Sunday, August 16, 2009


School starts Wednesday.

I saw District 9 last night with Matt. It was good. Tons of swearing though. I talked to Kaylynn afterward and decided that we need to get a clearplay. I have mentioned them before, but it just makes things so much easier, especially considering the fact that we are going to be parents soon. Oh yeah, if any of you read this, but don't keep in touch any other way, we are expecting! =D

I am in a huge dilemma with church again. I understand the need to join myself to a local church. It has been weighing on me for some time. We look and look. We have been to several and thought we had the one a few times. Now we are traveling 40-45 minutes to church where he is Armenian, has an erroneous view of Baptist history, believes very very strongly on the dichotomy or trichotomy of humans (I don't remember which), tends to talk down about Protestants, and doesn't believe in the universal church. Some of these things are very minor, except that the pastor feels the need to hammer everything that may be controversial and so we get a 10 min shpeel on it. We were really thinking of joining. We were going to by now. I think I should sit down and talk to him about some of these things...because I don't want to join if he won't let me serve in any way. I want to preach/teach, and at the very least I want to usher. . .oh well.

I need to take a nap now.

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