Tuesday, July 14, 2009

summer time

So, summer is half way over.

My vacation was great. I accomplished pretty much everything I had planned and more extra bonuses on top.

First, congratulations to my brother and his wife on being married! That was a great way to kick off the summer. There was time with family: brother, sisters, parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma. There was lots of MTG, and some Street Fighter. I read two books and almost half way through one I had to leave in MI, and I plan on finishing another this week, and two more later this month. I played Volleyball and through around a football. I played lots of Playstation 2, and watched a view good movies. I won Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back, and have started DMII. I attended a Tea Party, and yelled "Mike for Congress!" I went door-to-door in Belding and helped gather signatures. I put up my first real website. http://www.michaelvankleeckforcongress.com I went to Joe's wedding reception and I got in touch with some friends I hadn't seen in a long time.

I stopped by the school today and no one knew where my new textbooks are. I think I am going to try to get back in the gym and workout before school starts back up. Rent will be going up about $10-15 a month, which really isn't bad at all. But we have been thinking of looking for a house anyway, so we are still checking. We are catching up on sleep and slept in super late the other day...not sure how it happened.

Well, I'm not sure that I have any more to say...seems weird to say that.

I could blog about all the stuff that happened in more detail and stuff. . .but I don't think that it needs to be said. I'm considering building my own website now that I have a tad more experience.

That's it for now. I'm back in FL.


VanSneak said...

Noticed a couple of spelling/grammar errors on Mike's page.

"I married my wife..."

"Congress has lost sight of it's (it is) purpose..."

Nothing major but thought you could tweak it a bit.

VanSneak said...

Also, canvessing is canvassing

Also, assitance, pentition on the "How to Help" tab/page.

Listening to his speech right now.

David said...

Thanks. Some of it was me and some of it was a copy/paste. I was tired. =/