Monday, October 15, 2007


This week is terrible. I am working third shift, which in itself is bad. Then the job is physically demanding and I am always exhausted. But the worst thing is the fact that I don't get to see my gf very much. Add to that fact that her best friend is going through a really hard time, and neither of us are in the best mood and we both miss each other a lot right now. bleh!

So, this girl I know loves this guy. And he loves her. But he has 3 years of school left and she is changing her degree to two years. Anyway, her dad got upset and decided that they couldn't talk to each other. Part of it was the fact that she is changing her degree. Part of it is that she might be able to get married sooner if she's out of school, though that wasn't what she was thinking. Now granted, she wouldn't be allowed to live at home nor would they keep paying for her college. . .but she's going to break up with him. They are talking about it of course. And its their decision as a couple I guess....but her dad made it. Now, if you are going to give up the person you love and planned on marrying because your dad has a control problem . . . idk. I told her it was a bad idea. Maybe she's scared. Maybe he's scared. Idk. It makes no sense to me. I can't fathom it. Where do parents get off with the god-syndrome? "Yes, you can." "No you can't." Do this, do that. I'm sick of rules, and I'm sick of people trying to project their authority where it does not belong.

It baffles me that anyone could do that anyway. Why would anyone as a parent say that? Well, true. But I understand that more than the fact that the two of them are going to break up over it. Really. . .what does that mean? My first guess is that they don't care about each other that much. But then again, he skipped all his classes today and she cried all day. So, obviously they care in some sense. I would like to clunk their heads together to wake them up. They need to learn to grow up and be adults and not wait for permission to do so.

Anyway, I have to go. ttyl.


michael said...

Pretty sure you've been doing the same thing for awhile now. Behaving in a way most people would say is silly because certain adults tell you to. Not sure where you get off being preachy about it, but if you want this girl to say "no," maybe you should try it. Just a suggestion. =D

David said...

yeah, well...shut up. :P

I talked to her again, and they have another reason to be waiting. . .they aren't breaking up per se, but just not talking to each other. . .