Thursday, July 23, 2009

quick update

As it is 1:20am, I need to make this quick.

If you recall, back in May/June I spoke about the FBFI and the message preached by one Dan Sweatt. This message bashed Calvinism. Dr. Bauder from Central Seminary in MN rebuked him in his weekly newsletter and called for the leaders of FBFI to do something.

They did do something. It can be found at their website if you care. They basically said that they have always included calvinists and non and that everyone needs to speak with grace via the pulpit or keyboards. (Apparently their was a great storm of bloggers who were very unhappy with the message.) A week after Bauder's initial email, he emailed again. This one commending them for their response.

Then, the third week, he copied/pasted dozens of emails he had received regarding the issue. Several were appreciative, and some were not so much.

The question remaining is whether the response was appropriate and enough or not? Dr. Bauder believes it is for the time being. Many do not share his optimism. The result? Fundamentalism is still falling apart. As much now as ever.

If it weren't 1:25am I would blog more, but i need to go to bed. Good night!

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