Saturday, April 14, 2007


So, there are some ad's on my site now (you may have noticed). I was shocked at first by how well they pin-pointed what to advertise. The first one was "Get your degree in Theology/Apologetics" Then later "Buy WoW gold." etc. Today's was somewhat disappointing however. I apologize if something pops up that doesn't look right. Its not like I've made the oogle bucks I wanted, so I can go ahead and cancel maybe. . .although any extra cash would be cool.

Here I am at work. . .listening to the softball team outside my office. They are all tired. I don't blame them, its Saturday morning and the college had a late night skate till like 1am or something last night. My mom left me some donut holes and some chocolate milk. So that is what I will eat today. I also brought an apple, b/c fruits and vegetables are a very important part of every meal....remember that, fruits and vegetables. You heard it here. (And I pop another donut hole in)

I went to the play last night. It was good. I laughed. I didn't have a date. So I cried. . .wait, no, I didn't really. My mom and sister say I'm too self-centered. I think everything is about me, and thus I can't get a girl. At the same time, they say I "can" get a girl. It was a very confusing weekend.

Of course, if your only contact with me is this blog then you wouldn't know if I'm self-centered because, well, to be honest, this blog is about me. I don't think it would work even if I wanted to, to make a blog about someone else. I could try it sometime. (another DH)

See, on this blog I let you know what I'm doing at the very moment of my writing. If I'm just writing you know, but when someone wants a BB I usually say it. Well, that's not true, just sometimes. So this blog isn't really any more speciall than any other one. Only 3 Donut Holes left. . . . . . . . . or . . . . 2 I mean.

I didn't go to the late night skate. My "good reason" was that I had to get my reading done for my class. It was due by e-mail at Midnight and I was almost done, but had to finish. I did in fact finish, and got that easy 30% of my grade.

My other reason was, well, my "secret reason." I didn't want to go. /gasp Yes, its true. It wasn't that great last time, and I was extremely tired last night. Well factor out the tired; I just didn't want to go. It is a bunch of people. Too many in such a closed area. . . . . . .well, that's my thoughts anyway.

Why don't I like people? They are stupid. Well, yeah. . .but what else? "What else is there?" My sister said "You have to care, when you ask 'how are you?'" I do care, when I ask. But I don't ask if I don't care. Thus I don't ask. What makes me care about how your day went? Do you care about every strangers day? Really? I ask the people I know. . .because I care. The people I don't, well, why ask them? Am I right? Idk. . .really, idk. How does this all relate to being friendly or not? I am told I'm not friendly. . .well, define friendly. I get along with some people. Some I don't. I'm not outgoing, but that isn't necessary . . . is it? Bah, its too early to be thinking about stuff like this.

I'm still tired. But am looking forward to my break. I will be tired until the beginning of May.

Now the Acad soccor team is outside my office getting rdy. But their coach is the secretary here at the office and so she's trying to get stuff organized for the games in the office, and writing directions down and stuff. And she's on the phone. And she's getting checks ready for the other games going on today, for the refs. The phone call sounds kinda important....she is multitasking like crazy.

I'm soooo tired. I got some info that is a secret. Everyone will know in say a month, but right now its a secret. um. . . . . .Mark Twain ftw?

Well, I'm getting more and more active on SI. I found myself almost posting something because I could. I have to try to be more careful than that.

Got my answers to section 4 up on the online course today. yay! I suppose a "yay" works. I'm still tired, but I'm dont in 5:30. Yes, I forgot to time stamp my post this time, sry.

Everything I read about priests is that they are soooooo horrible endgame. It makes me want to re-roll right now. The biggest reason not to? Yup, my herbalism is already at ~225. Though I am soooooo tempted to make a 70 rogue. Haha, like I have the determination to do that.

Well. . .if my replacement gets here I can leave. So I'm logging. 6:01.

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