done, but hey, at least I realized it last second.

Being pre-determined in wrongness is something worth writing an essay on sometime, but now is not that time. I would qualify to write that essay since I have at times been pre-determined in such a manner.

I quoted Turretin extensively lately. Quote after quote after quote. I wrote a paper of which Turretin's work comprised 6-10 pages out of my 20.(double spaced) Then I wrote those 8 pages in my online class (single spaces). It was cool to hear my brother quote Turretin and reference him. Turretin ftw.

So. . .I just found out that the next "Dispensations" class isn't offered until summer 2008. This is the class I didn't take when I got back from spring break due to my car problems. Also, they started the class earlier than normal, and the schedule was all different. But, now it appears I have to wait till summer school. That is _____ ( a word i dont say on here. and phooey doesnt work really.)

A word study. Stink/rats/phooey/snaps etc = words of exclamation. However, they don't get used as nouns, where-as other words "crap" can be used as a noun. What would be the "appropriate" word to replace "Crap?" I suppose "That stinks." But you can't really put rats/snaps/phooey in there. Exclamations stand on their own. nouns need a verb, and in this case a subject. Never really thought about that before. . .doubt u have either. :P

I called and gave my medical info to the covance place. I go for the physical May 3rd. $4k here i come . . . Lord willing of course.

Then I was doing some thinking. The only way I can see myself ending up at camp is if the girl that I would be going to camp to work with said something to the affect tht I should. So consider camp off the list, b/c I can't see her even carrying on a conversation with me before then, so . . .

It is now 7:13. And I need to get some work done. Probably. Maybe. hmmmm.

Got my Greek done. I got SOOOO much reading tomorrow. Like 7 hours worth. . .no, more than that, unless I fly. . .and believe me, I will. =D

k-k-click, BOOYAH! Riggidy Roll!! oh, btw, I went up to 7k on Taser the Gnome. I laughed. I should do some reading now probly. . .maybe. (make that 15k) Oh here come the girls to give the BB back. Now what?

8am Thursday May 3rd, I need to be in Madison at the research center. Its some drug for parkinsons (sp?) and sleep disorder or something. So I will probably be really tired for my stay. 3 doses of drugs with 6 hours between. And then some cream applied to my shoulder 10 days straight. Odd. and they take my blood a lot. Ok, no problem, I can do that. However, I can't bring my PC because its not a laptop . . . I should find a laptop to borrow for 3 weeks. But they said they have pool, and pingpong and "all sorts of things to do." We can bring DvDs and movies and they have a PS, etc, etc. 2-4 people in a room. bleh. but for $4k, hey, I'll spend 3 weeks with strangers and no WoW.

I wonder if I could get through Law School like this. Take 1-2 studies a summer can get 10k. Work part time (20-30) hours a week throughout the school year. I should be able to do that. What would be best of course is if I could get 10k through the summer and then pay for all my bills working part time. 7x20 = $140 a week - taxes = $100x4 = $400 a month. I doubt I get by on $400 a month. Offering, phone, gas, food, rent. Right, all the necessities. . .If I split rent, I think I can get it somewhere around $350? Phone = $50 = all my money. So I would definitely have to be working 30 hours a week. $210 - taxes = $160x4 = 640 - rent/phone = 240 - 50 food 190. So, if I worked 30 hours a week at minimum wage I should be able to pay for all my bills. Assuming my figures are correct. Then I have an extra 10k from each summer to apply towards loans. If the summer I before I go I can get a good amount then I could go into Law School with no debt, and a good savings. Anyway, all conjecture at this point. Maybe I'm not supposed to go to law school. 9:29.

Gtg, 9:45. bye

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