Tuesday, November 6, 2007


My dad's grades did NOT drop. It was just a couple of quiz scores. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Aristotle once said:Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.

So, basically I can be dignified. heh. Its kinda funny that I should find that quote today, while I am considering my B's. But alas, I must move on to other things.

I'm preaching tomorrow. Pray for me please.

Hosea 10:12.

Sow to yourselves in Righteousness.
Reap in mercy.
Break up your fallow ground.
Time to seek the Lord.
Till He come and rain righteousness on you.

I am feeling good because I'm feeling so unable. I am nervous and haven't done this in a while, and its a scary thing handling the Word of God. This is all driving me to pray more about it and I'm grateful for that. But now I need to go. ttyl. 5:22


michael said...

Aristotle was a waste of space. Socrates was good, though. Socrates was killed by the city of Athens because he was too smart, and they thought he was blaspheming the gods.

Good quote, though. =D

David said...

I do actually happen to know a bit about philosophers. Yeah, I like the Socrates story.