Tuesday, August 28, 2007

me again

Yeah, ok, its me again. What's happening?

So, I got my car back today, and he reminded me that the front drivers side tire needed the wheel bearing replaced. He said it would be fine as long as I wasn't going down the highway or anything. So, yeah, eventually I'm going to need to get that fixed before I kill anybody. I went to chapel with my gf today. Spent some time with her between classes and stuff. We try to do that as often as possible.

I went grocery shopping today. 72 cans of tuna and 5 boxes of wheat crackers and some bran cereal. I'm thinking the cereal could turn out as a good idea. I'll have to see. More fiber than the crackers, I just have to see how viable it is to eat with the tuna.

The revival meeting last night was ok. I don't think I'm going tonight. Not sure what I'll do at home, but I will probably eat dinner. Maybe I should just go to the meeting. . . . . . . .can't decide.

I should do some kinda cardio. . .I hate cardio though. Oh well.

I just remembered that I was offered free yogart on one of the days my car was dead and I left it here. . .that was like last Friday I think. I wonder if its still in there. . .doubt it.

Started the laundry again. I'm feeling kinda tired. I got plenty of sleep last night though. One thing about drinking lots of water, is that your water retention goes down. That means that you can't drink anything for like 2 hours before bed or you will be up in the night....trust me. I haven't drank as much as I should have today.

Part of me misses WoW. I'm not sure exactly what it is I miss even. Kinda that feeling where there isn't too much to do, and not much time to do what needs to be done and you sit down and _____ nothing. There isn't a game to play. You already won it, or cancelled the subscription. I could arena or WSG though. . .ah, yes, but in the end didn't I end up playing a bit more than I needed? probably. It isn't that I need WoW. Its just become habit, and now its like empty space. And filling it with homework isn't likely to work.

I need to learn to not worry, and trust God for everything. That's what I learned at the thing last night. Yeah, I knew it already, but I've been worrying anyway. /sigh

The Darkeve is back up. My first online game. I remember playing it when everyone else was starting WoW. I was as close to a hero class as the game allowed. Speaking of which....I haven't called my friend back home since I've been out here. /shrug, I should do that sometime. Maybe I can start playing poker with him again.

My roommate called the internet place and got us another deal for the next 3 months. So, no huge price increase and we get to keep internet. That's cool, b/c it woulda been hard to go without it. I woulda had to play lots of FF. I'm already thinking of starting up FF9. But, my gf wants me to spend my time on productive things. . . . . .yeah. . .oh well. Food sounds good right now. I haven't eaten much today yet. 30 minutes till I'm outta here. Still don't know if I'm coming back. I have a feeling I will just because I won't have anything else to do, so why not go to the meeting? pfft.

Oh well. Did some reading on some pointless and not pointless stuff. Now I'm going to go change the laundry so I can go in a few minutes. Its aweful hot outside....and it feels good in here....another reason to go to revival meetings. Or I could just sit in my roommates air conditioned room on his laptop. . .hmmm. 5:44

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