Monday, April 23, 2007


I didn't blog Saturday b/c I couldn't think of anything to say. I had my blog up the whole time, just never logged in for lack of words.

Working on a paper. That's cool, I guess.

My Prof did post the test. . .so much for thinking we weren't going to have one in this class. I don't anticipate it being overly hard though.

School will be over next week. We are going to try to clean our house.

I'm running out of good food (tuna) and am left with a bunch of chips, and applesauce. I love chips and applesauce, but its not filling or healthy.

I can't wait for this week to be over. Greek test on Wednesday/Thursday. That is a HUGE thing. Pray for me.

People here on campus are positive that God is not male. Yes, I'm sure they have read their Bibles before, but I wonder too sometimes.

I talked with one guy today for about 45 minutes about the Bible issue, and stuff. It was a good discussion.

In my online course, someone said, "I learned a lot about your position and I hope you can say the same." I can't. I learned very little if anything about the wrong position. I knew what it was already. I studied, and my studying convinced me further that the wrong position was wrong. I read the guys who don't have any certainty. I know what they think/say. I didn't learn anything from the few students who have read less substantial material on their own side than myself. I'm acting arrogant atm, aren't I? /sigh. Its frustrating.

I met two girls yesterday. There is nothing to that aside from I met them. So, those of you wanting me to meet people, be happy.

Ephesians 1:1-7

Paul an apostle -- Paul begins this letter much like many others. Paul's authority rests in the fact that he is an apostle of God. blah blah blah. I'm not going to type my whole paper here, srry. Or rather, yw.

I still have two posts to respond to on my internet course before I am done.

There must come a point in everyone's life when they are done believing what they do because someone else does, and believe it because they actually do. Why dost thou believe what thou dost?

So much damage can be done by ignorant people bent on undermining.

I want to setup a hold'em night next year. If we can get a solid 4-6 people to come once every other week or something that'd be cool. Even the crew of the Enterprize played poker. But that is interesting because it shows that in the near future Hold'em won't be so popular, and everyone will be playing 5 card draw. (that is what they play isn't it?)

Going to go write some. 6:00.

Almost done, but I'm done here. cya laters. 9:48.

1 comment:

michael said...

If any Sorkin show goes long enough, his cast will have an episode of playing poker; incidentally, his female lead will then undoubtedly call the ten of hearts the "dave of love" while the rest of the characters look at her like she's drunk. Writers are funny that way.

Five-card Draw bites.