Thursday, August 20, 2009

always stuff

Lots to blog about. Let's get started.

I have been getting up early and so going to bed early.

So, there was a huge mess made by about 16 people who painted themselves blue and gold, and had to wash up, but they left the locker room in disarray. Well, I see Mrs. Coney getting the mop bucket out. This bothers me. First, a middle aged lady should not be mopping, and second she is the principal. She should NOT be doing that. So, I walk over, because I'm going to do the mopping. So, she tells me where she is going, and I start following her. Stupid me, I never think I should push the mop bucket as we walk over and through the gym. Well, Matt shows up and (thankfully) takes the mop and bucket from her, so she doesn't have to do that. Makes me feel like a moron though. This is like the second time in two weeks where I have offered and wanted to help and miss the most obvious. My wife suggests that I am too self-centered and I get focused on one thing and just overlook the obvious. It drives me crazy. It shouldn't have taken someone else for me to realize I should have taken the mop. I recognize that help is needed, but I'm so....frustrated with myself. It just makes me feel awful. =/ Something I need to work on. (I did end up mopping though...something to make me not feel wasted.)

I want to clarify that I mean no offense to anyone in the following. I am not looking down on anyone. These are thoughts and things that I have been having problems with lately.

I posted my TR/KJV post on Facebook and tagged a bunch of people because I figured it would be good for people to read. Anyway, this has started a bit of a dilemma for me. Due to my own error, I neglected to think through the facebook restrictions and my page is mostly open, and so people that I didn't know were able to read it. One such person who is anti-KJV and has been "rescued from the cult" saw fit to post multiple times. Now the point of my post was to inform those who might know some of the issue, or who have forgotten, or maybe never knew to begin with. It was not full of quotes and citations, and yet I think those who I knew and tagged would know that it wasn't just me spouting, but that I was just shortening for the sake of clarity and conciseness. I thought I made it clear. I posted just what I posted here. Maybe it was only clear in my mind, but alas.

Well, I offer this person at first politely to choose a different place to debate this. He refuses and repeats almost the exact thing. After some more back and forth I'm finding him rude and I'm frustrated (whether I should be or not, I have not yet decided as I rethink things). So, I realize what my initial error was and restrict access. He contacts me privately and we begin a brief discussion regarding our conduct, rather than on the issue.

At this time I get a reproof in an email regarding how I handled the situation. Some of it was very applicable. And I wonder if I did overreact. At the same time, I also think that my purpose should be taken into account. Regarding all of this, I am thinking it may be best for me to reopen access to my note, and allow and resume the debate there. I have not yet decided on this.

Now, on to the next part. How does someone more knowledgeable instruct others? As much as we are proud of the knowledge in our family it isn't that great.

Note: I have blogged previously about hearing people I respected saying things plain false, and quite illogical because they didn't appear to know what to say to that part of the opposition. I couldn't believe it. They didn't have an answer and so they said the opposing side made it up. It was fact and history. It really doesn't even add much opposition, they just thought it did.

The point is that we as individuals know far far less than we know as a group. We look at our group knowledge and feel great about it. Perhaps not, and perhaps I have a misshapen view of these things. There are lots of people in our family that would have a hard time proving something or arguing for/against something that they know we/they hold dogmatically. They aren't experienced enough; they haven't taken the time to learn it; they haven't been taught that issue specifically. What is the role of someone who knows those things?

I don't know near as much as Uncle Pete, or even younger generation Peter on the Bible issue. I also don't know if there is anyone else in the family who knows that much; I would also venture to guess (and I don't do this proudly) that I really don't know anyone else who knows the topic like I do after those two.

Note: There are too many things in the Scriptures to know them all. Even if you study one topic for your whole 3 score and 10, you will know all there is to know about that topic. My point is that we have much we can gain from one another. I would love to, and do immensely enjoy when its possible, delve the depths of knowledge/wisdom contained in each one in our family. I went up north for a graduation and spoke with a cousin briefly. I purposed to listen to what he would say, because I see him rarely and I wanted to gain wisdom from him. I didn't recognize it when it came out of his mouth, but within a few weeks I did. It made me happy. It was wise. Wisdom does not mean it must be profound; too often we skip over it, in my opinion.

Continuing, I know things you don't, and you know things I don't. Perhaps we don't all crave that knowledge the same way. But, we all must believe the truth. So here is the dilemma. We are going to use the Bible issue as our example. Everyone in our family believes it. But I wonder how many people really know why. And, in the end, even the ones that have more of a foundation than others, are basing much of it off 1. the Scripture they know, and 2. someone they trust. We all listen to someone we trust, and intuitively compare it to the Scripture we know. If it fits, than we keep it.

NOTE: Here my computer crashed and I lost stuff.

So, using the Bible issue as our example, we all believe this stuff. I doubt few have solid reasoning behind it besides, it is what the entire family believes. It isn't possible for everyone to know all the reasons. It isn't. It isn't required in Scripture either. But, it seems that in some ways, those that know more should be and are responsible for instructing those that are not. Does this just apply to parents and their kids? I don't think so. My paper was not forced upon anyone. They could skip it if they wanted. I just wanted to help if I could. But the reproof I received ignored this problem of ignorance. The people who don't know all the quotes and technical intricacies don't need to. They will not be writing books, or facing PhDs. What is the harm in writing what I wrote?

Now, the problem is that it was open for anyone. And it is true, that if I put something on the internet I should expect both positive and negative feedback AND be willing to discuss it. My problem was that I am/was willing to discuss it, but I just didn't want to on my wall. Was that not appropriate?

Note: I am eating a cold can of salmon mixed with cold white rice. Not the best. . .but, I may also eat some Mac and Cheese when my wife is done making it. heheheh.

We that don't know things, need others to tell us. Not to cram it down our throats; not to force it upon us; but to be willing and offer to help. It is a failure when those that do know things abandon those that do not because they see them as "ignorant" and "uninformed." Because they don't have the time they are viewed as lazy. When they try to convey what they do know, the more learned immediately take the other side, because they want to point out how insufficient and weak the knowledge of the other is. AUGHS! This drives me insane. Those that don't have the time/knowledge aren't trying to debate. They want to learn. Those attempting to do the teaching aren't claiming omniscience. They are just trying to help. So, don't jump in and pick apart these arguments and try to point out all the flaws. That is counter-productive. There is a time and place to pick apart, and help people realize their weaknesses. But if you can't recognize when that is, you best keep your mouth shut, because more often than not people just want to learn and be treated as real people with some respect.

I honestly don't claim omniscience. I learn something all the time. I am bothered by how much sin and foolishness that I find in my life. I didn't mean to insult anyone by trying to analyze people's knowledge, and estimating. I could be far off on all of it. I often do speak in fact. I am trying to temper my bluntness when it is negative, but as Matt said last time I did that "you mean, he is wrong?" And yeah, he is/was. Anyway, there is my blog.

I do always appreciate your thoughts.

Congratulations to my brother and his wife!! Great news; I was so happy to hear it!

My wife is the best. She is amazing, patient, and kind. I couldn't/wouldn't be who I am without her. Thanks darling, love you!

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