Thursday, November 1, 2007

lots of stuff

I first need to be thankful.

Some people are just nice. Every now and then you see them, or run into them. For no reason other than that they are nice do they go out of their way to be generous. I think I used to be like this. But I can barely remember it. That's too bad. I'm not even sure people can attest the fact and so, its really too bad. I need to work on it again. I'm trying.

But on to what I'm thankful for. My roommate was reading my blogs and as I just barely mentioned the fact that I don't have any cheese, jelly, or chocolate chips, he mentioned something to his brother. When I opened the fridge that night, I had all three on my shelf. You know, it made my evening. Sometimes the little things are big. I got so much stuff on my mind, and going and trying to find some food I would enjoy was not one of them. Having a brick of cheese (which I ate in two days) was great. So, thanks Marc.

Second, thanks to all who prayed about last Saturday. It went better than expected, but not good either. But I had prayed and prayed and prayed that it would not go horrible and it didn't, and we praise God for it.

Things are moving and I'm meeting with her parents on Saturday morning to further discuss their blessing on our marriage. I was kinda worried last night. Today I'm more anticipating it. I talked to three pastors for about 2 hours time. Got a lot of advice and counsel. "In the multitude of counsellors there is safety." "In the multitude of counsellors they [purposes] are established." I have talked to lots of people.

It was really, really nice to talk to my uncle Pete today. I haven't talked to him really since the 4th, and we talked for an hour. About half the time on my situation, but the other half on the Bible issue.

I also found out that Joe got the job in VA. (which no1 back home has told me. . .???)

And that Pete's adviser for his ThM thesis wants him to shorten it and dumb it down because he doesn't understand the words Pete is using.

I'm grateful for my family. I have thought about it, and I could call almost anyone and talk to them. It is a happy thought to know that there are good Christian people willing and happy to give advice and listen to your problems. And the fact that it spans multiple generations is great.

I grabbed a dozen roses today and dropped them off for Kaylynn while she worked. Why, you ask? I love her.

I have been searching again for a place around here that offers an IQ test. Not a lot, but just a couple online searches. I would like to try again to get into Mensa, but more than that, I would just like to know how far I'm off. I took the one test, but they never give you a score, just a yes or no. That was disappointing. Of course, I don't have the time right now, nor have I taken enough varieties of IQ tests to be ready. I would study and push myself this time. But oh well.

I was complemented on my choice of clothes today. Mostly because I was wearing khakis and not black pants. (which I wore everyday last year). Yes, my girlfriend is having a good influence on me.

We got three checks last month. Last year they paid us once a month a set amount. This year they are paying us regularly like the rest of the staff which means every two weeks. This is good. This will mean we won't be getting anything in May, but we will be done in May anyway. But it was nice to get the extra check last month.

I can't wait for Christmas. I'm so excited. yay!! Its already Nov. I know that that still means two months. But that is it!!

So, I had someone mention to me that it is important that Kaylynn finish her schooling. Because, what if I die in 10 years? Then how will she provide? I have not considered this too much and so the following will be me thinking through these things, and I'm sure I will miss something.

First, a degree does not necessitate a job. Second, where does trust in the Lord come in? Now, I understand wanting to have her cared for, because, I do. And yes, it is hard to imagine me dying like that, but it does happen. That suddenly leaves my parents/in-laws caring for my family.

So, I mention it to someone else, and he agreed. He said that he would wait a year and work and save and let her finish. I'm not forcing her to quit though. I am not even the one who, back in the beginning, brought up changing her degree to a two year.

The sole reason of that would be for her to have her degree. Because any other positive you try to wiggle out of it, I can argue against.

One of the pastors I talked to was happy to hear she was dropping out to marry me. He didn't seem worried. Of course, he probably wasn't thinking about me dying either.

Someone mentioned that even if college wasn't completed she should have some skills that could help her besides waitressing. She currently manages as well. That's something. She can play/tutor piano. She has already had one student. That's something else.

Idk. . .it is an odd thought. And I frankly can't be satisfied with her having to work at all. Which I think is my problem. If I happen to die, I don't want her to have to work and bring up our kids. Which, Duh, nobody wants that. Hmm. . ./sigh. . . . . .I can't let it bother me. The only conclusion I can come to, is that a degree is not Biblical in itself. If she wants it, I have never been opposed to her getting it. I have told her that. If we pray about it and believe that she should have it then, we will make sure she gets it. That is the only conclusion I can come to I guess.

I need to get some greek done. I got two verses of translation and then this work sheet to fill out. I just found out my roommate disagrees with some of the ideas I am advocating regarding anyone leaving their house without their parents permission. It was an interesting conversation.

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