Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feb. 15

Tuna diet started today. 2 cans of tuna, 4 pieces of bread, and the little bit of mayo/mustard needed to make it work. Figure in three drink mixes, and lots of water and that makes a days food. It amounts to about 1150 Calories, 60 Carbs, and in the end 116g protien. So, we shall see if I can lose some weight. I need to stay on this for about, oh, 4 weeks I figure. When I get bored with this, I may stop with the bread/mayo/mustard and go with PB instead.

Not much to say. Lots of homework to do. I need to start running too. I will probably eat a little bit more on Sundays. I'm quite hungry atm.

Oh, we have internet at the house (roomie's PC can get on neighbors wireless) So I have been visiting my guild site. Its interesting to say the least. I am still an officer so that's cool to be privy to the officer chat.

Internet also means WoW videos I haven't seen in a while, like illegal danish, etc. Is Ony soloable now that you can hit 70? I wonder. . ./shrug. 6:05 Oh, no, I didn't do anything for valentines day.

So I did some reading. It appears that after one-three days of low carbs/calories I should up my intake drastically with some of the more healthy carbs/calories and then drop it again. . .hmm. I think I will go to Sat doing my tuna, and then Sunday I can up everything, and then . . . I really shouldn't take Sundays off. It will be better for me to just stay on my plan then to ruin it every week. Idk.

Oh, I talked to my boss and he said I could kick people out if they don't have IDs on them. That's easy enough.

Spent some time on the Arthas forums. . .why? not sure myself, but I guess I was hoping there would be something worth reading. . .wasn't really. 7:58.

I need a quick way to access this link at home so I'm putting it here. Its easier than emailing it b/c my roomie is always logged since its his PC anyway. Yeah, I'm going to try to DL that this weekend or something.;6595485;;/ 8:21

Well, I'm going to go. . .I have been thinking a lot bout WoW lately. I don't think I would want to play again. Oh, sure, part of me has a pull to buy a lvl 70 and come back, but then what? Its that "then what?" that gets me every time. I don't particularly care to run instances with noobs, or to grind rep (I never did that), I can't see having fun in any guild, and I can't ever see running my own guild, and thus. . .the "then what?" means I am done. It was a blast, but now, after 6 months I can't bring myself back. . .even though part of me still wants to.

Anyway, I'm really out now. Make something of your day. Read LotR again or something. Treat yourself to a pizza. Watch Braveheart. Enjoy.


michael said...

You should check out the Burning Crusade intro trailer if you haven't already. It's pretty sweet.

VanSneak said...

Not that you guys would ever come back...but if you did we could start anew guildwise.(don't buy a 70 btw, you can lvl a 60 in a week, ask Mike V) Since 80% of the instances in BC are 5 or 10 mans and the other 20% are 25 mans a very small, tight-nit guild is doable. There are enough people on Arthas that we know in RL and can trust that we could feasibly create something everyone could be happy with...not that it'll ever happen but justin case.

Anyway, glad to see that you are running. So good for you.