Saturday, August 25, 2007


So, my car broke down. Then after sitting a day it started again. Just in time for Wed. church. Then it broke down again. When I say "broke down" I just mean it won't start. It isn't really dead, per se. It has power. It just won't crank/turn over/etc. I'm pretty sure its the "Neutral Safety Switch." BUT I don't know anything about cars and I can't find a manual/diagram anywhere online to help me work on it. So I took it to a shop today (when I say "took it" I mean, myself and my two roommates and two of my roommates brothers pushed it down the road and around the corner.) and the guy said that he can't get to it till Monday. AUGAHU!!! Oh well. So it appears I need to be even more patient.

I have gained weight. Like ~10lbs. Not good. The dining hall was free for me all week. And I ate there for lunch everyday, and for supper a couple times. Its good food. Just fattening. When I have a chance to eat a lot I usually take it. So, in the end, its probably a good thing I don't eat there all the time. I need to lose it fast. Probably won't happen. I have a Covance study I'm going to screen for on Thursday. I wonder if I'm too much over weight for it now. . .that would be an interesting turn of events.

I could really use the cash from this study. I'm praying that if I'm not supposed to go, I don't get it. I'm going to wait to app for jobs till I find out if I make it or not. If I make it, I only really need to work part time this semester rather than another full time job. That would be nice. Mostly because I would like to get some sleep. =D

I still can't make a budget because I don't know how much they are going to charge for rent. I e-mailed the head of the business dept and asked and he said he would look into it and get back to me. I haven't heard anything yet. We have been here a whole month. Seems like they woulda figured it out before now. Right? If it rent skyrockets we are thinking of finding a different place. We already found one place and I e-mailed that guy. Haven't heard from him yet either though.

My car is broke so tomorrow I have to get a ride to church. That isn't a big deal. But tomorrow evening we (Kaylynn and myself) were going to go out with Anthony and Crystal. That won't work now, b/c I don't have a car. The church is done having sandwich Sundays, so no afternoon service. It was kinda nice to have it all at once. I'm sure I'll get used to having it normal again. I did before.

I guess someone decided that I should be wearing MBBC athletic shirts when I supervise so people know I'm in charge. So much for my shorts/jeans and t-shirts. Now I got to wear a polo. I suppose I can still wear jeans.

I haven't talked to my brother/cousins in a while. I'm going to avoid buying as many books as I possibly can. My roommate DL'd one of the books for a class we are taking. I think we are going to try to borrow the other from the library, and then I will only have to buy one class worth of books. Now that I think about it, I should do that right now.

Ok, so I ordered my Hebrew books. got me the books for about a $30 savings. Not bad, I guess.

I guess the wedding today went well. That's all I really heard so far.

I get kinda bored with no game to play. I read online forums and stuff. But I don't really feel like watching movies. I need to get some work done on my papers and stuff, but that doesn't sound fun either.

I need to get my check cashed. (So at this point some alumni football player came in because he hurt his knee. So I had to get him crutches, and bandages. Young guy. His dad was here helping him. That is one reason why I don't really care to play organized sports so much. I've never been hurt badly. That's just God's protection though, b/c I know it could happen outside of organized sports. Now back to the scheduled programming.) So, I need to run to the bank on Monday and get my checks deposited/cashed and then get some groceries. I want to make a budget but I can't yet. Which reminds me, I need to stop in the business office Monday too. Got to go lock a door, brb.

So, I've done some more reading. Mostly about lifting/weight/etc. I always like reading that stuff.

Well, I better go get some work done....I'll probably blog more next week since school will be starting up. 4:27

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