Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stolen material

Yeah, I saw this on Phil's blog so I figured I'd take it too.

Fundamentalist --> 93%
Reformed Evangelical --> 93%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan --> 79%
Neo orthodox --> 50%
Charismatic/Pentecostal --> 29%
Classical Liberal --> 29%
Emergent/Postmodern --> 25%
Modern Liberal --> 4%
Roman Catholic --> 4%

Generally speaking, I'm happy with my results given that some questions were worded somewhat poorly. I was somewhat surprised that "Neo-orthodox" was 50%, but I'm guessing it was from the poorly worded questions.

I started a 3rd shift job last night. I take metal shelves off the ling and put them in a box according to the order number, part, and box quantity. The shelves do not ride on a low line, but rather hang from hooks about 10ft above us, so it is constantly working my shoulders. Which is good....but I was so sore today. I have to go back tonight. Thankfully, next week is a module so I won't be worrying about sleep too much. Then, I will try to go get a job at McD since I won't be able to keep this up.

Need to go, got lots to do.


Phil Lowe said...

Yeah, those questions were worded somewhat poorly. But maybe on purpose...I think to get your outcome leaning more liberal...maybe not though.

Joe said...

I scored as a 100% Reformed Evangelical and 93% Fundamentalist. The questions were worded poorly. Not specific enough. The definition of fundamentalist today is not a true fundamentalist. Read "Fundamentalism and American Culture" by George M. Marsden it very good.

michael said...

Also, read Pippi Longstocking and the Seven Seas. It's fantastic.